Topic: My 1st TNG Lyran wip  (Read 1035 times)

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My 1st TNG Lyran wip
« on: June 01, 2004, 08:34:47 pm »
What do you think?  Perhaps I need more space between those  things on each side. A bit too cluttered yet. This is intended to be a CL class.  If no magor rants. I will use this basic theme for the rest of the fleet.

NOTE-it is not testured. As per usual I just throw some old map on. Though the color scheme is what I will use.

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Re: My 1st TNG Lyran wip
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2004, 08:48:40 pm »
off hand I'd say if this is your first Lyran WIP ...  you are off to a good start.  As for tech review, unfortunately I know very little about Lyran.  Getting the texturing done right will also be a big help as well.

keep up the efforts.


Klingon Fanatic

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Re: My 1st TNG Lyran wip
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2004, 10:31:37 pm »

off hand I'd say if this is your first Lyran WIP ...  you are off to a good start.  As for tech review, unfortunately I know very little about Lyran.  Getting the texturing done right will also be a big help as well.

keep up the efforts.


I agree with Old Buzzard 100%.

Only, I wouldn't worry about the textures too much beyond what you are comfortable with and want on your ship. If one of the texture artists here feel the urge to retexture it, we'll be offering it up for your approval later.




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Re: My 1st TNG Lyran wip
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2004, 05:41:16 am »
Not too sure about the Lyrans yet. I did some more mesh work, last 2 pics show the latest. This is based on the stock LDD.
One thing is for sure. The LCA will remain almost unchanged, just updating the textures. That is a classic Lyran design. Two thumbs up for Taldren on the stock CA.

Regarding my ship. It looks good from the top view. Some other views don't look quite right.  Either needs more or less, can't place what its lacking atm.

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EDIT-added 3 more pics again. Check out pics titles lry8,9 and 10.  Does this pass for TNG Lyran? I opened up space by the bridge. Made the struts wider and swept them down. The struts need tons of polish work by hand   .  Rotated the nacels down and scaled the bridge wider. All that stuff helped it I think. btw, this will be the CA I think, as the stock CA gets demoted to a CL in TNG, similar to the Katinga for the KLinks due to age.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2004, 10:41:39 am by red_green »


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Re: My 1st TNG Lyran wip
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2004, 04:36:54 am »
Sick ship Red !!!!! I like it. The only thing I'm not keen one is the Rom/Kling "wing texture" don't matter what color it is lol IMHO it has no business on a Lyran ship. Great TNG vision !