K, that's cool, the ship is as follows:
U.S.S. Sicilia NCC-1713-A (second ship to bear the name - first was renamed from USS Monitor), Lexington class, constructed at Hellas Planitia Shipyards, Mars. Would've been commissioned in early 2296, I have no idea how to convert that to stardates. I d/led a converter thingy but it don't work
The ship's motto is the following:
"I palori nimici fannu ridiri chiddi di l'amici fanni chianciri."
(Which translates as "The words of enemies make you laugh, but those of friends can make you cry." Or in plain english it means ignore the boasts of your enemies but heed the advice of friends.)
The symbol, hmm, the star with the outline, and them on top of the TMP gold.