Topic: The Day After Tomorrow ROCKS!  (Read 3113 times)

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The Day After Tomorrow ROCKS!
« on: May 28, 2004, 09:41:06 pm »
Vicky and I went to the mall (Plaza Del Sol) to buy some CDs (yes Storm, they had Loreena, I snagged it!). Then we went to see what times movies were playing. She wants to see Troy but it was like an hr before the next show, so Day After Tomorrow was only 5 minutes from showtime. I learned what V.I.P. means in Mexico theaters. Man o man, can we learn something from our neighbors to the south. No crammed seats here like in Tinseltown or Cinemark, no sir! Imagine spacious first class seats on a jumbo jet, that is what they have, limited seating in plush leather chairs, big cup holders, and the popcorn is served in giant containers so that you do not have to wait for your friend or significant other to get their share first before you dig in. The floor lights are blue neon, not the bright stuff we see in America. Oh, and did I mention they have waiters? Sushi, other types of food, and alcoholic beverages should you desire! The cost? Hmmmmmm, you guys and gals ready for this? 5 bucks a movie!  

As for the movie itself? Thumbs up all the way. It has great acting, awesome special effects, and it really touched me as something like this could truly happen in our lifetime if we do not stop our and other countries glutton and thirst for consumerism and greenhouse gases, not to mention a terrorist organization with a nuke could start the same chain reaction by setting it off at one of the poles. I will not give the story away, but needless to say there is a part where the Americans are tearing down the border fences with Mexico and running for their lives into refuge in Mexico. All the Mexicans clapped and cheered when they saw that part.

If you want your money's worth at the movies this holiday weekend, go see "Day After Tomorrow."

Later this weekend I have to go see Troy, I'll give you a report on that one too. Of course, I'm going V.I.P. section again, hehehehehe. Vicky told me the regular theaters are not bad, same as in the states, but why take a bus when you can fly first class? Especially for 5 bucks a ticket!    


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Re: The Day After Tomorrow ROCKS!
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2004, 09:49:28 pm »
 Sounds like a great effects movie, but for what they show occuring to happen, we would have to turn off the wind and gulf stream currents. Dont be fooled by the global warming scare tactics. Most scientists dont think that global warming is a threat, at least not as big a threat as the enviromentalists would have you believe.

The theatre sounds pretty cool. Since I never go to the movies, I wait for the DVDs, I have access to good food, beverages, and I can pause the movie while I go take a leak.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by TheShadow »


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Re: The Day After Tomorrow ROCKS!
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2004, 10:40:25 pm »
I'll take a couple of pics of the theater for you Shadow. I was shocked to see the release of "Return of the King" and it is not on Dish pay per view yet. Oh well, I shall wait more time as I have no DVD player yet.    

I have to believe in global warming and it's dangerous effects, as Vicky's uncle who lives in El Paso (has for over 40 years and is a Mexican American) told me that there used to be two major rivers that ran through Chihuahua City and there were trees everywhere, over the years though things changed, no more river and water is a valuable resource. It is also fact that the Amazon forest supplied 20 PERCENT OF THE WORLD'S OXYGEN, yet we hack it down for money.   I'm not disputing your statement, I'm just saying we are screwing with our delicate environment, not very wise in my opinion, some things are best left alone.  


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Re: The Day After Tomorrow ROCKS!
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2004, 09:22:43 am »
I went to see this but got kicked out of the mall before I got a chance I wonder why?  We were just trying to get into the spirit of the movie.  


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Re: The Day After Tomorrow ROCKS!
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2004, 09:27:27 am »

Did you REALLY do that Y? Man you got some cajones, must have been fun too!    


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Re: The Day After Tomorrow ROCKS!
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2004, 10:12:47 am »
  I hate to burst the bubble, but the science in the movie is stretched to way beyond impossible. It is a propaganda film that scientist are protesting that EVERY scenerio in the film is completely IMPOSSIBLE. The only way to stop the jet stream for example would be to stop the Earth's rotation, last time I checked that is beyond our capabilities. None of the scenerios in the movie are possible. It has no more connection to reality than Alice in Wonderland (or Gore in Wonderland for this one).

   I couldn't sit thru a propaganda film that has a political motive of scarring people with complete science fiction to further their own agenda. People in Hollywood think that just becaue their famous or have money they are somehow smarter and better than everyone and unload their junk science on us in oreder to try and scare the population into submission. The whole movie makes me want to buy SUVs.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Towelie »


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Re: The Day After Tomorrow ROCKS!
« Reply #6 on: May 29, 2004, 10:45:05 am »
While I do not doubt the speed of what happened in the film is ludicrous, it is slowly happening. Hmmmmmm, I remember when "Armegeddon" came out and people said "BS." Look at how many close calls we had since then, one was in the past few months if I recall correctly. Maybe when a city gets slammed by an asteroid or meteor people will wake up. Feel sorry for whomever gets hit though.

Want proof of greenhouse gases in action? Please, I implore you to take a week vacation in Mexico City, bet you do not last a day before you run for a return flight to the states.  


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Re: The Day After Tomorrow ROCKS!
« Reply #7 on: May 29, 2004, 10:49:21 am »


Did you REALLY do that Y? Man you got some cajones, must have been fun too!    

Yup we really did that I'm the one on the right with the Goggles on.  Was great fun while it lasted which wasn't very long.  Earlier that day I was reading about how the goverenment didn't want people to see the movie because it exposed these doomsday scenorios and the ideas just went from there.  


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Re: The Day After Tomorrow ROCKS!
« Reply #8 on: May 29, 2004, 10:54:30 am »
I really did not look at it like a doomsday movie, it was more like a couple of hundred years of burning all our resources to hades compacted in a few weeks. I'm a firm believer that sooner or later the earth is going to clean itself out naturally when the balance gets out of whack, the question is when and for how long? It's not like ancient mankind left us details on the last ice age and why.  


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The Day After Tomorrow ROCKS!
« Reply #9 on: May 28, 2004, 09:41:06 pm »
Vicky and I went to the mall (Plaza Del Sol) to buy some CDs (yes Storm, they had Loreena, I snagged it!). Then we went to see what times movies were playing. She wants to see Troy but it was like an hr before the next show, so Day After Tomorrow was only 5 minutes from showtime. I learned what V.I.P. means in Mexico theaters. Man o man, can we learn something from our neighbors to the south. No crammed seats here like in Tinseltown or Cinemark, no sir! Imagine spacious first class seats on a jumbo jet, that is what they have, limited seating in plush leather chairs, big cup holders, and the popcorn is served in giant containers so that you do not have to wait for your friend or significant other to get their share first before you dig in. The floor lights are blue neon, not the bright stuff we see in America. Oh, and did I mention they have waiters? Sushi, other types of food, and alcoholic beverages should you desire! The cost? Hmmmmmm, you guys and gals ready for this? 5 bucks a movie!  

As for the movie itself? Thumbs up all the way. It has great acting, awesome special effects, and it really touched me as something like this could truly happen in our lifetime if we do not stop our and other countries glutton and thirst for consumerism and greenhouse gases, not to mention a terrorist organization with a nuke could start the same chain reaction by setting it off at one of the poles. I will not give the story away, but needless to say there is a part where the Americans are tearing down the border fences with Mexico and running for their lives into refuge in Mexico. All the Mexicans clapped and cheered when they saw that part.

If you want your money's worth at the movies this holiday weekend, go see "Day After Tomorrow."

Later this weekend I have to go see Troy, I'll give you a report on that one too. Of course, I'm going V.I.P. section again, hehehehehe. Vicky told me the regular theaters are not bad, same as in the states, but why take a bus when you can fly first class? Especially for 5 bucks a ticket!    


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Re: The Day After Tomorrow ROCKS!
« Reply #10 on: May 28, 2004, 09:49:28 pm »
 Sounds like a great effects movie, but for what they show occuring to happen, we would have to turn off the wind and gulf stream currents. Dont be fooled by the global warming scare tactics. Most scientists dont think that global warming is a threat, at least not as big a threat as the enviromentalists would have you believe.

The theatre sounds pretty cool. Since I never go to the movies, I wait for the DVDs, I have access to good food, beverages, and I can pause the movie while I go take a leak.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by TheShadow »


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Re: The Day After Tomorrow ROCKS!
« Reply #11 on: May 28, 2004, 10:40:25 pm »
I'll take a couple of pics of the theater for you Shadow. I was shocked to see the release of "Return of the King" and it is not on Dish pay per view yet. Oh well, I shall wait more time as I have no DVD player yet.    

I have to believe in global warming and it's dangerous effects, as Vicky's uncle who lives in El Paso (has for over 40 years and is a Mexican American) told me that there used to be two major rivers that ran through Chihuahua City and there were trees everywhere, over the years though things changed, no more river and water is a valuable resource. It is also fact that the Amazon forest supplied 20 PERCENT OF THE WORLD'S OXYGEN, yet we hack it down for money.   I'm not disputing your statement, I'm just saying we are screwing with our delicate environment, not very wise in my opinion, some things are best left alone.  


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Re: The Day After Tomorrow ROCKS!
« Reply #12 on: May 29, 2004, 09:22:43 am »
I went to see this but got kicked out of the mall before I got a chance I wonder why?  We were just trying to get into the spirit of the movie.  


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Re: The Day After Tomorrow ROCKS!
« Reply #13 on: May 29, 2004, 09:27:27 am »

Did you REALLY do that Y? Man you got some cajones, must have been fun too!    


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Re: The Day After Tomorrow ROCKS!
« Reply #14 on: May 29, 2004, 10:12:47 am »
  I hate to burst the bubble, but the science in the movie is stretched to way beyond impossible. It is a propaganda film that scientist are protesting that EVERY scenerio in the film is completely IMPOSSIBLE. The only way to stop the jet stream for example would be to stop the Earth's rotation, last time I checked that is beyond our capabilities. None of the scenerios in the movie are possible. It has no more connection to reality than Alice in Wonderland (or Gore in Wonderland for this one).

   I couldn't sit thru a propaganda film that has a political motive of scarring people with complete science fiction to further their own agenda. People in Hollywood think that just becaue their famous or have money they are somehow smarter and better than everyone and unload their junk science on us in oreder to try and scare the population into submission. The whole movie makes me want to buy SUVs.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Towelie »


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Re: The Day After Tomorrow ROCKS!
« Reply #15 on: May 29, 2004, 10:45:05 am »
While I do not doubt the speed of what happened in the film is ludicrous, it is slowly happening. Hmmmmmm, I remember when "Armegeddon" came out and people said "BS." Look at how many close calls we had since then, one was in the past few months if I recall correctly. Maybe when a city gets slammed by an asteroid or meteor people will wake up. Feel sorry for whomever gets hit though.

Want proof of greenhouse gases in action? Please, I implore you to take a week vacation in Mexico City, bet you do not last a day before you run for a return flight to the states.  


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Re: The Day After Tomorrow ROCKS!
« Reply #16 on: May 29, 2004, 10:49:21 am »


Did you REALLY do that Y? Man you got some cajones, must have been fun too!    

Yup we really did that I'm the one on the right with the Goggles on.  Was great fun while it lasted which wasn't very long.  Earlier that day I was reading about how the goverenment didn't want people to see the movie because it exposed these doomsday scenorios and the ideas just went from there.  


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Re: The Day After Tomorrow ROCKS!
« Reply #17 on: May 29, 2004, 10:54:30 am »
I really did not look at it like a doomsday movie, it was more like a couple of hundred years of burning all our resources to hades compacted in a few weeks. I'm a firm believer that sooner or later the earth is going to clean itself out naturally when the balance gets out of whack, the question is when and for how long? It's not like ancient mankind left us details on the last ice age and why.  


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The Day After Tomorrow ROCKS!
« Reply #18 on: May 28, 2004, 09:41:06 pm »
Vicky and I went to the mall (Plaza Del Sol) to buy some CDs (yes Storm, they had Loreena, I snagged it!). Then we went to see what times movies were playing. She wants to see Troy but it was like an hr before the next show, so Day After Tomorrow was only 5 minutes from showtime. I learned what V.I.P. means in Mexico theaters. Man o man, can we learn something from our neighbors to the south. No crammed seats here like in Tinseltown or Cinemark, no sir! Imagine spacious first class seats on a jumbo jet, that is what they have, limited seating in plush leather chairs, big cup holders, and the popcorn is served in giant containers so that you do not have to wait for your friend or significant other to get their share first before you dig in. The floor lights are blue neon, not the bright stuff we see in America. Oh, and did I mention they have waiters? Sushi, other types of food, and alcoholic beverages should you desire! The cost? Hmmmmmm, you guys and gals ready for this? 5 bucks a movie!  

As for the movie itself? Thumbs up all the way. It has great acting, awesome special effects, and it really touched me as something like this could truly happen in our lifetime if we do not stop our and other countries glutton and thirst for consumerism and greenhouse gases, not to mention a terrorist organization with a nuke could start the same chain reaction by setting it off at one of the poles. I will not give the story away, but needless to say there is a part where the Americans are tearing down the border fences with Mexico and running for their lives into refuge in Mexico. All the Mexicans clapped and cheered when they saw that part.

If you want your money's worth at the movies this holiday weekend, go see "Day After Tomorrow."

Later this weekend I have to go see Troy, I'll give you a report on that one too. Of course, I'm going V.I.P. section again, hehehehehe. Vicky told me the regular theaters are not bad, same as in the states, but why take a bus when you can fly first class? Especially for 5 bucks a ticket!    


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Re: The Day After Tomorrow ROCKS!
« Reply #19 on: May 28, 2004, 09:49:28 pm »
 Sounds like a great effects movie, but for what they show occuring to happen, we would have to turn off the wind and gulf stream currents. Dont be fooled by the global warming scare tactics. Most scientists dont think that global warming is a threat, at least not as big a threat as the enviromentalists would have you believe.

The theatre sounds pretty cool. Since I never go to the movies, I wait for the DVDs, I have access to good food, beverages, and I can pause the movie while I go take a leak.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by TheShadow »