hehe just about out the door.
I agree the Klingons are popular but I dont know where to put them. I found If I kept them in with the Hydrans. The ship selection starts looking funky. The Hydran blue tends to clash with everything
Plus I want to create themes to each race slot. Hard to do when you mix races. Also wanted to keep the Borg, cause there the main theme in the TNG era. Now I could put some Klinks in with the Feds maybe, since the they supposedly built that Unity station. What I don't like about that is I'd have to allow tech sharing between the Feds and Klinks in order for the Klinks to have accesa to there cloak and disruptors. Then the feds could equip them as well. I want to keep each race having unique aspects.
Now the Hydrans and Lyrans won't have there traditional weapons which opens a whole nother can of worms.
That could be explained easily in TNG. One possible way of Hydrans getting diruptors and cloak is by coming across an intact Klingon ship that the Borg had just captured intending to assimilate it, but they were done in by a virous as happened to them in at least 1 Voyager episode. Thus the Hydrans used the mostly intact ship to gleen the tech from it.
I am open to suggestions as to how to work the Klinks into the game with keeping them different from the Feds.
Mp as far as helping. I thought you could do up some of the story if you want. Either The Hydran history, Lyran or both.
Or a hypothical event that rekindles the war between the Hydrans or Lyrans. Or why Hydrans now use ion cannons instead of Hellbores
I am reading that the Hydrans used to have a cival war period between the Lost colonies. That is what helped them develop new tech to eventually push out the KLinks. We could even go so far as to say that the Hydrans took advantage of the Klinks being weakened by the Borg, that they took some Klink space. Course that might offend KlingonFanatic
Just do whatever strikes your interest. If writings not your thing. No problem. You already helped by the link to Toasty forum and by posting here. I like that screenie btw of the Hydran excursion. Course the ship needs updating
I'll contact him when I get back. I can;t wait to try my hand at a Lyran. I want to maybe use MajorRacals Lyran also. His
puter crashed so he won't be around for a bit.