hello taldren...i was noticing the various costs of lyran ints.maybe it's a opplus 3.3 thing,i don't know,but to give some examples l-cc+=155 no fighters
l-ccf=177 2 fighters(int's) int's cost 11 bpv's each
l-cf=166 no fighters
l-cff=190 2 fighters(int's) 12 bpv's each
l-ca+=140 no fighters
l-caf=169 2 fighters(int's) 14.5 bpv's each
wyn-wpbc=129 no fighters
wyn-wpbc=169 2 fighters(int's) 20 bpv's each
l-bchp=198 no fighters
l-bchf=218 2 fighters 10 bpv each
l-bcht=238 4 fighters 10 bpv's each
l-dnl+=223 0 fighters
l-dnlp+=232 0 fighters
l-dnlf=256 2 fighters 16.5 bpv's each compared to dnl+ OR 12 bpv's each compared to dnlp+
l-dnlt=276 4 fighters 13.25 bpv's each/dnl+ OR 11 bpv's each compared to dnlp+
i am unable to look and see if this is all an op plus 3.3 thing or if some of this would hold up to different bpv/int with just taldren without opplus 3.3 as i would have to uninstall/reinstall to check.that curious i am not,untill i have to for whatever reason.
obviously my basic question is why do lyran ints have so many diferent costs,instead of a uniform cost?
ty in advance