Topic: EAW is Kaput!  (Read 7756 times)

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Re: Jinn is worried? Uh-oh
« Reply #20 on: March 01, 2003, 07:59:03 pm »
Well, DH whoever you are.... you've got all those SOS girls to play with now as well.... seems to me, like you'll be in heaven...

Vandemar Croup

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Re: Jinn is worried? Uh-oh
« Reply #21 on: March 01, 2003, 08:24:05 pm »

Yeah, Croup. It can't possibly be anybody that WE know, could it?....

Ok, so now I'm sort of nervous-er. This is apparently someone I should know.  Hmmmm.  

Vandemar Croup

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Crewel Ladies
« Reply #22 on: March 01, 2003, 08:32:45 pm »
Onboard the RSE vessel Riverboat Casino.....

"This makes three this week! That's simply uncalled for!" shouted Jinn as he stormed through the passageway. "Get me an away team now and let's see what's going on here." They had just come upon the hulk of a Romulan Battlehawk, the Morituri Nolumus Mori, dead in space and drifting. There had been no response from multiple hails, so he was assuming the worst, but hoping there might be survivors that could tell what had happened. The ship's doctor, Ensign Cleopatra, and the requisite red-shirted security person were summoned and reported to the transporter room.

Minutes later, they are aboard the derelict, headed for the bridge. The sight that greets them is the same as the other two that had been discovered, one of which had been the old Riverboat Casino. As the ship's doctor scanned the dead bridge crew,he looked up and said, D***** Jinn! I'm  a doctor not a seamstress!" Ensign Cleopatra was studying closely one of the victims. Jinn was trying very hard to keep his last meal down. The red-shirt had already given up trying. "Captain", called Cleo, "this is some very interesting needlework, sir! Just look at the way they were able to run the yarn right through this fellow's ..." she didn't get to finish as Jinn hollered "OK! Alright, just for the record I believe you were about to give me WAY more information than I really wanted to hear. So please bear in mind for future reference, that I do not, repeat do not, want to hear about it! Is that understood?" "Well, yes sir, I was merely commenting on the way they..." "AAHAHAHHAHAHAAH. "Said Jinn quickly. Drawing his finger across his throat in an urgent manner. "Uh, yes sir." Cleo went back to investigating the victims. Without comment. The ship's doctor turned and said "they're dead Jinn." Jinn looked at the doctor, to the crew, then back at the doctor. "And you needed your scanner to detect that, is that correct? The knitting needles coming out of the various orifices didn't offer you any clue that they might be, uh, dead? " "Actually" interrupted Ensign Cleo, "those are not knitting needles. They're crochet hooks. Related, but not the same, uh, never mind..." she trailed off under the glare that Jinn was levelling at her. "Ok, check the ship's computer log, see if there are any indications as to who might have done this. "

Several minutes later, and the logs had revealed the perpetrator of this awful crime. Jinn, stroked his ample chins as he watched the video. "And she actually had the audacity to look right at the camera feed and..." turning to Cleo he asked, "what does that mean, what she just did with her finger?" "Uh, I, believe that's some form of Federation salute?" she answered while looking straight ahead, straight-faced as possible. "Sir, look how fast they are able to do that, and how they bent that one crochet hook so it would go through...uh, never mind." she said as she realized Jinn was giving her 'that' look again. "I want all the information we have on her, and I want it yesterday!" he shouted at Cleo. Cleo's lips moved a bit, her mouth clamped shut, then she stated, "sir, I believe that is physically impossible, is it not?" Jinn looked at her again and said slowly, "just get me the information as soon as you can. Please and thank you..." When she had beamed back to the Riverboat Casino, he turned to the red-shirt (who didn't and isn't about to die, so there!)and said to him. "and you, keep an eye on that ensign. If she shows ANY, and I mean ANY interest in needlepoint work of ANY sort.....

(to be continued, once I find out what Mr Jinn does. Or, as the case may be, doesn't do.... )



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Re: EAW is Kaput!
« Reply #23 on: March 02, 2003, 07:34:21 am »


There are now five women playing on it regularly.   Cat fights.  Wonton jiggling.   PG rated ship names.  Innuindos a plenty.  Hormone laden men with their toungues hanging out.   And don't even get me started on the whole Tantalus issue.

This is a war game not a frat house!!    It's for men!    Real men!   I am disgusted.

But in the interest of fairness.  I guess I'll see how it goes.  So I extend the hand of friendship to:

KRolling   (who has been good ever since the Tantalus Affair <shudder>)
TraceyG  (PLEASE cover your self up!)
Cleopatra  (STOP IT!!!   Need I say more?)
Natasha  (You were quiet.   Thankfully)
Kroma BaSyl   (I don't even know where to start) <------ snicker

Yes, I know there are six.  Yes I know I left one out.  But she scares me.

Women.  Humph.  

Seriously:  I think it's cool.   Well except for Kroma.  That is just plain disturbing.

BTW:Ladies.   G'Warlock told me to tell you that he would like his beer brought to him with the top OPEN from now on.    So you know where to find him, he's on the 7.35 server flying Gorn as GDAgorn.    He tends to fly PFs boats.   Please make sure you deliver the "beer"  Lots of times.  

I'll have you know that Tanty thing was NOT my fault!! LOL!!

Besides, I'm always good!!


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Re: EAW is Kaput!
« Reply #24 on: March 02, 2003, 07:43:10 am »



There are now five women playing on it regularly.   Cat fights.  Wonton jiggling.   PG rated ship names.  Innuindos a plenty.  Hormone laden men with their toungues hanging out.   And don't even get me started on the whole Tantalus issue.

This is a war game not a frat house!!    It's for men!    Real men!   I am disgusted.

But in the interest of fairness.  I guess I'll see how it goes.  So I extend the hand of friendship to:

KRolling   (who has been good ever since the Tantalus Affair <shudder>)
TraceyG  (PLEASE cover your self up!)
Cleopatra  (STOP IT!!!   Need I say more?)
Natasha  (You were quiet.   Thankfully)
Kroma BaSyl   (I don't even know where to start) <------ snicker

Yes, I know there are six.  Yes I know I left one out.  But she scares me.

Women.  Humph.  

Seriously:  I think it's cool.   Well except for Kroma.  That is just plain disturbing.

BTW:Ladies.   G'Warlock told me to tell you that he would like his beer brought to him with the top OPEN from now on.    So you know where to find him, he's on the 7.35 server flying Gorn as GDAgorn.    He tends to fly PFs boats.   Please make sure you deliver the "beer"  Lots of times.  

I'll have you know that Tanty thing was NOT my fault!! LOL!!

Besides, I'm always good!!  

    I was present for the "Tanty thing" you were both equally at fault. Stick to your guns Jinn I got your back.

<makes note to self do not visit Riverboat Casino anytime soon, get unlisted number, get ship repainted in different color scheme>



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Re: Investigation....
« Reply #25 on: March 02, 2003, 11:11:29 pm »

 heaven help you, J'inn,  if we, the women of SFC2 ever all fly the same race in a campaign... (I see a pattern forming here...)  

Fly Hydran!  We would double our numbers overnight!  


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Re: Investigation....
« Reply #26 on: March 03, 2003, 12:44:45 am »



 heaven help you, J'inn,  if we, the women of SFC2 ever all fly the same race in a campaign... (I see a pattern forming here...)  

Fly Hydran!  We would double our numbers overnight!  

Day of the Eagle only comes in three flavors




I have flown Federation on a server already.   Fun but I want to do something new.

Gorn would require NOT being able to shoot at G'Warlock, S'CIpio, Kroma, Iadokairjfurrhjfgi, etc.  So that's out.

Thus I'm left with Rom.   Lord help me.  

Me and Jinn on the same side.... hmmmm...  


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Re: Investigation....
« Reply #27 on: March 03, 2003, 01:05:35 am »

Day of the Eagle only comes in three flavors




I have flown Federation on a server already.   Fun but I want to do something new.

Gorn would require NOT being able to shoot at G'Warlock, S'CIpio, Kroma, Iadokairjfurrhjfgi, etc.  So that's out.

Thus I'm left with Rom.   Lord help me.  

Hmmmm ... Gorn and not be able to shoot at S'Cipio, or Rom and not be able to shoot at J'inn..... choices are always so difficult



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Re: Investigation....
« Reply #28 on: March 03, 2003, 03:09:50 am »
T bombs are a lovely thing, oh Evil One.


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Re: Investigation....
« Reply #29 on: March 03, 2003, 08:05:56 pm »



 heaven help you, J'inn,  if we, the women of SFC2 ever all fly the same race in a campaign... (I see a pattern forming here...)  

Fly Hydran!  We would double our numbers overnight!  

Day of the Eagle only comes in three flavors




I have flown Federation on a server already.   Fun but I want to do something new.

Gorn would require NOT being able to shoot at G'Warlock, S'CIpio, Kroma, Iadokairjfurrhjfgi, etc.  So that's out.

Thus I'm left with Rom.   Lord help me.  

I was refering to future servers, where every race will be (under/over)represented...