Well, that last five or so minutes of the episode was the most ridiculous load of bullsh*t on Trek since the Warp 10 episode of Voyager...
So the weapon blows up. We now have to accept that Archer somehow is transported both several million kilometres away and several hundred years back in time. And Enterprise is also transported back to this time period. I guess that Aquatic ship travelled back in time as well, but I'm sure that the writers will be completely ignoring that little fact.
Oh, and the Nazis are teaming up with Scary Looking Aliens?. This is the Nazis - a group of people who were convinced that they had to keep the purity of their race, and that anyone who was different must be eliminated. Great choice guys.
Anyone want to take bets on what will happen in Season 4? I'm going to guess that it will take several eps for Enterprise to get back to it's own time, so the writers have plenty of time now to completely bugger things up.