Very odd indeed.
I've been on the server alot more than is normal for me, at all different times, and the past couple of days I have seen excatly 2 SOS members. Cleo seems more set on Frog agitation, and Elphinstone was a good sport, but badly outclassed. Call me crazy, but if you issue a challenge, you should show up.
Since your fleet is new to SFC2, allow me to explain. You can't actually fight in the forums. That's what the server is for. The GDA thanks the SOS for a good time, and looks forward to many more. It really wasn't your fault. You didn't know the Gorn were this organized. If you need a fleet to pick on, may I suggest the Klingon Black Fleet (KBF), or the Kzinti Assault Taskforce (KAT), or anyone of the numerous Federation fleets. There are all noted for their lack of organization and their dearth of pilots. They should present an easier target.
You don't have to be scared of the Gorn, racial biases aside. Your lack of participation on the server reeks of fear. You don't have to be afraid anymore. Come and play. I've taken the liberty of sending your fleet some cajohnes, so you guys will finally get some balls. Hope to see you soon.
Oh, by the way, its GDA 8 SOS 1.
A kinder, gentler, Gwarlock