Topic: Upcoming Comic Movies Revisited.  (Read 3907 times)

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Upcoming Comic Movies Revisited.
« on: May 25, 2004, 12:20:39 pm »
Adrenalynn: Christina Ricci
Astro City
Barbarella: French comic gone movie in the 60?s Drew Barrymore will be remaking this one.
Batman Begins: Batman?s origin story with Christian Bale as Batman, let?s hope it?s better than Batman and Robin shudder
Black Panther: Wesley Snipes, still in pre-script
Black Widow: In script stage
Blade 3: In production
Captain America: wonder if it will be released in France, Germany and Russia? Anyhoo, still in development so no script or actors yet.
Catwoman: Mmmm, Halle Berry in leather. Coming July 23, 2004
Constantine: Based on comic book HellBlazer, Keanu Reeves
DareDevil 2: God the first one was bad enough, Ben Affleck is not coming back to this one
Deadpool: Just a rumor
Deathlok: In script stage
Doc Savage: Castle Rock Entertainment is doing this one, Director Chuck Russell (The Mask, Eraser)
Doc Strange: No script yet
Double Impact: In script stage, maybe a release in 2005, I wonder who will play the hottties?
Elektra: Jennifer Garner (Alias, Daredevil, Pearl Harbor) as Elektra, in production
Fantastic Four: In script stage, no cast yet
Fathom: Just a rumor
Gargoyle: Script stage
Ghost Rider: Nicholas Cage as the flaming head
Green Hornet: In script stage, looking at Jet Li as Cato
Green Lantern: No news on who is going to be Hal Jordan, not even a script yet
Hellboy 2: Still in script stage
Hulk 2: In development
Iron Fist: In script stage
Iron Man: In script stage
Jinx: Script stage
Luke Cage: production starts in the summer
Madman: starts production soon I hear
Man-Thing: coming this September
Micronauts: In active production
Mort, The Dead Teenager: Jessica Simpson?
Nick Fury: Maybe by 2006
Phantom: Maybe it will suck like the last one
Preacher: James Marsden (Cyclops) will be Preacher
Plastic Man: No script yet, probably never will be
Punisher 2: Will be 3 of these
Shazam!: I loved that show. No script yet.
Silver Surfer: No script yet.
Sin City: Staring Josh Hartnett coming in 2005
Son of the Mask: No Jim Carey, coming in Feb.
Spiderman 2: Doc Oc, will be a trilogy of films
Spiderman 3: Man Wolf and Venom are rumored bad guys
Submariner: Oldie, might be 2006
Supergirl: No script yet
Superman 5: No script yet
Superman vs Batman: coming from Warner Bro?s
Ultraviolet: Milla Jovovich (Resident Evil)
Vampirella: Script stage
Watchmen: John Cusack supposedly is Night Owl
Wolverine: Hugh Jackman, probably an origin movie
Wonder Woman: In script stage
X-Men 3: Emma Frost (yummy), Beast, Gambit, Angel, Psylocke, Pyro, Dazzler, Juggernaut, and the big bad Sentinals, Lady Deathstrike is resurrected and we go to the end of the Dark Phoenix storyline and skip the middle. Release date May 6, 2006. So far it looks as though the whole cast is still coming back for the 3rd one.

I know alot of movie Lovers here Might be interested in these.



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Re: Upcoming Comic Movies Revisited.
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2004, 02:19:09 pm »
 Blade 3   I realy can't wait!!!  
 Westly Snipes is Blade nobody else could pull it off.  


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Re: Upcoming Comic Movies Revisited.
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2004, 02:35:42 pm »
sorry it would not be the same Superman without Christopher Reeves. Kinda like you cant make another Smokey and the Bandit without Jackie Gleason  as  Sheriff Buford T Justice        

And Vampirella would have to be rated X as it is a somewhat adult comic less than that and it would not be the same.

Barbarella rated R if you want to do it justice I do belive the first one was rated R anyway

Spiderman 2 and 3 the first one was stupid even the effects wernt all that great.

Iron man that might be worth watching.

Like to see Green Lantern made

Wonder woman dontcha mean Wonder boobs that was the only reason watch that show in the 70's

Shazam was corny
Batman begins maybe we will see the 1940's style batmobile

Bout all id be interested in.

J. Carney

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Re: Upcoming Comic Movies Revisited.
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2004, 04:08:46 pm »
Green Hornet with Jet Li as Cato... couldn't do that any better.

Wonder if Batman Begins will give the Caped Crusader the pair of .45 ACP's that he originally had in the comics for when his 'wonderful toys' weren't quite enough?

And I can't wait to see Iron Man... as long as they start before Tony Stark gets hurt and keep to the story and keep it simple. I think that Nic Cage would actually make a decent Tony Stark... or maybe Willim DeFoe.

 Fantastic Four will be another good one, as long as it's done right and they don't try to place marketing and special effects above quality acting.


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Re: Upcoming Comic Movies Revisited.
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2004, 07:33:37 pm »
Doc Strange, Elektra would be cool.  Superman vs. Batman will also be great if and only if they follow the comic book.  I don't expect that to happen since that would mean that The Joker among others would die.  Green Lantern and Fantastic Four would also be good if it is done right and with today?s CGI I think it would be.  That is the reason IMHO all these companies are doing these movies now because the special effects has caught up with writers imagination.  BTW Fantastic Four was tried back in the '90's, I only know this because a guy at the University I went to got the part of Ben Grimm / The Thing.  As far as I could tell it never made it to film because the effects needed to make this film happen could not be done as needed.


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Re: Upcoming Comic Movies Revisited.
« Reply #5 on: May 25, 2004, 07:44:57 pm »

Doc Strange, Elektra would be cool.  Superman vs. Batman will also be great if and only if they follow the comic book.  I don't expect that to happen since that would mean that The Joker among others would die.  Green Lantern and Fantastic Four would also be good if it is done right and with today?s CGI I think it would be.  That is the reason IMHO all these companies are doing these movies now because the special effects has caught up with writers imagination.  BTW Fantastic Four was tried back in the '90's, I only know this because a guy at the University I went to got the part of Ben Grimm / The Thing.  As far as I could tell it never made it to film because the effects needed to make this film happen could not be done as needed.

Actually there is a Bootleg that made theVideo Store Circuit of the F4. IT was directed By Roger Coreman IIRC.


J. Carney

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Re: Upcoming Comic Movies Revisited.
« Reply #6 on: May 25, 2004, 08:10:30 pm »

 BTW Fantastic Four was tried back in the '90's, I only know this because a guy at the University I went to got the part of Ben Grimm / The Thing.  As far as I could tell it never made it to film because the effects needed to make this film happen could not be done as needed.

From what I heard, it wasn't som much the 'couldn't be done' issue as a 'didn't want to do it right' issue. An article came out not to long ago that said the studio was going to loose the rights to the franchise if they didn't make a movie by like, '98 or so, and consequently they made a low-budget version just to keep the option on the movie rights to future Fantastic Four movies.

With the recent trend in comic movies becoming big draws, I imagine that this time, they will break the bank on the new F4 movie.


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Re: Upcoming Comic Movies Revisited.
« Reply #7 on: May 25, 2004, 09:06:34 pm »
Wow thats a big list some of those I'm looking forward to, some of those not so much.   Punisher2 and 3 I will wait and see while the movie was good fun it didn't seem to capture the psychotic mercyless punisher to me but over all I enjoyied the film.  The new batman sounds like it's going to be good from what I heard hopefully it won't disappoint.  They really have screwed up the X-men timeline but I think they have been pretty true to the characters and produced entertaing movies.  Wolverine could be good but could turn into just a big marketing scam to cash in on his popularity which would be  ashame since he is such a cool character.    Mayber we can get a Wolverine Punisher movie while were at it :-).  Hellboy probably has been my favorite superhero movie so far hopefully theyll continue.  Hopefully this fad of superhero movies will lead to growth and building of these types of movies instead of just a bunch of crap.  Wooohooo speaking of comics tomorrows wednesday new comics .  


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Re: Upcoming Comic Movies Revisited.
« Reply #8 on: May 26, 2004, 10:24:42 am »
Here You Go Javora.

Hehe, Personally I like the campy, But to each there own.  



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Re: Upcoming Comic Movies Revisited.
« Reply #9 on: May 26, 2004, 11:52:45 pm »

Here You Go Javora.

Hehe, Personally I like the campy, But to each there own.  


Yep that's the one, thanks Stephen.

Daew Anahos

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Re: Upcoming Comic Movies Revisited.
« Reply #10 on: May 27, 2004, 08:02:39 pm »
Hopefully they won't forget a certian, ahem, scene from the original Barberalla for the remake    


  • Guest
Upcoming Comic Movies Revisited.
« Reply #11 on: May 25, 2004, 12:20:39 pm »
Adrenalynn: Christina Ricci
Astro City
Barbarella: French comic gone movie in the 60?s Drew Barrymore will be remaking this one.
Batman Begins: Batman?s origin story with Christian Bale as Batman, let?s hope it?s better than Batman and Robin shudder
Black Panther: Wesley Snipes, still in pre-script
Black Widow: In script stage
Blade 3: In production
Captain America: wonder if it will be released in France, Germany and Russia? Anyhoo, still in development so no script or actors yet.
Catwoman: Mmmm, Halle Berry in leather. Coming July 23, 2004
Constantine: Based on comic book HellBlazer, Keanu Reeves
DareDevil 2: God the first one was bad enough, Ben Affleck is not coming back to this one
Deadpool: Just a rumor
Deathlok: In script stage
Doc Savage: Castle Rock Entertainment is doing this one, Director Chuck Russell (The Mask, Eraser)
Doc Strange: No script yet
Double Impact: In script stage, maybe a release in 2005, I wonder who will play the hottties?
Elektra: Jennifer Garner (Alias, Daredevil, Pearl Harbor) as Elektra, in production
Fantastic Four: In script stage, no cast yet
Fathom: Just a rumor
Gargoyle: Script stage
Ghost Rider: Nicholas Cage as the flaming head
Green Hornet: In script stage, looking at Jet Li as Cato
Green Lantern: No news on who is going to be Hal Jordan, not even a script yet
Hellboy 2: Still in script stage
Hulk 2: In development
Iron Fist: In script stage
Iron Man: In script stage
Jinx: Script stage
Luke Cage: production starts in the summer
Madman: starts production soon I hear
Man-Thing: coming this September
Micronauts: In active production
Mort, The Dead Teenager: Jessica Simpson?
Nick Fury: Maybe by 2006
Phantom: Maybe it will suck like the last one
Preacher: James Marsden (Cyclops) will be Preacher
Plastic Man: No script yet, probably never will be
Punisher 2: Will be 3 of these
Shazam!: I loved that show. No script yet.
Silver Surfer: No script yet.
Sin City: Staring Josh Hartnett coming in 2005
Son of the Mask: No Jim Carey, coming in Feb.
Spiderman 2: Doc Oc, will be a trilogy of films
Spiderman 3: Man Wolf and Venom are rumored bad guys
Submariner: Oldie, might be 2006
Supergirl: No script yet
Superman 5: No script yet
Superman vs Batman: coming from Warner Bro?s
Ultraviolet: Milla Jovovich (Resident Evil)
Vampirella: Script stage
Watchmen: John Cusack supposedly is Night Owl
Wolverine: Hugh Jackman, probably an origin movie
Wonder Woman: In script stage
X-Men 3: Emma Frost (yummy), Beast, Gambit, Angel, Psylocke, Pyro, Dazzler, Juggernaut, and the big bad Sentinals, Lady Deathstrike is resurrected and we go to the end of the Dark Phoenix storyline and skip the middle. Release date May 6, 2006. So far it looks as though the whole cast is still coming back for the 3rd one.

I know alot of movie Lovers here Might be interested in these.



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Re: Upcoming Comic Movies Revisited.
« Reply #12 on: May 25, 2004, 02:19:09 pm »
 Blade 3   I realy can't wait!!!  
 Westly Snipes is Blade nobody else could pull it off.  


  • Guest
Re: Upcoming Comic Movies Revisited.
« Reply #13 on: May 25, 2004, 02:35:42 pm »
sorry it would not be the same Superman without Christopher Reeves. Kinda like you cant make another Smokey and the Bandit without Jackie Gleason  as  Sheriff Buford T Justice        

And Vampirella would have to be rated X as it is a somewhat adult comic less than that and it would not be the same.

Barbarella rated R if you want to do it justice I do belive the first one was rated R anyway

Spiderman 2 and 3 the first one was stupid even the effects wernt all that great.

Iron man that might be worth watching.

Like to see Green Lantern made

Wonder woman dontcha mean Wonder boobs that was the only reason watch that show in the 70's

Shazam was corny
Batman begins maybe we will see the 1940's style batmobile

Bout all id be interested in.

J. Carney

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Re: Upcoming Comic Movies Revisited.
« Reply #14 on: May 25, 2004, 04:08:46 pm »
Green Hornet with Jet Li as Cato... couldn't do that any better.

Wonder if Batman Begins will give the Caped Crusader the pair of .45 ACP's that he originally had in the comics for when his 'wonderful toys' weren't quite enough?

And I can't wait to see Iron Man... as long as they start before Tony Stark gets hurt and keep to the story and keep it simple. I think that Nic Cage would actually make a decent Tony Stark... or maybe Willim DeFoe.

 Fantastic Four will be another good one, as long as it's done right and they don't try to place marketing and special effects above quality acting.


  • Guest
Re: Upcoming Comic Movies Revisited.
« Reply #15 on: May 25, 2004, 07:33:37 pm »
Doc Strange, Elektra would be cool.  Superman vs. Batman will also be great if and only if they follow the comic book.  I don't expect that to happen since that would mean that The Joker among others would die.  Green Lantern and Fantastic Four would also be good if it is done right and with today?s CGI I think it would be.  That is the reason IMHO all these companies are doing these movies now because the special effects has caught up with writers imagination.  BTW Fantastic Four was tried back in the '90's, I only know this because a guy at the University I went to got the part of Ben Grimm / The Thing.  As far as I could tell it never made it to film because the effects needed to make this film happen could not be done as needed.


  • Guest
Re: Upcoming Comic Movies Revisited.
« Reply #16 on: May 25, 2004, 07:44:57 pm »

Doc Strange, Elektra would be cool.  Superman vs. Batman will also be great if and only if they follow the comic book.  I don't expect that to happen since that would mean that The Joker among others would die.  Green Lantern and Fantastic Four would also be good if it is done right and with today?s CGI I think it would be.  That is the reason IMHO all these companies are doing these movies now because the special effects has caught up with writers imagination.  BTW Fantastic Four was tried back in the '90's, I only know this because a guy at the University I went to got the part of Ben Grimm / The Thing.  As far as I could tell it never made it to film because the effects needed to make this film happen could not be done as needed.

Actually there is a Bootleg that made theVideo Store Circuit of the F4. IT was directed By Roger Coreman IIRC.


J. Carney

  • Guest
Re: Upcoming Comic Movies Revisited.
« Reply #17 on: May 25, 2004, 08:10:30 pm »

 BTW Fantastic Four was tried back in the '90's, I only know this because a guy at the University I went to got the part of Ben Grimm / The Thing.  As far as I could tell it never made it to film because the effects needed to make this film happen could not be done as needed.

From what I heard, it wasn't som much the 'couldn't be done' issue as a 'didn't want to do it right' issue. An article came out not to long ago that said the studio was going to loose the rights to the franchise if they didn't make a movie by like, '98 or so, and consequently they made a low-budget version just to keep the option on the movie rights to future Fantastic Four movies.

With the recent trend in comic movies becoming big draws, I imagine that this time, they will break the bank on the new F4 movie.


  • Guest
Re: Upcoming Comic Movies Revisited.
« Reply #18 on: May 25, 2004, 09:06:34 pm »
Wow thats a big list some of those I'm looking forward to, some of those not so much.   Punisher2 and 3 I will wait and see while the movie was good fun it didn't seem to capture the psychotic mercyless punisher to me but over all I enjoyied the film.  The new batman sounds like it's going to be good from what I heard hopefully it won't disappoint.  They really have screwed up the X-men timeline but I think they have been pretty true to the characters and produced entertaing movies.  Wolverine could be good but could turn into just a big marketing scam to cash in on his popularity which would be  ashame since he is such a cool character.    Mayber we can get a Wolverine Punisher movie while were at it :-).  Hellboy probably has been my favorite superhero movie so far hopefully theyll continue.  Hopefully this fad of superhero movies will lead to growth and building of these types of movies instead of just a bunch of crap.  Wooohooo speaking of comics tomorrows wednesday new comics .  


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Re: Upcoming Comic Movies Revisited.
« Reply #19 on: May 26, 2004, 10:24:42 am »
Here You Go Javora.

Hehe, Personally I like the campy, But to each there own.  



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Re: Upcoming Comic Movies Revisited.
« Reply #20 on: May 26, 2004, 11:52:45 pm »

Here You Go Javora.

Hehe, Personally I like the campy, But to each there own.  


Yep that's the one, thanks Stephen.

Daew Anahos

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Re: Upcoming Comic Movies Revisited.
« Reply #21 on: May 27, 2004, 08:02:39 pm »
Hopefully they won't forget a certian, ahem, scene from the original Barberalla for the remake    


  • Guest
Upcoming Comic Movies Revisited.
« Reply #22 on: May 25, 2004, 12:20:39 pm »
Adrenalynn: Christina Ricci
Astro City
Barbarella: French comic gone movie in the 60?s Drew Barrymore will be remaking this one.
Batman Begins: Batman?s origin story with Christian Bale as Batman, let?s hope it?s better than Batman and Robin shudder
Black Panther: Wesley Snipes, still in pre-script
Black Widow: In script stage
Blade 3: In production
Captain America: wonder if it will be released in France, Germany and Russia? Anyhoo, still in development so no script or actors yet.
Catwoman: Mmmm, Halle Berry in leather. Coming July 23, 2004
Constantine: Based on comic book HellBlazer, Keanu Reeves
DareDevil 2: God the first one was bad enough, Ben Affleck is not coming back to this one
Deadpool: Just a rumor
Deathlok: In script stage
Doc Savage: Castle Rock Entertainment is doing this one, Director Chuck Russell (The Mask, Eraser)
Doc Strange: No script yet
Double Impact: In script stage, maybe a release in 2005, I wonder who will play the hottties?
Elektra: Jennifer Garner (Alias, Daredevil, Pearl Harbor) as Elektra, in production
Fantastic Four: In script stage, no cast yet
Fathom: Just a rumor
Gargoyle: Script stage
Ghost Rider: Nicholas Cage as the flaming head
Green Hornet: In script stage, looking at Jet Li as Cato
Green Lantern: No news on who is going to be Hal Jordan, not even a script yet
Hellboy 2: Still in script stage
Hulk 2: In development
Iron Fist: In script stage
Iron Man: In script stage
Jinx: Script stage
Luke Cage: production starts in the summer
Madman: starts production soon I hear
Man-Thing: coming this September
Micronauts: In active production
Mort, The Dead Teenager: Jessica Simpson?
Nick Fury: Maybe by 2006
Phantom: Maybe it will suck like the last one
Preacher: James Marsden (Cyclops) will be Preacher
Plastic Man: No script yet, probably never will be
Punisher 2: Will be 3 of these
Shazam!: I loved that show. No script yet.
Silver Surfer: No script yet.
Sin City: Staring Josh Hartnett coming in 2005
Son of the Mask: No Jim Carey, coming in Feb.
Spiderman 2: Doc Oc, will be a trilogy of films
Spiderman 3: Man Wolf and Venom are rumored bad guys
Submariner: Oldie, might be 2006
Supergirl: No script yet
Superman 5: No script yet
Superman vs Batman: coming from Warner Bro?s
Ultraviolet: Milla Jovovich (Resident Evil)
Vampirella: Script stage
Watchmen: John Cusack supposedly is Night Owl
Wolverine: Hugh Jackman, probably an origin movie
Wonder Woman: In script stage
X-Men 3: Emma Frost (yummy), Beast, Gambit, Angel, Psylocke, Pyro, Dazzler, Juggernaut, and the big bad Sentinals, Lady Deathstrike is resurrected and we go to the end of the Dark Phoenix storyline and skip the middle. Release date May 6, 2006. So far it looks as though the whole cast is still coming back for the 3rd one.

I know alot of movie Lovers here Might be interested in these.



  • Guest
Re: Upcoming Comic Movies Revisited.
« Reply #23 on: May 25, 2004, 02:19:09 pm »
 Blade 3   I realy can't wait!!!  
 Westly Snipes is Blade nobody else could pull it off.  


  • Guest
Re: Upcoming Comic Movies Revisited.
« Reply #24 on: May 25, 2004, 02:35:42 pm »
sorry it would not be the same Superman without Christopher Reeves. Kinda like you cant make another Smokey and the Bandit without Jackie Gleason  as  Sheriff Buford T Justice        

And Vampirella would have to be rated X as it is a somewhat adult comic less than that and it would not be the same.

Barbarella rated R if you want to do it justice I do belive the first one was rated R anyway

Spiderman 2 and 3 the first one was stupid even the effects wernt all that great.

Iron man that might be worth watching.

Like to see Green Lantern made

Wonder woman dontcha mean Wonder boobs that was the only reason watch that show in the 70's

Shazam was corny
Batman begins maybe we will see the 1940's style batmobile

Bout all id be interested in.

J. Carney

  • Guest
Re: Upcoming Comic Movies Revisited.
« Reply #25 on: May 25, 2004, 04:08:46 pm »
Green Hornet with Jet Li as Cato... couldn't do that any better.

Wonder if Batman Begins will give the Caped Crusader the pair of .45 ACP's that he originally had in the comics for when his 'wonderful toys' weren't quite enough?

And I can't wait to see Iron Man... as long as they start before Tony Stark gets hurt and keep to the story and keep it simple. I think that Nic Cage would actually make a decent Tony Stark... or maybe Willim DeFoe.

 Fantastic Four will be another good one, as long as it's done right and they don't try to place marketing and special effects above quality acting.


  • Guest
Re: Upcoming Comic Movies Revisited.
« Reply #26 on: May 25, 2004, 07:33:37 pm »
Doc Strange, Elektra would be cool.  Superman vs. Batman will also be great if and only if they follow the comic book.  I don't expect that to happen since that would mean that The Joker among others would die.  Green Lantern and Fantastic Four would also be good if it is done right and with today?s CGI I think it would be.  That is the reason IMHO all these companies are doing these movies now because the special effects has caught up with writers imagination.  BTW Fantastic Four was tried back in the '90's, I only know this because a guy at the University I went to got the part of Ben Grimm / The Thing.  As far as I could tell it never made it to film because the effects needed to make this film happen could not be done as needed.


  • Guest
Re: Upcoming Comic Movies Revisited.
« Reply #27 on: May 25, 2004, 07:44:57 pm »

Doc Strange, Elektra would be cool.  Superman vs. Batman will also be great if and only if they follow the comic book.  I don't expect that to happen since that would mean that The Joker among others would die.  Green Lantern and Fantastic Four would also be good if it is done right and with today?s CGI I think it would be.  That is the reason IMHO all these companies are doing these movies now because the special effects has caught up with writers imagination.  BTW Fantastic Four was tried back in the '90's, I only know this because a guy at the University I went to got the part of Ben Grimm / The Thing.  As far as I could tell it never made it to film because the effects needed to make this film happen could not be done as needed.

Actually there is a Bootleg that made theVideo Store Circuit of the F4. IT was directed By Roger Coreman IIRC.


J. Carney

  • Guest
Re: Upcoming Comic Movies Revisited.
« Reply #28 on: May 25, 2004, 08:10:30 pm »

 BTW Fantastic Four was tried back in the '90's, I only know this because a guy at the University I went to got the part of Ben Grimm / The Thing.  As far as I could tell it never made it to film because the effects needed to make this film happen could not be done as needed.

From what I heard, it wasn't som much the 'couldn't be done' issue as a 'didn't want to do it right' issue. An article came out not to long ago that said the studio was going to loose the rights to the franchise if they didn't make a movie by like, '98 or so, and consequently they made a low-budget version just to keep the option on the movie rights to future Fantastic Four movies.

With the recent trend in comic movies becoming big draws, I imagine that this time, they will break the bank on the new F4 movie.


  • Guest
Re: Upcoming Comic Movies Revisited.
« Reply #29 on: May 25, 2004, 09:06:34 pm »
Wow thats a big list some of those I'm looking forward to, some of those not so much.   Punisher2 and 3 I will wait and see while the movie was good fun it didn't seem to capture the psychotic mercyless punisher to me but over all I enjoyied the film.  The new batman sounds like it's going to be good from what I heard hopefully it won't disappoint.  They really have screwed up the X-men timeline but I think they have been pretty true to the characters and produced entertaing movies.  Wolverine could be good but could turn into just a big marketing scam to cash in on his popularity which would be  ashame since he is such a cool character.    Mayber we can get a Wolverine Punisher movie while were at it :-).  Hellboy probably has been my favorite superhero movie so far hopefully theyll continue.  Hopefully this fad of superhero movies will lead to growth and building of these types of movies instead of just a bunch of crap.  Wooohooo speaking of comics tomorrows wednesday new comics .  


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Re: Upcoming Comic Movies Revisited.
« Reply #30 on: May 26, 2004, 10:24:42 am »
Here You Go Javora.

Hehe, Personally I like the campy, But to each there own.  



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Re: Upcoming Comic Movies Revisited.
« Reply #31 on: May 26, 2004, 11:52:45 pm »

Here You Go Javora.

Hehe, Personally I like the campy, But to each there own.  


Yep that's the one, thanks Stephen.

Daew Anahos

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Re: Upcoming Comic Movies Revisited.
« Reply #32 on: May 27, 2004, 08:02:39 pm »
Hopefully they won't forget a certian, ahem, scene from the original Barberalla for the remake