thursday after i installing panda antivirus on my com, the com was rebooting over and over, i taught it was the worm/virus sasser again but no, i taught it might have ben the antivirus but no, thusday i get the com to the computer shop and the do an antivirus scan (i did one my self with solo antivirus and found 2 virus) but there where not the problem, the problem was my ram where dying, luckly the com is still under waranty so it didnt cost me money for a new ram, 2 weeks ago i was hit by the virus sasser, and it cost me around 60$/can, needed a new monitor cost me 180$/can and now the ram , but it didnt cost me money this time, i will buy something for a external hd so i can copy my files.
i hope i will not have other com problem for a long time.