Topic: Sci-fi Bashfest SFC3 Demo Edition coming soon- very soon! Read this!  (Read 4350 times)

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Hello again,
This is to announce that a demo edition of my Sci-fi Bashfest mod is coming soon.

Several dozen star wars ships will be playable, and I will likely be hosting a dynaverse server.

The mod really rocks  And most of the ships are not found in any other mod!

The final version has sooo many ships to do, I decided to release this Demo version that will have a whole lot of stuff.  Look for it this week, if I get lucky!


Screenshots found here:

Today, I went through the entire models folder and did ship descriptions on everything.  Tedious work,  but it paid off.

Tomorrow, I need to organize the ships so they actually appear in order in the ship selection screen.
Then I need to modify the DefaultCore to work with patch 531...
And it's ready!

You may now begin drooling in anticipation...I hope you do, anyway.


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[ ] Organize ships
[ ] Fix the SSD dies and crashes the game bug
[ ] Fix the ships that disappear when they die
[ ] Add shipnames so they don't all have ??? by them
[ ] Create UI images for the TIE Interceptor and TIE bomber
[ ] Make it work in the 531 patch

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Praxis »


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THis looks really cool! I can't wait to try it! I hope it is easy to install.


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Should be about as easy as double clicking an installer.

There will also be a pair of batch files in the SFC3 folder- one to turn the mod on, one to turn it off- so you can still play the normal game when you feel like it!


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Cool, it looks like I may have to dust off my SFC3 disk and apply the patch!


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Thanks DarkDrone!

BTW, any input in this thread welcome, post praise or constructive criticisms, please!


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Praxis, can you list the ships that will be included in this mod please?

Perhaps we can make a few suggestions. (like the Doomsday Device!)    


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The ships that will be included in the final version may yet be changed, and it is quite a ways off, so I'm gonna keep the suspense built  

The initial demo will have only the standard Star Trek ships from SFC3, but I may see about joining with Chris Jones and using his ST ships to bolster the Star Trek side, if he's willing.  We did that to Sci-fi Bashfest for SFC OP, but I made that an add on to his mod, and no one ended up downloading it. :s  This time (if he agrees) my mod would be standalone but have a lot of his ships and specs in it, with credit for the Star Trek side given to him and Star Wars side to me (in addition to the various modellers of course).

Anyway, here are the ships that will be included in this Demo release that will be coming out soon (in no particular order whatsoever):

Y-Wing Fighter
X-Wing Fighter
K-Wing Fighter
A-Wing Fighter
B-wing Fighter Sideways
Hapan Miy'til class Fighter
Storm - Modified Miy'til
Death Star Prototype
TIE Scimitar
TIE Bomber
TIE Raptor
TIE Phantom V38
TIE Interceptor
TIE Fighter
Star Destroyer
Star Destroyer Command Refit
Star Destroyer RedEye class Command Ship (custom vessel)
Home One Mon Calamari Command Ship
Mon Calamari MC90 Star Cruiser
Mon Calamari MC80 Star Cruiser
Imperial Interdictor Cruiser
Imperial Heavy Interdictor Cruiser
Star Destroyer Mark 2
Star Destroyer Mark 2 Command Refit
Super Star Destroyer Executer-class
Modified YT-1300 Freighter
Victory class Star Destroyer Mark-II
Nebulon-B Escort Frigate
Corellian Corvette
Heavy Corellian Corvette
Golan 1 Defense Platform
Golan II Defense Platform
Golan III Defense Platform
Star Destroyer Shipyard
Derilyn Platform

Note: The Corellian Corvette and Heavy Corellian Corvette use the same model, but the Heavy one has an extra torp launcher and better engine power.

Extra note: The Base Station, Battlestation, and Starbase will be replaced by the Golan I, II, and III.  The Defense platforms will be replaced by the Derilyn Platforms.  The big 4-prong repair dock will be replaced by the Star Destroyer shipyard.

The final version of this mod will have well over a HUNDRED ships, perhaps even over 150.  I have currently 156 Star Wars models, but a few of them are duplicates (I have 3 different X-wing models, 2 different Y-wing models, 3 Death Stars, 3 Falcons, and 6 different Star Destroyers- those are the duplicates.  4 of the Star Destroyers will actually be included in this release as different star destroyer refits, aka Star Destroyer Command Refit, Star Destroyer Mark 2, etc)

There will be two versions of the Death Star Prototype- one playable, and one that is a base you might encounter on the dynaverse.

Chris Jones

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Permission Granted
« Reply #8 on: May 29, 2004, 05:31:06 pm »
Praxis -

I recently put a tracker on my Frost Works site to see where people are coming from to see the site. One of the referral URLs was from your site, which I thought was cool.

I hereby give blanket permission to use any ships or specs from the SFC3 TNG Mega Mod that you want to. I actually have the mod working on 531 now, but have not finalized an update for SFC3 Files. I could send you the DefualtLoadout.txt if you want.

Make it stand-alone!

Actually there is a stand-alone mod for Sci-Fi Bash for OP.

Look on this page:

There's a small EAW version there as well.

For the SFC3 Version you da man!!

With most of my time going into the complete makeover of the TNG Mod For OP - I won't be able to help much, but take anything you want and put me in your readme!

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Chris Jones »


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Re: Permission Granted
« Reply #9 on: May 29, 2004, 08:00:05 pm »

TY Chris!


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Re: Permission Granted
« Reply #10 on: May 29, 2004, 08:04:01 pm »

56 downloads of the EAW version, 114 of the OP version.

I didn't know that many people downloaded it!


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Re: Permission Granted
« Reply #11 on: May 29, 2004, 09:55:09 pm »
Chris, do you have a web site that explains all of these mods?


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Re: Permission Granted
« Reply #12 on: May 29, 2004, 10:40:31 pm »
The Sci-fi Bashfest mods are all ST vs SW + BG


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Re: Sci-fi Bashfest SFC3 Demo Edition coming soon- very soon! Read this!
« Reply #13 on: June 01, 2004, 12:52:20 pm »
This mod may be released today, if my Beta Testers approve and say theres no bugs

At least, the Demo version

Included are these ships:

Y-Wing Fighter
X-Wing Fighter
TIE Scimitar
TIE Bomber
TIE Raptor
TIE Phantom V38
TIE Interceptor
TIE Fighter
K-Wing Fighter
A-Wing Fighter
Romulan Shuttle
B-wing Fighter Sideways
Hapan Miy'til class Fighter
Storm - Modified Miy'til
Modified YT-1300 Freighter
Corellian Corvette
Heavy Corellian Corvette
Nebulon-B Escort Frigate
Victory class Star Destroyer Mark-II
Imperial Interdictor Cruiser
Star Destroyer
Star Destroyer Command Refit
Star Destroyer Mark 2
Star Destroyer Mark 2 Command Refit
Imperial Heavy Interdictor Cruiser
Mon Calamari MC80 Star Cruiser
Mon Calamari MC90 Star Cruiser
Star Destroyer RedEye class Command Ship
Home One Mon Calamari Command Ship
Death Star Prototype
Super Star Destroyer Executer-class

Also included are these stations:

Golan 1
Golan 2
Golan 3
Star Destroyer Shipyard


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Re: Sci-fi Bashfest SFC3 Demo Edition coming soon- very soon! Read this!
« Reply #14 on: June 01, 2004, 01:04:39 pm »
Slave 1, Hound's Tooth, and IG-2000 would make for nice Pirate ships.  Plus some Dreadnaughts from Dark Force Rising would be really sweet too.  Also, are there any blueprints to Yuuzhan Vong ships?  Those Would Be The Coolest!  


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Re: Sci-fi Bashfest SFC3 Demo Edition coming soon- very soon! Read this!
« Reply #15 on: June 01, 2004, 01:33:49 pm »
a little demanding, aren't we? :P

If you read the list, I have a Dreadnaught already.

Slave One and Hound's Tooth, possibly IG-2000 if Jason finishes his model, will be in the next version.


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Sci-fi Bashfest SFC3 Demo Edition coming soon- very soon! Read this!
« Reply #16 on: May 29, 2004, 12:25:13 am »
Hello again,
This is to announce that a demo edition of my Sci-fi Bashfest mod is coming soon.

Several dozen star wars ships will be playable, and I will likely be hosting a dynaverse server.

The mod really rocks  And most of the ships are not found in any other mod!

The final version has sooo many ships to do, I decided to release this Demo version that will have a whole lot of stuff.  Look for it this week, if I get lucky!


Screenshots found here:

Today, I went through the entire models folder and did ship descriptions on everything.  Tedious work,  but it paid off.

Tomorrow, I need to organize the ships so they actually appear in order in the ship selection screen.
Then I need to modify the DefaultCore to work with patch 531...
And it's ready!

You may now begin drooling in anticipation...I hope you do, anyway.


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Re: Sci-fi Bashfest SFC3 Demo Edition coming soon- very soon! Read this!
« Reply #17 on: May 29, 2004, 10:14:33 am »
[ ] Organize ships
[ ] Fix the SSD dies and crashes the game bug
[ ] Fix the ships that disappear when they die
[ ] Add shipnames so they don't all have ??? by them
[ ] Create UI images for the TIE Interceptor and TIE bomber
[ ] Make it work in the 531 patch

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Praxis »


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Re: Sci-fi Bashfest SFC3 Demo Edition coming soon- very soon! Read this!
« Reply #18 on: May 29, 2004, 10:25:27 am »
THis looks really cool! I can't wait to try it! I hope it is easy to install.


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Re: Sci-fi Bashfest SFC3 Demo Edition coming soon- very soon! Read this!
« Reply #19 on: May 29, 2004, 11:19:51 am »
Should be about as easy as double clicking an installer.

There will also be a pair of batch files in the SFC3 folder- one to turn the mod on, one to turn it off- so you can still play the normal game when you feel like it!