Topic: KRolling's Off-Line Hobbies  (Read 29275 times)

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Re: KRolling's Off-Line Hobbies
« Reply #120 on: April 22, 2003, 03:07:36 pm »


You mean I have to add to the role playing??? But... but.... I have absolutely NO imagination!!!! I don't know where to go with it!!!  

There's no lack of demented individuals on these boards, KRolling, who can help get you started. Just type in your first sentence...something like, "There I was on the bridge of my ship, Rolling Pin in hand, when out of the nebula came ...."

They'll be happy to augment whatever you start, I'm sure.

 This all sounds so very dangerous.................    When do we start?    


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Re: KRolling's Off-Line Hobbies
« Reply #121 on: April 22, 2003, 03:13:13 pm »
There I was on the bridge of my ship, Rolling Pin in hand, when out of the nebula came ....the most drop dead sexy reptile I had ever seen, driving a pink G-BF, the GCS Prima Ballerina.....


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Re: KRolling's Off-Line Hobbies
« Reply #122 on: April 22, 2003, 07:38:32 pm »
I do believe he, Raven... I mean Ch'nau, is needing the story to be continued from where it left off. Sorry,  SghnDubh and Kroma. Thanks for your help.

<clears throat> Ok.... here goes nothing.....

<clears throat, again>

<RP on>

In her secret rolling pin laboratory, Kimberly smirked to herself. It seemed as though her new "Mind Altering Rolling Pin" (MARP) worked!!

<Editor's personal note:  Who the heck is Ch'nau? "Bless you!" Who said that?>

She opened a box and replaced the clear blue MARP back in it's protective container. Then placed the container in a high security forcefield.

She walked over to the replicator, "Champagne, cold". As Kimberly removed the drink, she caught her reflection in the panel and toasted herself. Again, she smiled and began to think of other ways to torment Ch'nau. "Hmmmmmmm...... maybe I'll increase the dreams intensity a wee bit more."

Sitting back at her desk, Kimberly started making a list of other names she could use her MARP on. "Don't want anyone getting their noses pushed out of place. <snicker> Yes, this blue eyed gal has a little something for them all."

</RP off>

My head hurts.....
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by KRolling »


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Re: KRolling's Off-Line Hobbies
« Reply #123 on: April 23, 2003, 07:43:12 am »

I do believe he, Raven... I mean Ch'nau, is needing the story to be continued from where it left off. Sorry,  SghnDubh and Kroma. Thanks for your help.

<clears throat> Ok.... here goes nothing.....

<clears throat, again>

<RP on>

In her secret rolling pin laboratory, Kimberly smirked to herself. It seemed as though her new "Mind Altering Rolling Pin" (MARP) worked!!

<Editor's personal note:  Who the heck is Ch'nau? "Bless you!" Who said that?>

She opened a box and replaced the clear blue MARP back in it's protective container. Then placed the container in a high security forcefield.

She walked over to the replicator, "Champagne, cold". As Kimberly removed the drink, she caught her reflection in the panel and toasted herself. Again, she smiled and began to think of other ways to torment Ch'nau. "Hmmmmmmm...... maybe I'll increase the dreams intensity a wee bit more."

Sitting back at her desk, Kimberly started making a list of other names she could use her MARP on. "Don't want anyone getting their noses pushed out of place. <snicker> Yes, this blue eyed gal has a little something for them all."

</RP off>

My head hurts.....  

BRAVO!!!  ROFL!! That is great, maybe sometime I can come across you on Game Spy or the Dyna II though I warn you when it comes to p v p I am a rank amature. I beat the AS pretty easily even with races I am not familiar with but that is a lot different than p v p.
Ch'nau is my Mirakzinti alter ego that you would encounter on GS or in Dyna II. I am a "rocket scientist" that lives and works in Florida and so my RL has kept me from being out there as you came to know the world of SFC. I was on duty in the firing room when Columbia came in and didn't make it back.


« Last Edit: April 23, 2003, 07:44:40 am by Ravenstar »


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Re: KRolling's Off-Line Hobbies
« Reply #124 on: April 24, 2003, 06:22:20 am »


I do believe he, Raven... I mean Ch'nau, is needing the story to be continued from where it left off. Sorry,  SghnDubh and Kroma. Thanks for your help.

<clears throat> Ok.... here goes nothing.....

<clears throat, again>

<RP on>

In her secret rolling pin laboratory, Kimberly smirked to herself. It seemed as though her new "Mind Altering Rolling Pin" (MARP) worked!!

<Editor's personal note:  Who the heck is Ch'nau? "Bless you!" Who said that?>

She opened a box and replaced the clear blue MARP back in it's protective container. Then placed the container in a high security forcefield.

She walked over to the replicator, "Champagne, cold". As Kimberly removed the drink, she caught her reflection in the panel and toasted herself. Again, she smiled and began to think of other ways to torment Ch'nau. "Hmmmmmmm...... maybe I'll increase the dreams intensity a wee bit more."

Sitting back at her desk, Kimberly started making a list of other names she could use her MARP on. "Don't want anyone getting their noses pushed out of place. <snicker> Yes, this blue eyed gal has a little something for them all."

</RP off>

My head hurts.....  

BRAVO!!!  ROFL!! That is great, maybe sometime I can come across you on Game Spy or the Dyna II though I warn you when it comes to p v p I am a rank amature. I beat the AS pretty easily even with races I am not familiar with but that is a lot different than p v p.
Ch'nau is my Mirakzinti alter ego that you would encounter on GS or in Dyna II. I am a "rocket scientist" that lives and works in Florida and so my RL has kept me from being out there as you came to know the world of SFC. I was on duty in the firing room when Columbia came in and didn't make it back.



Ummmm.... Thanks, Raven.... I think.

What I mean is, I'm a little confused.

You read my first "story" and you immediately want to fight me??? LOL!!!   But it was the best I could do!!! I promise!!!

<runs and hides>

Daew Anahos

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Re: KRolling's Off-Line Hobbies
« Reply #125 on: April 24, 2003, 07:18:32 am »

 In her secret rolling pin laboratory, Kimberly smirked to herself. It seemed as though her new "Mind Altering Rolling Pin" (MARP) worked!!  

Be VERY afraid...  


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Re: KRolling's Off-Line Hobbies
« Reply #126 on: April 24, 2003, 08:23:02 am »
Don't hide you did well. I enjoy the challenge of a good fight especially when even if you lose badly you can recover quickly thanks to the magic of the virtual world. I have a suspicion(sp? rocket scientists can't spell) that you would be a very worthy opponent and I enjoy learning everything I can about SFC. I do promise to at least try to avoid running into the first asteroid available. I don't have the same affinity for them that JINN does.  Kudo's to your "first" story.

Commander Ch'nau  


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Re: KRolling's Off-Line Hobbies
« Reply #127 on: April 24, 2003, 07:02:32 pm »

Caught this thread on the Second Page.
Can't be having that Kimberly


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Re: KRolling's Off-Line Hobbies
« Reply #128 on: April 24, 2003, 07:04:17 pm »


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Re: KRolling's Off-Line Hobbies
« Reply #129 on: April 25, 2003, 08:02:47 am »


Caught this thread on the Second Page.
Can't be having that Kimberly

Thanks Patterson for watching out.



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Re: KRolling's Off-Line Hobbies
« Reply #130 on: April 30, 2003, 09:04:41 am »
Gee all the way down to page 3. What are some of the better hobbies involving Krolling Pins other than baking???

.....Ducks!... Whew missed me.......

aka Ch'nau


9th Thrain

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Re: KRolling's Off-Line Hobbies
« Reply #131 on: April 30, 2003, 11:38:20 pm »
Well since I haven't done my part in suporting this thread and taking my lumps for it.........

'ear ya go Missy.......Back to the top w' ye!


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Re: KRolling's Off-Line Hobbies
« Reply #132 on: May 02, 2003, 12:39:17 pm »
THis one need a good bump...
So here it is bump...


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Re: KRolling's Off-Line Hobbies
« Reply #133 on: May 02, 2003, 01:55:52 pm »
My fleet is against me!! <SOB>


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Re: KRolling's Off-Line Hobbies
« Reply #134 on: May 02, 2003, 02:14:19 pm »

My fleet is against me!! <SOB>  

I'm sure they aren't against you, they are just trying to inspire you to do more advanced Krolling Pin weapons research such as you developed recently.......ducks incoming MARP.... "I wished those things weren't self returning like the old aussie boomerang......I wonder if that one got me??!!!...hmm......

aka Ch'nau  


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Re: KRolling's Off-Line Hobbies
« Reply #135 on: May 02, 2003, 02:18:39 pm »
Seems to me you are the subject of much affection ... maybe a little ill placed ... but there nonetheless ...  

(hey, the look you have in your picture says it all!)    


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Re: KRolling's Off-Line Hobbies
« Reply #136 on: May 02, 2003, 02:58:33 pm »

...more advanced Krolling Pin weapons research such as you developed recently.......ducks incoming MARP.... "I wished those things weren't self returning like the old aussie boomerang....

aka Ch'nau    

Methinks I know who helped with the R & D...  


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Re: KRolling's Off-Line Hobbies
« Reply #137 on: May 02, 2003, 05:38:01 pm »

<WHACK!! on Raven>

Not only do I have to take it here at Taldren, now the SBO fleet has moved into the SSCF forums and gaining up on me with my own fleet members!!!

Such the life of a Rolling.... <sigh>


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Re: KRolling's Off-Line Hobbies
« Reply #138 on: May 03, 2003, 12:30:17 am »
Awww... if it makes ya feel better, I stopped bumping this thread...



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Re: KRolling's Off-Line Hobbies
« Reply #139 on: May 03, 2003, 08:36:15 am »
Kim just trying to help you make the KRolling Pin much better.