oh man....... welcome to hell

no not really... just have to listen... it can be tricky
I have my own clan...... well not MY clan...but im a founding member...ther ename is DvS.... my msn is
mc_cloud13@hotmail.com and my aim is McCloud182
add me sometime...cause I think im going to lose you here...
install cs.... then you have to go to
www.steampowered.com and download steam........ then make an account with steam...and if im right.... steam will automatically update counterstrike for you...... steam is kinda new...but its the way ALL pathces are going to be released for CS as of the latest patch... which is 1.6......... so download steam... and you should be set lol
when you get steam loaded..... go to the friends tab...then go to options and add friends.... search for
mc_cloud14@yahoo.comand you should find me....but I STRONGLY recomend adding me to aim or msn...because it can be confusing..... once you get all this done... I will get you the information for my clans server....im the top admin in there... so I will make sure ya get treated well :P
its a really fun game... not hard to learn...but it takes a while...
i've been playing for a little over 3 years now.. good luck with the install.....you shouldnt have any problems
just remember.......
www.steampowered.com.... you must have this!!! unless you only want to play the old versions... which is actually better then the latest version...but that is another story..... lol