Go to night soft and look up Lithiumview the demo it will allow to put textures on 3ds files directily. Not to good with it myself but smiley uses it allot and has great success with it. then all you have to do is to get some one to export it as a mod file. Also if you need a cheap way to do it look into Milkshape version 1.6.6 and get the plug in from Nightsoft. It will let you import 3ds files and otehrs, you can apply textures in it and export to a mod file, this one will cost you 25 bucks to use once it goes past the free 30 day trail period.
Up to you for how you want to approach it but Lith is free but some one has to covert for you or spend 25 dollars US and you can do your own Export work as well as Hardpoints and damage points.