Topic: Way OT... Any of you guys played Half Life: Counter Strike?  (Read 9947 times)

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Re: Way OT... Any of you guys played Half Life: Counter Strike?
« Reply #60 on: June 04, 2004, 05:01:14 pm »
get regular ol halflife.......because with halflife.... you get to download for free as a mod.... Counter-Strike... Day of Defeat... Team fortress Classic and like 2 other mods....which are all basically different games.....  
how it works is...HL was the original game...and CS and others were mods of that game...but now they sell those mods as complete you should buy the original and just get all the other ones free
if you guys want help setting things up (it can be tricky) mssg me on those addy's above...and I can even give you some good servers to play on


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Re: Way OT... Any of you guys played Half Life: Counter Strike?
« Reply #61 on: June 04, 2004, 05:12:20 pm »
Will do, and thanks. I might pick this up over the weekend.



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Re: Way OT... Any of you guys played Half Life: Counter Strike?
« Reply #62 on: June 04, 2004, 05:21:59 pm »
go there once any of you get it..and follow that through to the latest patch it offers..... then download steam and it will finish the install


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Re: Way OT... Any of you guys played Half Life: Counter Strike?
« Reply #63 on: June 04, 2004, 06:37:27 pm »
I used to play CS a lot. My favorite weapons were the UMP45, M3 Pump Shotty and P-90, mainly weapons others would not use because they 'sucked', which forced me to use them to prove they did not. 864 dmg with a single headshot with the pump shiotty As far as I know, record damage for a single shot.

Anyways, CS was fun but the rabbit jumping, the amp whores and poor map design drove me away after a while.


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Re: Way OT... Any of you guys played Half Life: Counter Strike?
« Reply #64 on: June 04, 2004, 08:17:31 pm »
lol p90 owns close up.........
anywho...... bunny hopping no longer gains you can still do it...but its very rare to see in most servers...and you can do it...but it doesnt actually give you an advantage...seeing as how it actually slows you down
awps now have a delay on the scope...which helps with the awp whorage..
and there are thousands of maps.......some of the main ones like aztec and cbble have been re-textured adn slightly should come check it out
new weapons too...te auto snipes are now accurate....the glock does more damage....they introuduced 2 new rifels...the gali and uh..I forget the other name
new riot sheild...lots of new things abound


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Re: Way OT... Any of you guys played Half Life: Counter Strike?
« Reply #65 on: June 04, 2004, 08:41:33 pm »
Man, now I'm disappointed.    I had no idea that CS and the other games where just mods.  I should have just got good old HL instead.  

Maybe, I will do that now.  Just find a copy of HL in a store.  I think I can still find a copy somewhere.  What about this CS:CZ?  Is it the same system requirements as standard CS?  Man, I feel like I wasted my money justy buying standard CS.


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Re: Way OT... Any of you guys played Half Life: Counter Strike?
« Reply #66 on: June 04, 2004, 09:21:12 pm »
cz isnt a mod of hl.....

cs and all others use to be mods of they are sold as individual games


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Re: Way OT... Any of you guys played Half Life: Counter Strike?
« Reply #67 on: June 04, 2004, 09:46:03 pm »

Personally i would get a copy of HL and download CS, HL i dont think costs that much annyore, i got the platinum pack a while back, came with HL and all the expansions, this included CS.

Concerning CS:CZ i reckon the specs are probably the same as CS, the graphics are apprently very similar, the only difference is CS is a multiplayer only mod for hl, and CS:CZ is a seperate game with a single player element plus a multiplayer mod.



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Re: Way OT... Any of you guys played Half Life: Counter Strike?
« Reply #68 on: June 06, 2004, 11:03:17 pm »

Anyone else here get a kick outta the Richochet Mod?

(another free download)

I thought it game a pretty excellent TRON-like experience!

Also was pretty impressed with the Firearms Mod back in the day as well.

Hope HL2 spawns half as many great Mods as well...

and yeah I agree the bunny hoping and the awp onwage have been almost eliminated totally, and the in game voice is preety good as well.



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Re: Way OT... Any of you guys played Half Life: Counter Strike?
« Reply #69 on: June 07, 2004, 07:07:55 am »
lol Richochet can be fun, decapitating people.  


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Re: Way OT... Any of you guys played Half Life: Counter Strike?
« Reply #70 on: June 07, 2004, 04:58:15 pm »
I don't play CS, but I'm a big fan of HL and the mods surrounding it. You should be able to find a bot for Counter-Strike rather quickly, and you can start a LAN game and cut your teeth on those.

HL is a whole nother story however, it's a single-player masterpiece. Scary, well-thought out, and so much detail in the environment that you will freak.

As for the mods, Team Fortress Classic is a good pick, as is Deathmatch Classic--especially if you play Quake 1, a lot of the maps are in DMC, and they are BEAUTIFUL!!

Firearms looks fun, but I can't get it to work. The Specialists is great if you like Matrix and the like, but it is very hard to learn. I can beat the Hardcore level on the Quake III demo and I still get nailed by the MP croud.

Steam is only good for Broadband users, if you are stuck with 28.8, your one and only bet is GameSpy or LAN with other people in your house.

Another good link you must be aware of is  Planet Half-Life

Let me know how it goes!



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Re: Way OT... Any of you guys played Half Life: Counter Strike?
« Reply #71 on: June 07, 2004, 06:35:37 pm »
why is steam only good for broadband?
steam is what is REQUIRED to play cs now a days....well for versions 1.6+ which are the offical versions....I have 3 clan mates whoare 56k's

and if you play a lower version of CS 1.5 and for podbots in google..... those are some very good bots.....
1.5 and versions below that use a system called WON...its basically a server that verifies your cd key's...but the WON system is going down all those versions that dont use steam.......they wont work anymore...except for lans...and if you know how to set them up using steam...which isnt hard...but I cant remember how to do it either..... but htere not offically supported...and cheats are well known for them...and some of them dont even have VAC...which is valve anti cheat....which is a very bad thing...
but anyways.....
it seems that im the resident cs player in these parts if anyone has questions..plz ask


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Re: Way OT... Any of you guys played Half Life: Counter Strike?
« Reply #72 on: June 07, 2004, 06:36:40 pm »
oh yeah.....bots dont work for 1.6.........they were taken out to try to make you buy CZ...which supports bots...
which is pretty lame


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Re: Way OT... Any of you guys played Half Life: Counter Strike?
« Reply #73 on: June 08, 2004, 05:42:57 am »

why is steam only good for broadband?
steam is what is REQUIRED to play cs now a days....well for versions 1.6+ which are the offical versions....I have 3 clan mates whoare 56k's

There have been a  lot of complaints from 56kers about steam and the problems they have had, i had problems myself when i was on 56k and tried to use steam, much higher ping on steam than i had on WON. Sounds like some of your clanmates are some of the lucky few who have had no probs with steam and 56k.


and if you play a lower version of CS 1.5 and for podbots in google..... those are some very good bots.....

Yeah i used podbots in CS 1.5, pretty good ai, loads of command options u can easilly implement.


1.5 and versions below that use a system called WON...its basically a server that verifies your cd key's...but the WON system is going down all those versions that dont use steam.......they wont work anymore...except for lans...and if you know how to set them up using steam...which isnt hard...but I cant remember how to do it either..... but htere not offically supported...and cheats are well known for them...and some of them dont even have VAC...which is valve anti cheat....which is a very bad thing...
but anyways.....

WON imo was a good system i never had probs with WON at all, as did the majority of the HL Community, Hence one of the reasons  why i see steam as a pointless app. WON won't go down til Half-Life 2 is out, which we still dont fully know when it will be released, more rumours of delays as we speak.

I've installed steam reluctantly mainly due to HL2 and the probable steam verfication that will be needed to play the game.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by KOL_Grim »


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Re: Way OT... Any of you guys played Half Life: Counter Strike?
« Reply #74 on: June 08, 2004, 06:05:21 pm »

oh yeah.....bots dont work for 1.6.........they were taken out to try to make you buy CZ...which supports bots...
which is pretty lame  

Wow - I'm shocked!!

That IS amazingly lame!!!!!

Unbelivable!!! - I spit in their general direction!


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Re: Way OT... Any of you guys played Half Life: Counter Strike?
« Reply #75 on: August 02, 2004, 06:34:35 pm »
Bumoing this thread Becaus I finally got around to picking this up from the Bargain Bin. Half Life Platinum for $20.00.

"You cannot exaggerate about the Marines. They are convinced to the point of arrogance, that they are the most ferocious fighters on earth - and the amusing thing about it is that they are."- Father Kevin Keaney, Chaplain, Korean War