Topic: Well the finale was ok till the end  (Read 13119 times)

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Re: Well the finale was ok till the end
« Reply #20 on: May 27, 2004, 12:21:30 am »
" Berman and Braga " aka not a clue  , can we please clone gene so he can come back and eject those two in to a deep hole .  


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Re: Well the finale was ok till the end
« Reply #21 on: May 27, 2004, 01:14:15 am »
Good one lol, but the romulan idea would of been great, i was so excited thru out the entire episode, than time travel did it again lol, hilarious

adam out


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Re: Well the finale was ok till the end
« Reply #22 on: May 27, 2004, 02:27:42 am »

Double Edit: Check out the subtitle of Trek Nation's review: Patterns of force plague Archer as he tries desperately to save Earth's future.

Get it?  Hahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaha!

This review was so funny (and so dead-on accurate) I just had to copy part of it:


Analysis: If there were any doubts about the worthiness of Enterprise to bear the name Star Trek, Rick Berman and Brannon Braga put them to rest with "Zero Hour", which lands the prequel firmly in classic Trek tradition. I don't mean because we get a glimpse of the founding of the Federation, a battle on a spherical weapon with more than a passing resemblance to a Borg sphere, a bunch of talk about timelines and the coming together of former enemies under the banner of peace. No, I'm talking about EVIL ALIEN NAZIS!
You must forgive me for giggling when, after a near-perfect 50 minutes of television science fiction in which the Xindi arc was wrapped up stylishly in a very First Contact-like manner, the episode ends with the cheesiest of cliffhangers, throwing us back into "Patterns of Force" territory. What in hell are EVIL ALIEN NAZIS doing with U.S. warplanes? What year is it supposed to be on Earth? Did the Aquatics trick us? Was the entire Xindi arc a ruse to distract the crew from the real threat, in the form of the Suliban and time-tampering and a World War II which ended the wrong way? These questions won't be answered until the fall, by which time hopefully I will be able to address them with a straight face.
I mean...this show has been so serious all season. End-of-the-world scenarios, grave moral choices, seeking hope for peace and exploration in a universe filled with distrust and fear, that sort of thing...darker than Deep Space Nine, which was too dark to be considered Star Trek by some fans. And where does it all end up? The captain makes the big sacrifice, the ship takes the great risk, the interdimensional aliens are vanquished, the lethal aliens become allies, the future Federation members come through in a pinch...and there are EVIL ALIEN NAZIS! I'm sorry, I can't help it; I'm not ready to stop giggling.
Before this insane left hook of a cliffhanger, some nice things happen in "Zero Hour." T'Pol tells Trip her age - 66, same as the year the original series went on the air - and admits that it is an intimate act for a Vulcan to confess her age. Later she quotes Trip's concern for her to Phlox, saying that she guesses she's not so tough after all...and she pets poor Porthos, who is resting morosely in Sickbay, unaware, as the audience is, that of course Archer can't be dead because the show has been picked up for a fourth season. Malcolm has some nice moments doing he-man stuff aboard the Xindi weapon while his redshirts fall over railings into a bottomless pit ("No, Luke, I am your father!"), and Hoshi gets to have the tearful breakdown she was denied last week, predictably blaming herself for decrypting the Xindi launch codes and wishing she'd done a better job of killing herself.
But suicide is Archer's job, as he earnestly informs Daniels and then Reed, refusing to allow his tactical officer to peform a task for which he's probably better qualified than the captain and certainly more expendable. That's fine - Janeway would have done the same, and did, in "The Killing Game", which also had EVIL ALIEN NAZIS...oops. I know that this does not sound like a very serious review. Maybe I'm just dizzy from all the cross-cutting, jumping from the weapon to Degra's ship to Enterprise to the sphere-builders' realm to the Reptilian ship to Shran's ship to the Sol system. Maybe I'm giddy to have seen Phlox on the bridge offering critical command advice, which was great, and then to have seen him back in Sickbay providing the comic relief as well in the form of dictating his will and placating his plants. Or maybe I'm in shock, so great is my relief and surprise that the Xindi weapon has not destroyed Earth.
If the idea is to shake the show up, this cliffhanger is sheer brilliance. No one could have seen it coming in a million years, no matter which timeline you were in! And now we're going to have to have an arc in the fall explaining how the timeline got changed, whether it was related to the Xindi threat and the Guardians or completely incidental, whether this all ties back in with Silik and Future Guy or if maybe Captain Kirk saved Edith Keeler and Archer's going to have to find the Guardian of Forever and go back in time and phaser them both before her peace movement lets Hitler take over the world...fine, I guess someone's going to have to phaser me before I manage to get serious. EVIL ALIEN NAZIS!
I shall write an essay wrapping up Enterprise's deeply enjoyable third season in a few days, after I have time to assimilate it all. For now, however, I just want to address Jonathan Archer with a quote by Agent Scully from "Triangle", the X-Files with the evil time-traveling Nazis and the submarine and all the kissing: "Now I want you to close your eyes, and I want you to keep saying, 'There's no place like home.'"



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Re: Well the finale was ok till the end
« Reply #23 on: May 27, 2004, 06:47:02 am »
They've been away for more then 6 months since the beginning of the xindi timeline...where was NX-02???


 What in hell are EVIL ALIEN NAZIS doing with U.S. warplanes?

Those looked like stars on those wings to me....and they're flying over san fran...bets are those were american pilots in those planes.

Could this be Daniels doing?? He took Archer back through time to save him since he couldnt be beamed off, and then he brought  Enterprise back as well?  That would ALSO mean the aquatic ship is 'minorly' displaced in time....

In my opinion they found an interesting way to solve the Trek Timeline problem...take the ship out of the timeline!


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Re: Well the finale was ok till the end
« Reply #24 on: May 27, 2004, 10:18:51 am »
I had a thought before I went to bed.  Anybody got a pic of when the shuttle approaches San Francisco?  Might be helpful in determining whether or not they've time traveled, in an alternate universe, or at a duplicate Earth, TOS-style.


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Re: Well the finale was ok till the end
« Reply #25 on: May 27, 2004, 11:03:35 am »
DM's Observations:

1) So we learn T'Pol is 66? You know they wanted to say 69. You just KNOW they did.....

2) "Fast Forward" on my remote not working!
I kept pushing it, but nothing happened! You knew what had to happen: Spheres and weapon must go BOOM....just get to it... Yawn.
Trip pulls it off at the very last possible second? Well slap me upside the head with a smelly trout! Who'da thunk that would happen?
Instead of intently watching the show and being drawn into the story, I found myself feeling my pulse and counting heartbeats of lifetime lost watching this...

3) Tomatoes!
Ever see old Bugs Bunny cartoons? Daffy Duck gets pelted onstage with vegetables due to his pure-suckage?
I watched the ending.... and was momentarily stunned. Like a deer caught in headlights.....
Tomatoes!?! Where the hell are my tomatoes?  


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Re: Well the finale was ok till the end
« Reply #26 on: May 27, 2004, 11:50:11 am »
I bet the aquatics are going to be pissed when they get back home and find nothing but tadpoles.


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Re: Well the finale was ok till the end
« Reply #27 on: May 27, 2004, 01:40:32 pm »


Edit: Ironic how everyone was happy that it was getting renewed last week.  Now I bet you guys wished they cancelled it instead.

Nah.  I just wished they had chopped the last three minutes off, launched Berman and Braga to the center of the sun, and then hired new writers for next season.

Shows usually repeat the last season's finale before starting the new season.  Hopefully a new Enterprise production team will edit out those last three minutes and then start the new season by forgetting the excised scenes ever appeared.  I'd happily go to my grave never finding out who that alien in the SS uniform was.  Can you hear Patrick Duffy warming up in the shower?

Who's got an address to send hate-mail to Berman and Braga?

-S'Cipio the hatemonger  

I will agree with you Scipio lets hope it is one big dream.I will say this though they had to do it couldn't they just on planned than Archer got back on board Daegras ship so this wouldn't of happened and a nother thing is not AGIAN.I hope they write this season off as one big dream that Archer is haveing just like Pamala Ewing do when she saw Bobby stepping out of the shower.I hope Archer steps out of it aswell.If any of you live in the LA basin please phone Paramount and tell them this and tell them to read these boards.That includes you to Ann.

 There is one thing good it was nice to see the Andorians to show up and see how thet fight with thier ships and they have been in space longer and they don't have all that great weaponery.I hope DH enjoyed seeing them in combat.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2004, 01:46:17 pm by Age »

Daew Anahos

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Re: Well the finale was ok till the end
« Reply #28 on: May 27, 2004, 01:41:16 pm »
Okay, I know I'm going to get flamed for this but...I liked the alternate timeline ending.

Why not? They've trashed the universe as we know it so why not bring in a Sliders type arc?

Patterns Of Force was one of my favorite TOS episodes.

It looks like WWII never got finished. There was an old movie, "The Shape Of Things To Come" where WWII lasted much longer then known history by several decades.

Technically it's not a "time travel" ending per se, it's a timeline/different dimension ending.

Honestly, I'm interested to see how they restore the timeline or maybe the timeline gets changed to what's "known" and established.

Maybe it's the, well hell, the fans are ticked off enough so let's go for broke mentality

(When do Doc And Marty pop in with the Deloran???)

BTW, nice seeing Jeffery Coombs in the episode. He was good as Weyoun/Brunt in DS9.

/dons flame proof suit and ducks  


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Re: Well the finale was ok till the end
« Reply #29 on: May 27, 2004, 02:38:30 pm »
I gotta say that ending was the last thing I expected to see Although I think it's kinda stupid ( ), I also want to find out why Enterprise has been transported back to WWII, what an alien is doin' dressed up as a Nazi in the 1940's, and why all the other Germans seem to be OK with that

After seein' that shuttlepod fly through a swarm o' P-51's, I think we now know where those WWII "foo fighter" sightings came from  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by SSCF_LeRoy »


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Re: Well the finale was ok till the end
« Reply #30 on: May 27, 2004, 03:24:09 pm »
 That is a very cool signature, but could you make it a little smaller LeRoy?

When you big sig dudes post, the entire thread distorts, and I have to scroll left and right to read a sigle sentance.

Please have pity on us less technicallt able, who have to view with normal monitors.


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Re: Well the finale was ok till the end
« Reply #31 on: May 27, 2004, 03:50:51 pm »

 ENOUGH OF THE POS time travel plots. this WAS star trek, not TIME trek.  



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Re: Well the finale was ok till the end
« Reply #32 on: May 27, 2004, 03:57:16 pm »
  What that episode reminded me of in the TOS episode where the Enterprise is in the sixties and a Starfighter is inteceptor is intercepting the Enterprise.The pilot of the fighter is beamed on board the 1701 and his mind is whiped clean to forget what he saw and was beam back aboard his fighter jet.

  I hope T'Pol is a good as Spock to figure out the calculations to warp around the sun.This is so they can  get back to thier own time as badly beat up as that ship is I wonder if they can do it.I wonder if that ship can handle it it took a lot out of 1701.  


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Re: Well the finale was ok till the end
« Reply #33 on: May 27, 2004, 04:37:14 pm »

 That is a very cool signature, but could you make it a little smaller LeRoy?

When you big sig dudes post, the entire thread distorts, and I have to scroll left and right to read a sigle sentance.

Please have pity on us less technicallt able, who have to view with normal monitors.

I'm runnin' a 15 inch monitor at 800 x 600 res so I know what yer talkin' about. I'll git right on fixin' it.  


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Re: Well the finale was ok till the end
« Reply #34 on: May 27, 2004, 04:52:24 pm »
How is it now?  


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Re: Well the finale was ok till the end
« Reply #35 on: May 27, 2004, 06:11:37 pm »
Ah, this post at the Trek BBS has what I'm seeking.

While there aren't any obvious landmarks on the right to help make a determination, there is one thing that definately means that it's in the past: no skyscrappers.  Plus, the northern side of the Golden Gate (seen on the left) is fairly undeveloped.  The East Bay also looks kind of sparse.


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Re: Well the finale was ok till the end
« Reply #36 on: May 27, 2004, 06:16:40 pm »
I thought the pacing of the finale sucked.  The previous episode was much more compelling and better shot.  The final Nazi moment. Let's just say Castle Wolfenstein meets that TOS Nazi episode.  I think that will be a one-off storyline.  I mean, you can't have a 22nd century starship interfering in WWII , can you, aka The Final Countdown????  That would be silly.


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Re: Well the finale was ok till the end
« Reply #37 on: May 27, 2004, 08:36:51 pm »

How is it now?  


May the great bird of the galaxy smile upon you!

Chris Jones

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Re: Well the finale was ok
« Reply #38 on: May 27, 2004, 08:49:46 pm »

Okay, I know I'm going to get flamed for this but...I liked the alternate timeline ending.

Why not? They've trashed the universe as we know it so why not bring in a Sliders type arc?

Patterns Of Force was one of my favorite TOS episodes.

It looks like WWII never got finished. There was an old movie, "The Shape Of Things To Come" where WWII lasted much longer then known history by several decades.

Technically it's not a "time travel" ending per se, it's a timeline/different dimension ending.

Honestly, I'm interested to see how they restore the timeline or maybe the timeline gets changed to what's "known" and established.

Maybe it's the, well hell, the fans are ticked off enough so let's go for broke mentality

(When do Doc And Marty pop in with the Deloran???)

BTW, nice seeing Jeffery Coombs in the episode. He was good as Weyoun/Brunt in DS9.

/dons flame proof suit and ducks    

I have to say I agree with this line of thinking, and it seems they are in the 1940s due to San Francisco not being developed like it would be today. We all knew Captain Archer couldn't die - that's the same as killing Kirk. Recall that it was about the third season when TNG got its stride, same for DS9. Voyager - well - you decide. Archer indeed was saved by the time traveling Enterprise J Captain. I see no other explanation, as Archer will be pivotal in the Birth of the Federation.
 Perhaps the destruction of the Alien Spheres skewed the timeline and altered the present - or threw them all back to the 40s. The German Alien may somehow be a desendent of the Reptilians, and perhaps at least one Reptilian got to Earth before the weapon exploded. That would support a skewed timeline. The Reptilian mated with an Earth female, producing a hybrid..  

All Speculation, of course. This makes me want to play Enemy Territory on my brother's server..  

I am looking forward to the the next season.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Chris Jones »


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Re: Well the finale was ok
« Reply #39 on: May 27, 2004, 11:05:10 pm »
 The flaw is the prestine US P-51 Mustangs, if history changed, why are they are still using pistion propellar internal combustion engines in the 2160s?

There areno  more effective aircraft then a 220 year old plane??!