Vicky and I went to the mall (Plaza Del Sol) to buy some CDs (yes Storm, they had Loreena, I snagged it!). Then we went to see what times movies were playing. She wants to see Troy but it was like an hr before the next show, so Day After Tomorrow was only 5 minutes from showtime. I learned what V.I.P. means in Mexico theaters. Man o man, can we learn something from our neighbors to the south. No crammed seats here like in Tinseltown or Cinemark, no sir! Imagine spacious first class seats on a jumbo jet, that is what they have, limited seating in plush leather chairs, big cup holders, and the popcorn is served in giant containers so that you do not have to wait for your friend or significant other to get their share first before you dig in. The floor lights are blue neon, not the bright stuff we see in America. Oh, and did I mention they have waiters? Sushi, other types of food, and alcoholic beverages should you desire! The cost? Hmmmmmm, you guys and gals ready for this? 5 bucks a movie!

As for the movie itself? Thumbs up all the way. It has great acting, awesome special effects, and it really touched me as something like this could truly happen in our lifetime if we do not stop our and other countries glutton and thirst for consumerism and greenhouse gases, not to mention a terrorist organization with a nuke could start the same chain reaction by setting it off at one of the poles. I will not give the story away, but needless to say there is a part where the Americans are tearing down the border fences with Mexico and running for their lives into refuge in Mexico. All the Mexicans clapped and cheered when they saw that part.
If you want your money's worth at the movies this holiday weekend, go see "Day After Tomorrow."
Later this weekend I have to go see Troy, I'll give you a report on that one too. Of course, I'm going V.I.P. section again, hehehehehe. Vicky told me the regular theaters are not bad, same as in the states, but why take a bus when you can fly first class? Especially for 5 bucks a ticket!