I would like to suggest that we should not judge a book by it's cover. This could be one of the worst episodes or it could be cool. I lean towards bad, but I am willing to see the season opener before I judge it.
Continuity has never been B&B's strong suit, but killing Nazi's is always fun.
If it is 1944, I wonder how the Enterprise will impact the outcome. I would;
1. Use the Enterpise to bombard the Normandy Beaches (we know where everything is, heh)
2. Destroy all of their oil refineries and synthetic oil facilities.
3. Capture all of the Nazi leadership and put them on trial.
4. Liberate the death camps
In the Pacific
1. Sink the combined fleet
2. Destroy their merchant marine
3. Destroy all aircraft and engine production facilities
4. Save the USS Indianapolis!