Topic: Well since this weekend is suppose to be to honor our Veterans past and present  (Read 1248 times)

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  • Guest
  there ya go. two more for the road.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Khalee »


  • Guest
To those warriors of the past a salute and my thanks. To those who still serve wherever they find themselves our gratitude and hopes. May God protect the warfighters and peacekeepers.

good call khalee.


  • Guest
Very Good Call Khalee.

The servicemen of both Past and Present I hold Dear to my heart.
Without them, I might not be here to speak
Even though alot of them from there family spent time apart.
I owe them for not Making this Country Weak.



  • Guest
  there ya go. two more for the road.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Khalee »


  • Guest
To those warriors of the past a salute and my thanks. To those who still serve wherever they find themselves our gratitude and hopes. May God protect the warfighters and peacekeepers.

good call khalee.


  • Guest
Very Good Call Khalee.

The servicemen of both Past and Present I hold Dear to my heart.
Without them, I might not be here to speak
Even though alot of them from there family spent time apart.
I owe them for not Making this Country Weak.



  • Guest
  there ya go. two more for the road.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Khalee »


  • Guest
To those warriors of the past a salute and my thanks. To those who still serve wherever they find themselves our gratitude and hopes. May God protect the warfighters and peacekeepers.

good call khalee.


  • Guest
Very Good Call Khalee.

The servicemen of both Past and Present I hold Dear to my heart.
Without them, I might not be here to speak
Even though alot of them from there family spent time apart.
I owe them for not Making this Country Weak.
