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Quote:I think this was in the Neutral Zone SFC3 mod: is a pic from wallpaper "background9" by Captain KoraH?Can somebody post this or send it my way at ?Thanks in advance.KF
Quote:Quote:I think this was in the Neutral Zone SFC3 mod: is a pic from wallpaper "background9" by Captain KoraH?Can somebody post this or send it my way at ?Thanks in advance.KF Oooooooo that's one I don't have . Send it here as well please or post a link.Thank you in advance.-MP I have several variations of that style/ design,for SFC II/OP,including a "Wings Up" version. If enough people want them I'll start uploading to STCD
Quote:KF, could you e-mail it to me, too? My e-mail is available through the forum site. It IS a good looking ship.
Quote:I think that I found what you are looking for in the Unity 2 SFC3 mod. I have sent the model to KF. If that is the right one, I will forward the model to those who have posted requests.
Quote:LOL! I hope my ship recognition skills are slightly better than that! I did see that particular ship in the Unity 2 collection, but that is definitely not the ship that I sent.