Topic: A dead bird resurrected....  (Read 4850 times)

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Re: A dead bird resurrected....
« Reply #20 on: June 05, 2004, 01:36:23 pm »
Now that I've tracked down more reference pics, it does indeed have a 'tower' where my impulse engines were placed, and a few other details I hadn't caught. Nothing major, just means this birdy will be a bit later in leaving her nest. Of course, the whole point of this thread was to make sure I was getting it accurate. Incidentally, I don't suppose the movies from New Worlds are downloadable anywhere?

Even though it is technically a TMP ship, I think she's too advanced (and green) looking for the era and seems more like a direct predecessor to the D'deridex, and seems like the perfect candidate for the ships that blasted the Enterprise C to bits. Because of this, I had thought about making the green version and a TMP gray/feathered version to fall in line with the other TMP Romulan designs.

Funnily enough, the engines were one of the easiest parts of the whole ship, which is ironic considering I have a bad track record with making warp nacelles that often results in a dozen failed attempts and a half dozen remakes.


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Re: A dead bird resurrected....
« Reply #21 on: June 05, 2004, 02:25:59 pm »
W,Z not wanting to interupt your ideas but judging by what was said in the first Romulan episode of TNG and i quote from data "no starfleet vessal has seen a romulan ship in almost 80 years and we have no idea what their technolagy or ships would be like"
so working from that and how the romulans were green in the minefeild episode of enterprise, i think the Melak would be green since it would have been the biggest and greatest ship in the star empire which was designed for testing new weapons and engines ect ect that it should be green but not as green as the D'Deridex so keep with the same shade as the screen caps of New worlds.

also as for the greyer versions of the textures which is your choice as head designer of this version is a semi good idea there has been a fore runner to both the Melak and the D'Deridex which was the greyer colour but that 2 had a fair bit of green in i think it was called the "Phoenix" and that does look like the melak in a few ways for one there is no lower connecting bridge joining the "head" to the underside of the ship and it has the same style nacels.

but like i said its your choice i thought i might add my 2 pence and if you would like i can write up a history of the melak as ive been ship braniac for a while

keep up the good work


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Re: A dead bird resurrected....
« Reply #22 on: June 05, 2004, 03:18:29 pm »
Actually the TOS Romulans are as grey as an old Edwardian film. It's only that pile of tripe Enterprise that has ruined things for us, the Romulans changed to green hulls sometime between Balance of Terror and The Nuetral Zone, so yeah, it could be green OR grey whichever the author prefers, in any case it's fairly easy to recolour it from grey to green or green to grey in paint shop pro or photoshop or any other half-decent paint package.


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Re: A dead bird resurrected....
« Reply #23 on: June 05, 2004, 03:33:18 pm »

Actually the TOS Romulans are as grey as an old Edwardian film. It's only that pile of tripe Enterprise that has ruined things for us  

explain klingon heads? but anyway due to the budget of the time on the show they could only show 1 or 2 ships from each race 1 been the starship the other been the shuttle
we never saw any other class of romulan ship in TOS so it might be that only the old Bird of Prey was the only romulan ship that was grey and all the others might have been green thats the love of sci-fi its make believe
besides the BOP was designed to strike fear in the hearts of their enemies so the grey was used to make the orrange stand out more and also they couldnt afford any other colour but grey for the tv show as the budget was very low


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Re: A dead bird resurrected....
« Reply #24 on: June 05, 2004, 03:40:40 pm »
Yes, but I don't consider much of Enterprise to be canon - Starfleet didn't know about Romulan cloaking technology until "Balance of Terror", but Enterprise screwed that up along with about everything else pre-established by other series. The TOS Bird of Prey was gray, as are most other TMP Romulan designs. The same applies to other races where they changed their color schemes in the TNG era.

I think that statement by Data was actually 53 years, not 80 years. It's obvious the Romulans and the Federation were at odds before that if you consider the "Tomed Incident" and "Treaty of Algeron", which implies some conflicts between the two before the Romulans went into hiding.

None of this realy matters anyway as I'm making the green one as planned and the gray one would be my own take - if people don't like it, they can use the green one and shoot the other one out the nearest airlock for all I care. The whole point of 2 color schemes is to appease both sides of the argument (and my ego).

Besides, gray looks better .  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by WickedZombie45 »


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Re: A dead bird resurrected....
« Reply #25 on: June 05, 2004, 03:59:27 pm »
hell i will be happy with both colour schemes and sorry for the wrong amount of years my bad but yeah since it is your baby go for what ever you want dude

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: A dead bird resurrected....
« Reply #26 on: June 05, 2004, 04:27:31 pm »
Purple with polka dots, green with hot, day glow pink stripes, I don't care about the color as much. I don't recall any TMP Movie where Romulans were grey or green BUT that doesn't matter to me as much as the spectacular accuracy of the details on this Melak.

The BIG question for me is how big is this going to be?

I was also thinking if the Romulans actually did withdraw for 53 years just how much actual technical knowledge would the Klingons and the Federation have on the Melak anyway? IF you assume that ST: New Worlds played out as an actual Trek event and a group of Klingons and  Feds had no instruments or other recording devices available to assess the technical specs on the Melak anyway. They escaped on an alien starship that exploded... True the Klingons knew the Roms were testing the Shiva Device (via spies) but the K'tinga sent to intercept the Melak was lost as was the later Fed Connie sent to investigate...

 I got the distinct impression that the Melak presented itself as probably the most advanced starship for its day. Too bad the Romulans didn't have the resources initially in TMP times to make a fleet of these ships.  Kt'Hyla has a wonderful treatise on his website about the Romulans technological shift from using Klingon style warp drives (very resource intensive to dilithium poor Romulans) to going to the Quantum Singularity drives. In the absence of Interplay's write up on the "Melak" class, I do not think it is unreasonable to assume that the RIS Melak was equipped with an early quantum singularity drive a la the later D'deridex. I *think* it would have been available as a testbed for the Q-drives the Romulans were working on. Still it is a Paramount approved design and we all know how the Trek writers at paramount love to ignore technical and historic continuity anyway...

It is MY assumption that the RIS Melak was a proto-type anyway and that by EXTRAPOLATION that by the time the Ambassador class was fielded Melak warbird was already in full production. Hence, the number of warbirds that were readily available to attack Enterprise C...

Having said that, I will be happy to get my hands on WZ45's Melak regardless of the Color...

THANK YOU for the update WZ45.

« Last Edit: June 05, 2004, 06:52:26 pm by Klingon Fanatic »


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Re: A dead bird resurrected....
« Reply #27 on: June 05, 2004, 06:17:48 pm »
KF; can you post a link to K'tyhla's website so I can read this info, please?

Excellent to read that you are doing a Melak, WZ

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: A dead bird resurrected....
« Reply #28 on: June 05, 2004, 06:46:57 pm »

KF; can you post a link to K'tyhla's website so I can read this info, please?

Click on the Stormbird or the D' Vas there to see the section on History of the Romulan fleet/ retooling  the Romulan fleet. The D'vas entry about the new fleet SHOULD be added to it.

« Last Edit: June 05, 2004, 06:50:55 pm by Klingon Fanatic »


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Re: A dead bird resurrected....
« Reply #29 on: June 05, 2004, 06:52:42 pm »


KF; can you post a link to K'tyhla's website so I can read this info, please?

Click on the Stormbird or the D' Vas there to see the section on History of the Romulan fleet/ retooling  the Romulan fleet. The D'vas entry about the new fleet SHOULD be added to it.




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Re: A dead bird resurrected....
« Reply #30 on: June 05, 2004, 09:21:30 pm »
A direct link to the history I came up with can be found here...

KF dropped me a note about what was up, and the timing's actually pretty cool: Last winter I got involved in a project with a couple of other Klingon Academy moders and wound up building the Warbird I refered to in that history. Since she has to be released in parallel with the other moders' works she likely won't be relesed until August... of which is driving me up the wall since she's been ready to ship for months!

Good job on the Melak, Zombie, and defintiely keep at it! The D'Hatham (Great Preadator) is a substantially different ship from the Melak, leaning more toward TMP lines as opposed to the Melak's TNG looks, so the work's definitely not being duplicated. Since I'm in an NDE with the other modders I can't post pics or give a good description, but (hopefully) before the end of the month we'll be releasing a couple of new Rommies (CA, DD and a few support craft) of which will come with quick preview of what the D'Hatham will look like. I'll be able to post the "preview" by then.

One thing I can say is that I've opted for both colours: the original prototype will be a light grey (launched 2292), and the later production model (2305?) will be the same green-grey palette that I used on my K'T'Inga. Otherwise, both have a gold feather pattern painted on...

The second part of the history that I've writen describes the development of the new ships as the "Warbird Project": basicly, a scientific/engineering project to create a new classification of ship. Both the D'Hatham and Melak could have been developed in parallel, with the lines of the Melak bearing a larger influence on the later D'Deridex class.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by KtHyla »


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Re: A dead bird resurrected....
« Reply #31 on: June 05, 2004, 10:47:04 pm »
Nice of you to drop by Kt'Hyla - KA modders are a rarity around here. I can sympathize with the release delays and the itch to get the ship online. I've had to wait around with my feet propped on the desk a few times myself, though that's mainly been due to site issues.


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Re: A dead bird resurrected....
« Reply #32 on: June 06, 2004, 03:41:24 am »
In the homestretch:


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Re: A dead bird resurrected....
« Reply #33 on: June 06, 2004, 04:24:58 am »
Well went to your site love the textures of the Romulan D7 and the Klink D7 But only problem is they are lightwave files can lightwave export to obj that way I would be able to convert them to Mod format unless you dont want them converted.

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: A dead bird resurrected....
« Reply #34 on: June 06, 2004, 07:03:38 am »

Well went to your site love the textures of the Romulan D7 and the Klink D7 But only problem is they are lightwave files can lightwave export to obj that way I would be able to convert them to Mod format unless you dont want them converted.  

If you e-mail Kt'Hyla with ship conversion request in the subject line, I'm sure he would help you.

Damn nice update WZ45! Thanks for the update.

Page2? I don't think so....




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Re: A dead bird resurrected....
« Reply #35 on: June 06, 2004, 10:37:15 am »
Thanks guys! Lightwave does indeed have a .3DS plugin, but I've only been able to get the meshes across, can't figure out how Max's texturing interface works. I'm also unfamiliar with SFC's model setup, so I'd have to leave that in your hands...  

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: A dead bird resurrected....
« Reply #36 on: June 07, 2004, 06:51:57 pm »
One of the most SIGNIFICANT and MOST DESIRED adversary ships is under construction and its on page 3!??

I don't think so, LOL.



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Re: A dead bird resurrected....
« Reply #37 on: June 08, 2004, 12:14:59 am »
very hospitable of you WZ! Looks fantastic!  


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Re: A dead bird resurrected....
« Reply #38 on: June 08, 2004, 12:41:47 am »
Yes my Undead friend you are right. BTW let's assume that New Worlds were just before decomissioning Enterprise A. This would mean that this birdy was a prototype of Melak class - first in her class - her first appearance in the ST: History Lol you have a talent and hospitality . I like your Cardassian and Tholian preety much. This will be my third these year favourite design.   BTW If I want to darken your Cardie textures abit to match all Cardies in my fleet will You agree to it and give me your undead disguise or will You rather bless me not to do so??    
« Last Edit: June 08, 2004, 02:42:43 am by jimkirk »


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Re: A dead bird resurrected....
« Reply #39 on: June 08, 2004, 01:02:05 am »
W odpowiedzi na:

W,Z not wanting to interupt your ideas but judging by what was said in the first Romulan episode of TNG and i quote from data "no starfleet vessal has seen a romulan ship in almost 80 years and we have no idea what their technolagy or ships would be like"
so working from that and how the romulans were green in the minefeild episode of enterprise, i think the Melak would be green since it would have been the biggest and greatest ship in the star empire which was designed for testing new weapons and engines ect ect that it should be green but not as green as the D'Deridex so keep with the same shade as the screen caps of New worlds.

also as for the greyer versions of the textures which is your choice as head designer of this version is a semi good idea there has been a fore runner to both the Melak and the D'Deridex which was the greyer colour but that 2 had a fair bit of green in i think it was called the "Phoenix" and that does look like the melak in a few ways for one there is no lower connecting bridge joining the "head" to the underside of the ship and it has the same style nacels.

but like i said its your choice i thought i might add my 2 pence and if you would like i can write up a history of the melak as ive been ship braniac for a while

keep up the good work  

BTW Enterprise tries to blow up entire history. That is why I am treating this series as somethng different than Trek because I don't want to get dissapointed. Reconsidering the colour aspect I have a thought to share with you all. Tell me why Romulans started to paint their ships into green?? The answer is cloacking device.  

 Reference on TOS/TMP/TNG cloaking devices :  

  Mk 1 Cloak: Original usage, early Warbirds only. Used electromagnetic radiation shielding quite effectively to cloak only visible and near-visible radiation. Can instantaneously cloak and decloak, but required large amounts of power.

Mk 2 Cloak: A major improvement on the Mk 1, this device cloaked all electromagnetic radiation, except high energy Gamma rays. Can instantaneously cloak and decloak, but was remarkably inefficient. Craft: Romulan Scouts and Warbirds, also Klingon D-7 Cruisers, and later the joint Romulan/Klingon scout and Bird Of Prey.

 Mk 3.0 Cloak: The first gravity distorting cloak.  The early prototype craft had problems with energetic effects occurring inside the cloak as a result of trapped spurious thermal emissions within the cloaking field. This was overcome by giving the craft a green coloration. This tuned the thermal energy to a frequency where it could leak very slowly through the cloak without revealing the ships presence, still common practice on most cloaked vessels.  This early Mk 3 had only the spherical field setting and could not be effectively wavemapped. It could not instantly cloak and decloak, but saw much use on most Romulan craft and the Bird Of Prey.

Mk 3.1 Cloak: This improved device featured instantaneous propagation of the spherical cloak, and first saw use of the wavemapped cloak. It is reported to have been used as above and as an upgraded cloak for D-7 Cruisers. A green coloration was still necessary.

Mk 3.2 Cloak: This version saw the creation of the fine tuned cloak, using the special dedicated computers. This device was perhaps first created by the Klingons, but required large power reserves. The Romulans later reworked the idea into a more efficient form (officially designated the Mark 3.2a). The old cloak is still in active service on older Klingon craft.

Mk 3.2a Cloak: Romulan reworking of the 3.2. No special coloration of the craft is necessary, although the nullifier cores require less energy when the ship has a green color. The cloak is still extensively used by Romulans and Klingons alike.

Mk 3.3 Cloak:  This latest version allowed powering down of all non-finely tuned cloaks instantly. It is only fitted, as far as is known, to Romulan Warbirds. Klingons claim to still use the 3.2a.

Experimental Mk 4 Cloak:  There is an experimental cloaking device which utilizes a highly-wavemapped, adaptive, asymmetrical dispersion pattern. This cloaking device's cloaking generator coils are equipped with field actuators that change the dispersion pattern, to be most efficient in any interstellar condition, considering many variables, such as gas density, electric and magnetic fields, and fluctuations in the subspace domain. These field actuators compensate for any of these variables or active scans if the vicinity of the cloaked ship is being probed. There is no danger of a spatial ripple occurring. This would render a ship undetectable, except with a tachyon heterodyne detection grids, which, if powerful enough, could detect a ship that was cloaked in this manner.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2004, 02:36:19 am by jimkirk »