Topic: Recharge mission: OP  (Read 3500 times)

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Recharge mission: OP
« on: June 04, 2004, 08:02:38 pm »
Hello all

I have been slugging it out in an OP campaign and have come across a scenario a few times that I cant figure out.  The mission instructions are to fly into the space dock and "recharge".  I've tried everything I can think of and no joy.  How do you get credit for this one?



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Re: Recharge mission: OP
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2004, 08:22:43 pm »
u cant lol, i have tried it many times as well, i have even put a couple of mines ata shield and ran into it to take control of it, the whole works, but it seems that it may be a bug in that mission script,

adam out


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Re: Recharge mission: OP
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2004, 08:38:38 pm »
Well rats.

I have another question if you dont mind.  I've been playing Klingon in my campaign and have pretty much done over the feds, hydrans, and gorns (left the kzin for the lyran, heh heh).  I'm about ready to take on my allies before they get me, but as allies the game wont set me up to attack them in their own hexes.  I end up, for instance, fighting feds in ISC space or whatever.  Is there anything I can do to piss off my allies enough to get them to fight?  Or do I just end up fighting old enemies and taking the hex like that?  Hope I was clear on my question.

Thanks again


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Re: Recharge mission: OP
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2004, 08:45:49 pm »
Yup, clear enough, i haven mastered that yet, maybe after taking enough of their space they'll meaning the allies will declare waron you , but I just go into the specs and change the allies and enemies numbers, that way I can have a war on my hands, but hopefully somebody else around here knows about it, I also have many times tried to provoke my allies, check this out, in the theres a section that talk about fighting and the races response to attacks

this are my numbers

// This is the numbered added every time a battle is fought
// Some races like the Federation are slower to anger

lets just say your the federation and your attacking the gorns space for fun, now the gorns are allies with feds, but if maybe you put in the gorns spot 500, every time you take a hex away from the gorn it might piss them off faster and may lead them to declare war on the feds, but im just guessing, sorwie, hope that helps

adam out


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Re: Recharge mission: OP
« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2004, 08:55:25 pm »
in that mission i also use mine and i beam troups inside but i still can't control it, its supose to be and enemy but i can't soot it or take control of it, its only good to take spare parts if you need them, also there a mission call i think negotiation, a klingon dreadnouth is closing on a planet and you must try to stop it and there another ship that is not sure if its part of the attack or not, unless you got a fast ship you can't get to it in time and unless you got a fleet of drone ship you can't stop it and tractor beam wont work to stop it.

but the best mission is the one whit the wreck, the cargo box containing spare parts is fun, if you got damage before and can't aford new parts its a good place and no enemy to worry about, you can let the engine repare themself if needed.

so since there a bug on the script, it should be fixable, and why is the patch 2552 din't fix that????


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Re: Recharge mission: OP
« Reply #5 on: June 04, 2004, 09:02:49 pm »
who knows, theres a ton of stuff still not fixed in sfc2op, (to taldren employess)" im not complaining" lol, but negotiations, yup i know that one, hail the ship, he says wait, u wait he gets to the planet, you fire up the engines and go after him, he still gets to the planet, either way, your not gonna win, try, giving your ship phaser types 4, increase your acceleration  to 200, and then you win lol, and back to the shipyard nonsense, just deleted from the federation and all the other race Campaigns, because that mission is frustrating, ruins the whole sfc experiences

adam out


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Re: Recharge mission: OP
« Reply #6 on: June 04, 2004, 09:03:23 pm »
Thanks again.

I was just looking at that file and had a thought.  Could you increase the tension on your own race and fight a civil war?  Hmmmm....

I'll try increasing some tensions with my allies and see what happens...




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Re: Recharge mission: OP
« Reply #7 on: June 04, 2004, 09:08:36 pm »
I never tried the civil war thing, but if it does work out let me know, gowron and the duras sisters can have some fun

adam out


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Re: Recharge mission: OP
« Reply #8 on: June 04, 2004, 10:51:00 pm »
Recharge mission.. you use your transporter and beam spare parts to your ship from the spacedock.. if you are unable to beam parts.. them T-bomb the dock and wait until your shield comes back up.. fly into the mine.. repeat this process until one of it's shields drop... once the shield drops.. beam over a spare part from the dock.. this will complete one mission parameter..

Once you finish the Dock.. turn on your deep scan and fly across the map.. if you find an enemy AI ship.. destroy it.. if not.. just cross the border on the opposite of the map than what the dock is on...

this should complete the mission fully.

Hope that this helps.


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Re: Recharge mission: OP
« Reply #9 on: June 04, 2004, 10:51:56 pm »
   I would go get OP Enhancement Pack from Pestalences site or go into the D2 forum and there is a sticky saying it that time agian and DL .There are better mission in there and more campaign to boot I would wait till V2.01 or 2.00 come out as it will have OP+3.3 in it but it is better and Pestalence did a great jop putting it all together.It was made for the whole community from community players and I really like it.It contian all the scripts from EAW to OP and missions.I would defintley get it.It is a big DL though 181.66 mb I would DL getwright first at and DL mirror 11. I hope this will make you enjoy your game better.
 I hope this helps and let us know please.  


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Re: Recharge mission: OP
« Reply #10 on: June 04, 2004, 11:13:08 pm »
Age.. when I get OP Ehancement pack v2.0 online... it will only be 144 MB for the big package, 129 MB for the medium package, and 105 MB for the small package..

I found a new way to compress the files in the installer that took 37 MB off the big package.. for Dial-up users, this will save about an hour and a half of download time.

I should have it online Wed night next week if not sooner.

hope that this helps..


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Re: Recharge mission: OP
« Reply #11 on: June 04, 2004, 11:33:05 pm »
This is the best help I ever got for this mission, thanks

adam out


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Recharge mission: OP
« Reply #12 on: June 04, 2004, 08:02:38 pm »
Hello all

I have been slugging it out in an OP campaign and have come across a scenario a few times that I cant figure out.  The mission instructions are to fly into the space dock and "recharge".  I've tried everything I can think of and no joy.  How do you get credit for this one?



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Re: Recharge mission: OP
« Reply #13 on: June 04, 2004, 08:22:43 pm »
u cant lol, i have tried it many times as well, i have even put a couple of mines ata shield and ran into it to take control of it, the whole works, but it seems that it may be a bug in that mission script,

adam out


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Re: Recharge mission: OP
« Reply #14 on: June 04, 2004, 08:38:38 pm »
Well rats.

I have another question if you dont mind.  I've been playing Klingon in my campaign and have pretty much done over the feds, hydrans, and gorns (left the kzin for the lyran, heh heh).  I'm about ready to take on my allies before they get me, but as allies the game wont set me up to attack them in their own hexes.  I end up, for instance, fighting feds in ISC space or whatever.  Is there anything I can do to piss off my allies enough to get them to fight?  Or do I just end up fighting old enemies and taking the hex like that?  Hope I was clear on my question.

Thanks again


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Re: Recharge mission: OP
« Reply #15 on: June 04, 2004, 08:45:49 pm »
Yup, clear enough, i haven mastered that yet, maybe after taking enough of their space they'll meaning the allies will declare waron you , but I just go into the specs and change the allies and enemies numbers, that way I can have a war on my hands, but hopefully somebody else around here knows about it, I also have many times tried to provoke my allies, check this out, in the theres a section that talk about fighting and the races response to attacks

this are my numbers

// This is the numbered added every time a battle is fought
// Some races like the Federation are slower to anger

lets just say your the federation and your attacking the gorns space for fun, now the gorns are allies with feds, but if maybe you put in the gorns spot 500, every time you take a hex away from the gorn it might piss them off faster and may lead them to declare war on the feds, but im just guessing, sorwie, hope that helps

adam out


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Re: Recharge mission: OP
« Reply #16 on: June 04, 2004, 08:55:25 pm »
in that mission i also use mine and i beam troups inside but i still can't control it, its supose to be and enemy but i can't soot it or take control of it, its only good to take spare parts if you need them, also there a mission call i think negotiation, a klingon dreadnouth is closing on a planet and you must try to stop it and there another ship that is not sure if its part of the attack or not, unless you got a fast ship you can't get to it in time and unless you got a fleet of drone ship you can't stop it and tractor beam wont work to stop it.

but the best mission is the one whit the wreck, the cargo box containing spare parts is fun, if you got damage before and can't aford new parts its a good place and no enemy to worry about, you can let the engine repare themself if needed.

so since there a bug on the script, it should be fixable, and why is the patch 2552 din't fix that????


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Re: Recharge mission: OP
« Reply #17 on: June 04, 2004, 09:02:49 pm »
who knows, theres a ton of stuff still not fixed in sfc2op, (to taldren employess)" im not complaining" lol, but negotiations, yup i know that one, hail the ship, he says wait, u wait he gets to the planet, you fire up the engines and go after him, he still gets to the planet, either way, your not gonna win, try, giving your ship phaser types 4, increase your acceleration  to 200, and then you win lol, and back to the shipyard nonsense, just deleted from the federation and all the other race Campaigns, because that mission is frustrating, ruins the whole sfc experiences

adam out


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Re: Recharge mission: OP
« Reply #18 on: June 04, 2004, 09:03:23 pm »
Thanks again.

I was just looking at that file and had a thought.  Could you increase the tension on your own race and fight a civil war?  Hmmmm....

I'll try increasing some tensions with my allies and see what happens...




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Re: Recharge mission: OP
« Reply #19 on: June 04, 2004, 09:08:36 pm »
I never tried the civil war thing, but if it does work out let me know, gowron and the duras sisters can have some fun

adam out