Topic: WZ45/Terra "V11 Stormbird" Kitbash?  (Read 5405 times)

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WZ45/Terra "V11 Stormbird" Kitbash?
« on: May 19, 2004, 05:59:00 pm »
Could anyone make this by chance? Although I've found Atra's old one, the quality of WZ45's easily put's Moonraker's old model to shame. Also, with the advent of Terra's V9, a proper kitbash is now possible. Textureing the bird feather pattern should also be a piece of cake

If anyone could do this, I'd make the PERFECT V11. As I see it, WZ's old V11 could be either an early V11 or simply a repainted (but not converted/refitted) D7.

This would ROCK!!!


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Re: WZ45/Terra "V11 Stormbird" Kitbash?
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2004, 07:20:12 pm »
Actually the V11 would require combining Romulan engines with a K'T'inga right? Atra's V11 engines are actually higher poly than Terra's (as he does low-poly stuff mainly) and the textures on Terra's V11 seem to be taken (almost) directly from Atra's version anyway so it would make more sense to use Atra's V11 with the Romulanised D7.


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Re: WZ45/Terra "V11 Stormbird" Kitbash?
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2004, 02:59:42 am »
no i did not take Atra's V-11's textures, i made my own with Atra's as a blueprint, because his are the best Stormbird textures i have seen



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Re: WZ45/Terra "V11 Stormbird" Kitbash?
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2004, 03:37:15 am »
That's one sweet ship Terradyhne sir,any chance you'll release it ?  

In the meantime you can find the V-11 here..........

« Last Edit: May 20, 2004, 03:46:13 am by ModelsPlease »


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Re: WZ45/Terra "V11 Stormbird" Kitbash?
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2004, 05:59:36 am »
that is the silliest thing I have ever seen...a blue D7...yuck.


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Re: WZ45/Terra "V11 Stormbird" Kitbash?
« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2004, 02:21:59 pm »
Yeah well that's the designers at FASA for ya... TBH the first thing I did to Atra's V11 was replace the but-fugly FASA textures with the normal grey-and-orange Romulan textures from the KCR.

Oh and sorry Terra, my mistake but they really do look similar s'pose that cuz u used the Atra ones as a blueprint.


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Re: WZ45/Terra "V11 Stormbird" Kitbash?
« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2004, 04:25:15 am »
i think that those normal grey-orange romulan textures are stupid and used the FASA ones because i like them more than even those original TOS white/grey-orange birded and TNG green ones  


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Re: WZ45/Terra "V11 Stormbird" Kitbash?
« Reply #7 on: May 21, 2004, 06:15:46 am »
I never liked the idea of Romulans using Klingon ships. It makes no sense that the Klingons would sell ships because the hull is outdated. They have been using the Katinga for 250 years.  


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Re: WZ45/Terra "V11 Stormbird" Kitbash?
« Reply #8 on: May 21, 2004, 10:34:38 am »
Yeah but they got the cloak in exchange - that's a mighty good reason to give away old ships, besides they didn't even give the Roms reserve ships, they sold them ships that had been mothballed and put in junkyards. They kept the reserve ships (which still worked) for themselves and those are the K'T'ingas and B'rels we see in the 24th C. The Romulans got the sh1ttest deal ever.


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Re: WZ45/Terra "V11 Stormbird" Kitbash?
« Reply #9 on: May 21, 2004, 11:20:37 am »

that is the silliest thing I have ever seen...a blue D7...yuck.  

I personally LIKE the blue textures...kinda gives the ship a stealthy look...same with the admittedly nauseating green ones..

Semper Fi, Carry On

Captain Ron

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Re: WZ45/Terra "V11 Stormbird" Kitbash?
« Reply #10 on: May 21, 2004, 12:23:49 pm »

I never liked the idea of Romulans using Klingon ships. It makes no sense that the Klingons would sell ships because the hull is outdated. They have been using the Katinga for 250 years.  

All this happened because they could not find the Romulan model, and had no money to make a new one. So they used the Klingon one instead. They SFB or FASA explained it as the way Romulans got Warp Drive was from this exchange. One thing is certain though, once they got the plans for Warp drive they would not continue to buy Kligon hulls past the first batch they would create their own as it is more cost effective. Then Enterprise which seems to be more of a Alternate Reality story line messed things up farther.  I really don't count this show to go with the other series it is to different to make fit, truthfully I don't watch it anymore.


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Re: WZ45/Terra "V11 Stormbird" Kitbash?
« Reply #11 on: May 21, 2004, 12:59:22 pm »
Actually they still had the old Warbird model from Balance of Terror when it came to making The Enterprise Incident, but it was so hideously underdetailed that the producers said make a new model and you can film the episode, but we're not gonna pay for a new model, so being the ingeneous half-arses they were the VFX guys with their budget of $0 just took the purty new D7 model they'd just finished and used that.

Personally I much prefer the SFMuseum explanation of Romulan warp drive - the old ships were fusion powered and they only got M/AM reactors when they bought the Klingon ships - I don't care what anyone says it is physically impossible that the Romulans had a war with the UE and her allies without FTL travel, it just couldn't happen if the UE had warp drive as we are told.

The SFB line of the Romulans continuing to buy Klink ships was because they simply didn't have the tech or money to build anything near the level of the Klink ships untill they came up with the Sparrowhawk.

Completely OT now but hey: the Sparrowhawk is one of the but-fugliest things I've ever seen - Steve Cole I think designed the SFB ships? Anyway I'd be ashamed if that was the best I could come up with, though the ISC and Andromedans looked cool.


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Re: WZ45/Terra "V11 Stormbird" Kitbash?
« Reply #12 on: May 21, 2004, 06:24:05 pm »
Nice low poly model Terra, but I don't think anyone understands my request...

I ask for this kitbash because the V11 engines from FASA are the same ones from the V9. The one's Atra made do not match either the V11 or the V9.

WZ's D7 is the highest quality model I can find, and Terra has good V9 engines. Though personally, I'd rather have Wicked Zombie make them, but he almost never does requests (probably with good reason)...:p


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Re: WZ45/Terra "V11 Stormbird" Kitbash?
« Reply #13 on: May 21, 2004, 06:37:33 pm »
Well he did do some Fed LN-69 nacelles when I requested, though it took about 2 pages of begging someone, anyone to do them, then suddenly WZ turns up with them all nice and gift wrapped. ( BTW)


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Re: WZ45/Terra "V11 Stormbird" Kitbash?
« Reply #14 on: May 21, 2004, 10:30:57 pm »
Any news on release date Terradhyne sir?  


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Re: WZ45/Terra "V11 Stormbird" Kitbash?
« Reply #15 on: May 22, 2004, 12:38:20 pm »

I never liked the idea of Romulans using Klingon ships. It makes no sense that the Klingons would sell ships because the hull is outdated. They have been using the Katinga for 250 years.  

There seems to be a lot of not-necessiarly correct information around about the treaty of Smarba (talking ADB here). The treaty of Smarba was signed in Y158, basically because of the 4 powers war (which was being fought at the time). The romulans at this time had no effective warships and were considered to be a very minor threat. The klingons at this time were engaged with the lyrans in fighting the hydrans and kziniti in the 4 powers war. In Y158 they were winning the fight, to such a level that the federation became alarmed at the prospect that the kziniti and hydrans might be defeated eventually. To attempt to stabilize the situation the federation then threatened the klingons, saying that if the present situation continued that the federation would be forced to consider entering the war on the side of the kzintis and hydrans. This was designed to force the klingons to the peace table and end the war; the federation did not really wish to become involved in a war at this time. It instead had the opposite effect.

What the klingons did was to offer the romulans a fleet of ships as a incentive to form an alliance against the federation. The romulans believed that they would be recieving ships that were relatively new. Instead the klingons sent them mostly ships activated from the motball reserve, ships that had decades of patrols behind them. However, these still represented ships with a much greater level of capability than the romulans had previously had. As well as this they recieved warp technology which allowed their warbird class ships to be retrofitted, thus becoming much more dangerous themselves. The result was that with a stroke of the pen the level of threat against the federation was drastically increased, and the klingons were able to transfer ships from the federation frontier to the hydran and kzinti fronts - which allowed them to accelerate their offensive.

The ships transferred were:

K9R: Behemoth.
KRC: Subjugator, Conqueror, Victor.
K7R: Finality, Fortis (Valiant), Ficuda (Reliance).
KR: Senatarian, Praetorian, Patrician, Kestrel, Shrike, Hawk, Annihilation, Retribution, Retaliation, Proconsul.
KRM: Onager, Balista, Trebuchet.
KRT: Aquarius (waterbearer), Camelopardus (giraffe).
KRP/KRE: Endeavor, Explorer.
KDR: Treachery, Deceit, Exchange.
K5L: Oathkeeper, Loyal Charge, Loyal Spirit, Word of Honor.
K5R: Centaurii, Rapier, Scimitar, Shillelah, Retiariis, Triumver, Nemesis, Galley, Tribune.
K5S: Questor, Endeavor, Ranger.
K5M: Lucky, Fortuitous, Opportune.
K4R: Firefly, Hornet, Locust, Mantis, Mosquito, Wasp, Black Death, Blue Victory, Red Glory, Fury, Rage, Anger.

Edit: The Behemoth was the only ship that was new construction.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2004, 12:39:08 pm by The_Infiltrator »


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Re: WZ45/Terra "V11 Stormbird" Kitbash?
« Reply #16 on: May 22, 2004, 11:54:31 pm »
Very nice history lesson sir. In that one post are enough ships to cover a four powers war Romulan fleet mod.  


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Re: WZ45/Terra "V11 Stormbird" Kitbash?
« Reply #17 on: May 25, 2004, 08:33:54 am »

no i did not take Atra's V-11's textures, i made my own with Atra's as a blueprint, because his are the best Stormbird textures i have seen


  BUMP for a D/L link or release update Terradyhne sir.  


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Re: WZ45/Terra "V11 Stormbird" Kitbash?
« Reply #18 on: May 27, 2004, 06:36:51 am »


no i did not take Atra's V-11's textures, i made my own with Atra's as a blueprint, because his are the best Stormbird textures i have seen


  BUMP for a D/L link or release update Terradyhne sir.  

  BUMPITY BUMP for a D/L link or release update Terradyhne sir.