Topic: OT: "Enterprise" Season Finale: Whuh?  (Read 3830 times)

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OT: "Enterprise" Season Finale: Whuh?
« on: May 27, 2004, 11:30:48 am »
Okay, so the crew of the Archer and Hoshi succeed in destroying the sphere, saving Earth. Archer is seemingly killed in the explosion. Meanwhile, the Enterprise also succeed in their mission to destroy the spheres, sending the Sphere Builders back thier dimesion. Enterprise returns to Earth and find that all is quiet, too quiet. Sendign a shuttlepod to the surface, they are attacked by what appear to be WWII airplanes. Meanwhile, a tented Nazi surgical facility has discovered a badly injured Archer. Among the uniformed men is a blue skinned being (not Andorian for sure) also in a Nazi uniform. What the??

Speculation anyone?

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Kaenyne »

Captain Ron

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Re: OT: "Enterprise" Season Finale: Whuh?
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2004, 11:37:23 am »
Yes alternate timeline stories suck or Lets just throw things randomly from past episodes in that were high raters for the other series. All this timeline stuff seems to be from a lack of having real writers for the show, and why I nolonger bother to watch it.


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Re: OT: "Enterprise" Season Finale: Whuh?
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2004, 11:37:52 am »
I want a P-51 for an in-game model!


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Re: OT: "Enterprise" Season Finale: Whuh?
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2004, 11:42:30 am »
Find some good plans of one and ill have a go at makeing one.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2004, 11:42:55 am by Khalee »


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Re: OT: "Enterprise" Season Finale: Whuh?
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2004, 02:23:07 pm »
i already have one a p-51


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Re: OT: "Enterprise" Season Finale: Whuh?
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2004, 02:30:43 pm »
I agree, all this timeline crap is getting stupid now.  I mean come on it was not even a big deal when Captain Kirk was around.  They messed with it some but nothing like this.  They should have just frigen left them in the alpha quadrent and had them continue exploring [bleep], have them deal with the romulans and the klingons who they will eventually go to war with.  None of this hey lets save earth 50 million times crap.  I mean season 3 had some good parts but for the main part it was getting annoying having them focus on the same thing every episode, I mean no wonder it almost got cancelled.  And instead of finally being home and getting on with stuff they do it again, oh hey look we saved earth and we can relax...oh wait no we cant more time travellers are here to [bleep] us no I dont think so.

And another thing, how the helll did they go back in time?? if that is what they did.  Archer was in his current timeline when they destroyed the weapon because the xindi destroyed that space station.   And when enterprise got back to earth apparently that is when things went all screwy, so how the hell did Archer end up in the past....if anything he should be in the normal loop of things and Enterprise should be in the past....ok and what the hell about the aquatic ship....apparently they just dont care either....anyways yeah thats my rant....


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Re: OT: "Enterprise" Season Finale: Whuh?
« Reply #6 on: May 27, 2004, 02:49:55 pm »
I have a large blueprint image on my laptop of a P51 if anybody wants a copy.

Semper Fi, Carry On


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Re: OT: "Enterprise" Season Finale: Whuh?
« Reply #7 on: May 27, 2004, 02:55:14 pm »
LOL, another nail in the coffin, when will they cancel this abortive pukestain of a 'TV show'

When will the madness end.


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Re: OT: "Enterprise" Season Finale: Whuh?
« Reply #8 on: May 27, 2004, 03:02:42 pm »
Sure send it my way click on my name for my email. Need to try my hand at other things.


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Re: OT: "Enterprise" Season Finale: Whuh?
« Reply #9 on: May 27, 2004, 03:37:07 pm »
I happen to like WW2 [bleep] so go for it. That blue guy was a zindi  reptilian most likely. And if you think about it, toying with the timeline in WW2 (killing einstien  example) would pretty much kill the future of warp  travel. It makes perfect sense. Though I've gotta see what happens  when those p51's realise the shuttle is impervius to steel projectiles.


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Re: OT: "Enterprise" Season Finale: Whuh?
« Reply #10 on: May 27, 2004, 04:07:41 pm »
I think the best thing to do is wait until next season.
I have not seen the episode yet ( UK ) but I like what they have done, some may say it's unoriginal but they knew the show was in danger and that fans were angry with what they have done. Despite this they were extremely brave to take this action so I will happily wait and see. I think that all the shows from TNG up through to Voyager were extremely weak until the 4th season or so, in fact early TNG irritates me with how rubbish it can get, something that Enterprise has yet to do (much).

Again, lets just have some faith, B&B have said that they intend to step back from the show next season and hand it over to other writers, so who knows what "inventive" stories come about.


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Re: OT: "Enterprise" Season Finale: Whuh?
« Reply #11 on: May 27, 2004, 04:19:22 pm »
Sorry three seasons of time travel is enough ,and they left whoever is to take over a real big problem. either ignore the finale or try and contenue it. more than likely they will try and contenue it.


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Re: OT: "Enterprise" Season Finale: Whuh?
« Reply #12 on: May 27, 2004, 05:06:19 pm »
ok if i remember corectly archer is soposet to survive i meen he is suposed to meet kirk and the like when he gets older if i remember my TOS history right and if it is so the are not finished with the time line story line i meen erth acupied by natzis and hostile aliens from the future is abit much if you ask me but still it looks they whant to maike aother time line based seson in which case cant be all that bad maiby if they do it a serta amaunt of times theill maik it right  and archer is going to be his adult self on the eterpries and tera is going to be ocupied by the all familiar green blooded vulcans how are tring to hard to impeed the progress of man kind with its expation to spase besides starfleet from the future is baund tio intervien in tthise events  and when they do be preperd for some other nerve crunching seario which undautebly be very unseteling for us to exept

btw iim waching it in israel and if you can emagen any guverment beeing slow this on is the slowest in this solar system imeen the pepole cant even get desent games like SFC on time here (thats way some of us resort pirasy contrery to some, some of us dont have a choise in the mater the first sfc was realesed here in 2002 if i remembercorectly it wase origenaly relesed in 1999  the same gose for TV we are so behined on theas epesoeds that we ether wach alternatives like the germen cheals or some other chenels to get  the info in which case we arent even hlf thru the 1st seson
« Last Edit: May 27, 2004, 05:17:45 pm by Core »


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Re: OT: "Enterprise" Season Finale: Whuh?
« Reply #13 on: May 27, 2004, 06:17:13 pm »
^^^That was incredibly hard to read. Anyway, no where has it been stated that Archer was supposed to meet Kirk (in fact, Kirk won't be born for another 79 years).  

First of all, the premise of Enterprise is about a "Temporal Cold War", just like DS9 was about Prophets (long before the Dominion was contrived), time travel is unavoidable in a Temporal Cold War - hence the term "temporal" - and seriously, if you don't like it and think it donkey crap, then don't watch it.  Simple solution to an even simplier problem.  

Next, the alien was clearly not a Xindi reptilian, and looked more Reman than anything else we've seen before.

Finally, the Yosemite 3 station was destroyed before the weapon was destroyed AND before the sphere network was brought down - so at that point, it would seem we were still in the year 2154.  Has it occured to anyone (those that are in this thread for constructive purposes - not destructive "Enterprise bashing")  that THAT in itself may have had the effect on the timeline - all of those things exploding and the already strange physics of the Expanse?  Think about it: the Xindi, and the Enterprise were in the Expanse, consumed within all of its unique properties - combined with yet unseen affects of the final battle with the Spherebuilders.  Becuase of where they were,  they all could have been immune to the changes in the timeline, if indeed any really occured.  This rings true because the Aquatic Xindi ship dropped Enterprise off at Earth and is thusly in the same time period.   It also may be that the explosion of the 'weapon' had something to do with causing the time change on Earth.  The logic behind this is that in the last episode ("Countdown") the Spherebuilders used their magic to make that energy cloak around the Xindi 'weapon' and that could have had otherwise unseen effects to the weapon that were revealed when the weapon exploded...thusly creating a 'time bomb'.  Stranger things have happened - look at "Past Tense" (DS9) where a chroniton particle build up in the [Defiants cloaking device and made its transporter transport through time and at the same time allowed the ship to be unaffected by changes in the timeline that occured thereafter.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Futurama_Guy »


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Re: OT: "Enterprise" Season Finale: Whuh?
« Reply #14 on: May 27, 2004, 09:26:47 pm »
lets face it, its star trek and time travel they make it up as they go along and they dont care about what the fans think they dont care about timelines all they want is ratings i mean voyager was almost canceled so they got 7of9 in and she bumped the ratings with her cheast and a$$ and a silver lyca cat suit for gods sake they should have given kes the cat suit then i could have gotten my eye candy


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Re: OT: "Enterprise" Season Finale: Whuh?
« Reply #15 on: May 28, 2004, 01:03:55 am »

I have a large blueprint image on my laptop of a P51 if anybody wants a copy.

Semper Fi, Carry On  

Send it my way,,, I love schematics!!  


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Re: OT: "Enterprise" Season Finale: Whuh?
« Reply #16 on: May 28, 2004, 01:11:48 am »
ANOTHER ENTERPRISE THREAD!! Any REAL Trek fan hates this travesty, and I think B&B should be drawn and quartered!!

Seriously though, I gave up on Enterprise after the 1st half of the 1st season. Every once in a while I'll watch one, but they all stink. I know, watch for it's scifi feel, forget that it craps on Genes vision. Sorry can't do that.  


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Re: OT: "Enterprise" Season Finale: Whuh?
« Reply #17 on: May 28, 2004, 01:29:06 am »
Im glad someone sees that nazi is not a xindi and in fact a reman, good eyes bro, everyone here thinks its a reptilian, even if its not a reman, they definitely use the reman mask from nemesis, cheapos, anyways can anyone remember the xindi race which never made it, i believe one died out, forgot the name and wat they looked like???

adam out


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Re: OT: "Enterprise" Season Finale: Whuh?
« Reply #18 on: May 28, 2004, 02:55:44 am »
W odpowiedzi na:

^^^That was incredibly hard to read. Anyway, no where has it been stated that Archer was supposed to meet Kirk (in fact, Kirk won't be born for another 79 years).  

First of all, the premise of Enterprise is about a "Temporal Cold War", just like DS9 was about Prophets (long before the Dominion was contrived), time travel is unavoidable in a Temporal Cold War - hence the term "temporal" - and seriously, if you don't like it and think it donkey crap, then don't watch it.  Simple solution to an even simplier problem.  

Next, the alien was clearly not a Xindi reptilian, and looked more Reman than anything else we've seen before.

Finally, the Yosemite 3 station was destroyed before the weapon was destroyed AND before the sphere network was brought down - so at that point, it would seem we were still in the year 2154.  Has it occured to anyone (those that are in this thread for constructive purposes - not destructive "Enterprise bashing")  that THAT in itself may have had the effect on the timeline - all of those things exploding and the already strange physics of the Expanse?  Think about it: the Xindi, and the Enterprise were in the Expanse, consumed within all of its unique properties - combined with yet unseen affects of the final battle with the Spherebuilders.  Becuase of where they were,  they all could have been immune to the changes in the timeline, if indeed any really occured.  This rings true because the Aquatic Xindi ship dropped Enterprise off at Earth and is thusly in the same time period.   It also may be that the explosion of the 'weapon' had something to do with causing the time change on Earth.  The logic behind this is that in the last episode ("Countdown") the Spherebuilders used their magic to make that energy cloak around the Xindi 'weapon' and that could have had otherwise unseen effects to the weapon that were revealed when the weapon exploded...thusly creating a 'time bomb'.  Stranger things have happened - look at "Past Tense" (DS9) where a chroniton particle build up in the [Defiants cloaking device and made its transporter transport through time and at the same time allowed the ship to be unaffected by changes in the timeline that occured thereafter.  

Yes but I have read a chat with Scott Bakula on and he said he was told to that they will be taken in the forth season to time travel issues that weren't solved in the second and first season. That was a preety much for me to know. I think they are in the past because during their arrival to earth they somehow travelled to past. Just remember the earlier episodes. Archer was also shifting through time in a matter of a second (thanks to Daniels). That's why I think they were all taken to the past This guy looked almost like Reman, but if I know B&B's ideas well it won't be a Reman
I live next to Germany    
« Last Edit: May 28, 2004, 02:56:25 am by jimkirk »


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Re: OT: "Enterprise" Season Finale: Whuh?
« Reply #19 on: May 28, 2004, 03:02:46 am »

Sorry three seasons of time travel is enough ,and they left whoever is to take over a real big problem. either ignore the finale or try and contenue it. more than likely they will try and contenue it.  

Didn't Scott Baccula already do a show about time travel ???????? Maybe we should rename the show........

 Quantum Trek

In season 4 we find out T'pau's real name is Ziggy and the idiot that keeps transporting Archer through time is really Al in disguise.Sam Beckett was adopted his real name was Archer and.................Ummmmmmm  

What show are we talking about again?