I didn't know that they were already out...
Guess that there's no chance of finding SSJ#1 for sale, is there?
I would do the Paravians, but there is no weapon in SFC that can be used to give the same 'feel' as the QWT... least not that I've figured out yet...*scratches his head and wonders some more
Anyway, pending someone either telling me where I can find the elusive SSJ#1 and it's official GW Carnivons or being nice enough to e-mail them to me, I will trudge onward in my quest to spec out as many new races as I can.
After the Carnivons, I want to try something for the Cardassians; I haven't yet done something from the ground up like that. There are plenty of great ships out there andI have a few picked out for the hulls I want to use.
I can't model 'cause I can't afford the software. That I leave to you talented folk...you build 'em, I'll fit them out.