Topic: What is the stigma against SFC3? Escpecailly with models of the Enterprise?  (Read 5503 times)

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Brad Bowermaster

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Re: Conversions
« Reply #20 on: March 04, 2003, 07:30:15 pm »
James has a point. Over at BCU, we recently banned a forum poster who was disrespecting modelers. He would port their models without permission, then do a half assed job at it. After we banned them, some poster complained that he had been with BC community 'since its beginning' and that we were killing the BC community by banning him. He said he still wanted to be a "huge fan of this community and its fantastic members." The poster registered December 8th. Ok, maybe his old account was having problems. But guess how many posts this poster had? THREE. THREE posts over a 3 month period. SAD. That is sad and just shows how greedy and unappreciative people have gotten. Great show of support for the community and the modelers. Basically, it took someone to threaten to cut off his supply of free models  in order for him to actually post.

Gaming communities overall has gotten pitiful and unappreciative of its modelers and modders. THATS why you see a decrease in releases, that's why you see people charging for models and starting waiting lists.  


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The beta version of my Enterprise is on my download site.  Feel free to convert it.  

Umm....which file is it?  Or do you want them all converted?

James, I'm almost done converting your USS Raven.  Check the site in my sig and you should find it there by tomorrow.  

The Fca2 model.


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James, I am having some trouble with the Raven.  When I first converted and tested it, it worked fine.  I tweaked the glow points and ran the game.  The game crashed on me!    So, I restarted my machine and ran the game again. It crashed on me again.  So I ran the game again, then  I went to look through the Ship Library and only 3 ships were in there!  I took the Raven out and it ran fine.  I'm pretty sure it was just something I did wrong, but just in case could you check your ship out and see if maybe you got the .mod and brk.mod mixed up?

Since I couldn't get the Raven done I went ahead and converted Khaliban's Enterprise-A.  Khaliban, I can permanetly host this ships or I can just host it until you find someplace else to put it.  Its up to you.    Anywho this ship does not have a break model so when you destroy it, it just disappears.    

James Formo

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Well hmm. I did notice some unwelded faces so I reweld them but I don't think that would cause it not to work. I have had it in SFC2 alright. Don't have SFC3 though.  I rezipped the mod file as you already have the textures.  The break mod is actually the same file , just renamed and altered textures. It isn't a true break.  Could be a problem with the plugins for milkshape or maybe the zip file got a bit corrupted. Give this new mod a whirl. But if it don't work don't spend anymore time on it.

Appreciate your efforts  Oh the mod file is a different name only because I had it in a different folder.


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James, I am having some trouble with the Raven.  When I first converted and tested it, it worked fine.  I tweaked the glow points and ran the game.  The game crashed on me!    So, I restarted my machine and ran the game again. It crashed on me again.  So I ran the game again, then  I went to look through the Ship Library and only 3 ships were in there!  I took the Raven out and it ran fine.  I'm pretty sure it was just something I did wrong, but just in case could you check your ship out and see if maybe you got the .mod and brk.mod mixed up?

Since I couldn't get the Raven done I went ahead and converted Khaliban's Enterprise-A.  Khaliban, I can permanetly host this ships or I can just host it until you find someplace else to put it.  Its up to you.    Anywho this ship does not have a break model so when you destroy it, it just disappears.    

I don't mind if you host.  Spread the bandwidth, I say.  This is the beta version.  By that I mean it's only the LOD1 model.  The final version will include 2 and 3 and a breakmodel.  I released this one, because it's more fun to look at than screenshots.