I got this in my e-mail today.
Computerworld Daily Shark
May 27, 2004
Shark Tank: A little knowledge -- and a little too much cat
It's the late 1980s, and this tech support pilot fish for a PC vendor
gets a call from a user who complains that his cat has reformatted his
hard drive.
Fish doesn't buy it -- at first.
"But after we'd talked for about an hour, I believed him," says fish.
"It all started when he pulled the manual out of the box and began to
read the thing. We all know how dangerous that is."
The user is impressed with all the DOS commands available. But he gets
especially excited about what can be done with batch files.
"He read the fantastic things you could do with batch files," fish
says. "He carefully and systematically wrote a neat little batch file
to perform each DOS command -- copy, mode, delete and, oh yeah, format
and its brother format c:/s, the command to beat all commands."
Then the user discovers the hot-key utility. "This would let him take a
command or batch file and associate it with a function key," says fish.
"He thought for a moment and realized that the batch files he had just
created could be associated with these hot keys.
"One by one, he made each function key -- F1, F2 and so on -- represent
a batch file that he had just created.
"Once that was complete, he was a little distracted by his feline
friend, which jumped off a shelf and walked over his keyboard.
"One little paw was all it took to format the hard drive."

This is encredibly funny to me because lately our kitten has taken to sitting and laying on my wifes laptop computer while she's surfing, e-mailing etc. The problem is he hits buttons and closes windows right and left.