This is a MAJOR upgrade to the current 6 part TNG Mod for OP. New Race selection, re-vamped audio
Main Races - Federation Klingon Romulan Borg Dominion Breen Cardassian ISC
Cartel Races - Ferengi Aliens Andromedan Lyran Hydran Gorn Mirak Tholian
There will be a Dynaverse II server consisting of Federation, Romulan, Klingon, Borg.
This is a Multi-Era Mod - it uses the parts of the stock shiplist and Firesoul's 3.3 list as Early and Mid eras.
The Andromedan models are from Anduril and Wicked Zombie, some specs from the SFBOP Mod and/or Merlin.
The NX-01 is here - 2 versions. Kirk's NCC-1701 is here - TOS and TMP versions.
There will be special early era ships based on SFB Modules, that is spearheaded by Merlin.
Early Era is Enterprise Era/TOS/SFB based
Mid Era is TMP based
Late/Advanced Eras is TNG and up.
Even the TNG races like the Borg, Dominion, Cardassian, Ferengi - get early and mid era ships.
We are upgrading the firing arcs and making bpvs even amongst the races, all 16 of them, lol. Yes BALANCE!
The Federation fighters in the six part version of the TNG Mod are a bit overpowered. Can you tell I'm a Federation fan?
Those Fed fighters are gone. In their place are Federation PFs - F-PFE, F-PFM, F-PFL - for each era.
The Klingons will get some as well.
Cardassian PFs, anyone?
I just posted this today in the Races of Honor forum..
all new..
CARDASSIAN TAUNTS (only 2 - but they are good)
Phaser G2s now have a Pulse Phaser sound!! The Defiants sound MEAN!!
Any other Phaser G2s will be changed to Gs to differentiate.
Neo's F-DEF4 has increased power and shields. The other Defiants have been upped as well. The F-DEF4 is the only Defiant wih a cloak.
I personally am increasing the BPVs on the Klingons and Romulans to match the Feds for Late and Advanced eras.
Picard: You heard the lady. Let's go to work! - Nemesis We already had some awesome Federation taunts and TNG voices/sounds in the mod. Even though this is Multi-Era, the audio is TNG Based - I'm figuring most people will play TNG with this mod, as they already do on Gamespy.
The word regarding this mod is being spread by a large number of fleets on GSA - Most nights now I notice that the OP room is more populated than the EAW room. Kinda cool.
Here's some screenshots!
SFCOP TNG+ ScreenshotsWe plan a single file download when completed, and also a Part 7 upgrade for people with the six parts already installed.
The audio will automatically install and be ready to go! No more winzip stuff..
From what see and hear, this mod is very popular amongst many fleets, and continues to grow.
Also, some big news! CENTAURI VAUGHN wants to script some more missions for the mod!!! I spoke with him last night on GSA. IS THAT COOL OR WHAT? I still hear people talk about the TNG Missions that are currently in the mod.
More as we progress.