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Topic: I want to make the Pulse Phasers fire five pulses instead of three in SFC3  (Read 2316 times)

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  • Guest
How can I do this or can I do this? Thanks.  


  • Guest
Sorry, this is not possible, 3 pulses is hardcoded into the game engine and is not moddable...

you can increase the damage that they do in the weapons.gf file in CommonSettings, but you can not make the Pulse Disruptors fire 5 pulses.


  • Guest
Pestalence - there is always possibility. You can make the pulse smaller in the texture in the area designated for graphic on the texture. Then you can copy the pulse using Photoshop or Paint shop Pro to double the pulse. It will give you six pulses  


  • Guest
What you say is true.. however it will only effect asthetics.. the look... it will not effect damage as the game si hardcoded for 3 pulses only and as such will apply damage for 3 pulses only.. the texture file can be edited to give the look of 6 shots, but the damage will remain the same as 3 shots... which is what I assume the first post as asking.. can SFC 3 be changed to give 5 pulses instead of 3.. i am assuming for damage effects.. the answer is no.. it is hardcoded.


  • Guest
Not exactly.

Step 1:  Change the textures to make it fire 6 shots instead of 3.

Step 2: Change the weapons power to make the pulse phaser do twice the damage.

Ta-da, 6 shots with the damage of 6 shots, for the price of 3!

