Topic: Dedication Plaques...Taking requests or if you have photoshop do them yourselves  (Read 3853 times)

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Thats right, i now have a Template uploaded on BCU were you can do your own Dedication Plaques. Or if you dont happen to have Photoshop, i can do them for you.

Here is the thread where you can download the ZIP

and Just a few demo images.


  • Guest
Very cool sir can you do one for the SOA_ TITAN ?  


  • Guest
I need a name, a number, and the era.
By era i mean what do you want the com-badge to look bear in mind, i can do a crap-load.

also i need to know what motto you guys want.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Fury_of_a_Seraph »


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Here is what i can do for Insignias

You can have any combination of these. Silver will always go on top of Gold, and they go ontop of each other from left to right (meaning the Star is on top of The Generations Delta, if they are both in the insignia)

here is a list of what insignia's are called, going from left to right

- Lone Star (i recommend using this in conjuction with Outline)
- Outline
- Star Cutout
- Flyer (found it on the web, thought it would be good for Fighter Corps)
- 29th Century
- Generations
- Half w/ star
- Half without star
- Standard

- 29th Filled
- 29 Outline
- Hex Filled
- Hex Outline
- Hex Special 1
- Hex Special 2
- Circle Filled
- Circle Outline
- Ex Astris Scientia
- Tango Filled
- Tango Outline
- Tango Special
- Oval Filled
- Oval Outline
- Wings 1
- Wings 2
- Slates
- Bars
- Voyager Backing


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How come we need BCU membership? I still have an account there but am just wonderin' why it's necessary.

So could you make one for me? I don't have Photoshop and even if I did I'm hopeless with vector art, most I can do is make starfleet regs in Corel


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Because its uploaded at BCU forums and nightsoft is being a pain, so i cannot upload it there.

Sure, i can make one for you, All i need is what kind of information you want on it. Toss me an Email or post it here, the Name, Reg, class, location, all that jazz...and of course, who you want listed under each section.


  • Guest
K, that's cool, the ship is as follows:

U.S.S. Sicilia NCC-1713-A (second ship to bear the name - first was renamed from USS Monitor), Lexington class, constructed at Hellas Planitia Shipyards, Mars. Would've been commissioned in early 2296, I have no idea how to convert that to stardates. I d/led a converter thingy but it don't work

The ship's motto is the following:

"I palori nimici fannu ridiri chiddi di l'amici fanni chianciri."

(Which translates as "The words of enemies make you laugh, but those of friends can make you cry." Or in plain english it means ignore the boasts of your enemies but heed the advice of friends.)

The symbol, hmm, the star with the outline, and them on top of the TMP gold.

J. Carney

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Could you e-mail me a copy of the file, if it ain't too much trouble?


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Maurath, do you want any specific names in the slots?


  • Guest

Could you e-mail me a copy of the file, if it ain't too much trouble?  



  • Guest
When I try to open the psp file, it says error 565, wats that mean???, i have psp7.0

adam out


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Maurath, do you want any specific names in the slots?

Erm, I can't really think of a whole list and I wouldn't want to name just a few so those you have should be fine, but don't they usually have ranks on the ones in the show (like the Voyager, Enterprise, Excelsior etc.), like the guys in SF Command are all Admirals of various ranks.


  • Guest
well, Adam, thats because its a PSD not a PSP file....its for Photoshop, not Paint Shop Pro.


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  • Guest
well, i now completely understand, thx

adam out


  • Guest
lol, sry i dont have PSP mate.


  • Guest
its ok, I took a look at the site for Photoshop, and so the price damn that sheet is expensive lol

adam out


  • Guest

That's way cool except two tiny gripes, could you change the gold backing to the TMP one like I said in my previous post?  It's the rectangular one with the horizontal lines. Also Planitia is the correct spelling, so it should be 'Hellas Planitia', I checked some sites, it's a crater on Mars at the moment but apparently is another shipyard in Trek. Other than that it looks fantastic

BTW how did you figure out the stardate? Just out of interest.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Marauth »


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Sorry about that, my mind saw TNG when i read that.
spelling of Planitia is corrected...again another mindfart on my part

As far as the Stardate...according to this site ( Stardates start at 2264 and also according to that site a solar year is 500 in i take the year, subtract 2264, then multiply by 500...then i add a few misc numbers that would equate to the beginning of the year.


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Molto bene... *does sign of cross over Fury*

Now I just need to find a reason to use this somewhere... Hmm. Thanx v. much dude.

Captain Ron

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You do know you can convert it. PSP will open older versions of the file like 5.0 and down, Photoshop I believe will convert it to PSP if you tell it to.

So where is the Excelsior Fleet?


  • Guest

I need a name, a number, and the era.
By era i mean what do you want the com-badge to look bear in mind, i can do a crap-load.

also i need to know what motto you guys want.

TITAN CLASS      USS TITAN     NCC 76452      Launched 2377 TNG_ERA   As for the motto.....I leave it up to the SOA guys. I just posted the original poll thread about the Titan,did research about the Federation Dominion War loses etc,and  helped with specs and did the canon history for TITAN.  It was Ol'Buzzard that put the pen to paper and then Azel did what only Azel can do.And Sandman has taken on the TITAN so that we all can enjoy her.But I think it would be cool to have everyone who was involved with TITAN listed on the plaque.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2004, 12:20:18 am by ModelsPlease »


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If you can get it done by 8PM EST on Tuesday, USS Cote NCC-206  motto "At last Im free of the tappers" by "Commander Cote" the era would be the combadge used in the TMP's 2-6.  Commissioned 2245 from Utopia Plantia(spelling?) Fleet Yards, Mars.    
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by CFA_Admiral_Tige »


  • Guest
Hi could you create a USS Dauntless NX-01-A Plaque ill have to find the launch date as it was said on show, its from voyager


  • Guest is there anychance you could make a larger size version like this ?


  • Guest
How do I customize the delta and backing?  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by SSCF_LeRoy »


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could you please do a dedication plaque for my ship  

"Fearless" (no U.S.S)
Starfleet Registry NX-05

Fearless Class Carrier
Built Earths New England Constuction Yards Sol System
Launched May 20th, 2275 i dont know the Stardate
StarFleet Command
Insignia: the little silver "lone Star" and Gold "Wings 1"

Fleet Command
Admiral Jeff Wallace
Armiral Ernest Forester
Fleet Admiral Marc O'Brien

Fleet Ops
Commadore Nichol Newberry
Captian Beth Kelly
Commander Cameron Winter
Commander Edward Weldon
Lieutenant Commander Alan Bowers

Reasearch and Development
Admiral Jeff Wallace
Fleet Adrimal Marc O'Brien
Lieutenant Commander Paul Hadly
Lieutenant Helen Hobbit
Lieutenant Kevin Madden

Yard Engineers
Admiral Jeff Wallace
Fleet Admiral Marc O'Brien
Captin Charles Tucker 3rd
Commander Edward Weldon
Lieutenant Kevin Madden

Chief of Staff
Gene Roddenberry

(make the rest up using Famous Sea Captians of British navy if possible to fill in the gaps)

The ships Motto will be.... Forever Fealess In the Face Of Danger.

thank you so much in advance


  • Guest
I can't manipulate the delta layer set and backing layer set 'cuz I use Photoshop Elements. I'm presumin' that all of the different deltas and backings are locked up in those layer sets so could somebody seperate 'em out into different layers fer me please?  

BTW, thanks fer this dowload, Seraph.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by SSCF_LeRoy »


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Not to be a pain, but anyone thought of plaques for Azel and 111walllace111's Enterprises G and H?


  • Guest
I'd like one please  

Half w/ star
Wings 1

USS Alexandria
Alexandria Class
Starfleet Registry- NCC-81985
Launched Stardate: whatever the Stardate is for year 2385
Sovereign Fleet Yards ? Briar Patch
Section 31 - United Federation of Planets

Quote: "Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum" - Flavius Vegetius Renatus

Translation: "If you want peace, prepare for war!"

I'm afraid i'm not part of that site, but if its possible, could you send it to my e-mail?

This is gonna be sweet