Topic: Kitten Puddles...  (Read 21353 times)

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Re: Kitten Puddles...
« Reply #80 on: May 26, 2004, 03:42:44 pm »
These should be manly enough for you. Caesar, Napoleon, Wellington - Napoleons opponent at Waterloo. Another good one would be Bear.  


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Re: Kitten Puddles...
« Reply #81 on: May 26, 2004, 10:36:34 pm »
He looks like a "Panther" or maybe a "Midnight"  


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Re: Kitten Puddles...
« Reply #82 on: May 26, 2004, 11:35:03 pm »
How about Brutus? That way when he jumps off the monitor onto your keyboard while you play SFC, you can say

Et tu brutai?  

Clark Kent

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Re: Kitten Puddles...
« Reply #83 on: May 26, 2004, 11:53:13 pm »
Just talked to my firend about the kitten, looks like I'll be waiting a while longer since he's not weaned yet.  I figure it will be better for him not to take him from his mom until he's ready.  Oh well, looks like more waiting for me,


P.S.  i like Latinas...
....And apparently Asian ladies as well...


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Re: Kitten Puddles...
« Reply #84 on: May 27, 2004, 07:46:40 am »

Just talked to my firend about the kitten, looks like I'll be waiting a while longer since he's not weaned yet.  I figure it will be better for him not to take him from his mom until he's ready.  Oh well, looks like more waiting for me,


P.S.  i like Latinas...
....And apparently Asian ladies as well...  

Yeah you can tell just by the color of his eyes that he just isn't old enough.  What you could do, that is if farm owners are willing, is have one of your shirts that you like to wear a lot put in the box with that kitten in it.  That way that kitten will know you by scent since you won't be there for quite a few weeks.  

Let me give you a few more names to think on.  Koapaka (KO ah pa KA) valiant and brave warrior, especially in battle (this is my eldest son's middle name).  Nohea (no HE ah) handsome and of fine appearance (this is my youngest son's middle name).  As you can see some these are close to my heart but I don't think you want my middle name, Malia, for your boy cat!  LOL  Tell you what, I do have some baby name books and if you want to go with a regular name I can at least give you the meanings!

Clark Kent

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Re: Kitten Puddles...
« Reply #85 on: May 27, 2004, 10:11:31 am »
What about the eyes makes you say that?


P.S.  I like Latinas...
....And apparently Asian ladies as well...


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Re: Kitten Puddles...
« Reply #86 on: May 28, 2004, 12:28:20 am »

What about the eyes makes you say that?


P.S.  I like Latinas...
....And apparently Asian ladies as well...  

His eyes haven't changed to it's adult color.  For a cat as dark as that one it is really rare for his eyes to stay that color blue.    

Clark Kent

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Re: Kitten Puddles...
« Reply #87 on: May 28, 2004, 02:30:56 am »
Oh, that seems to make sense, I didn't know that about cats.  How long till they usually turn colors?


P.S.  I like Latinas...
....And apparently Asian ladies as well...

Clark Kent

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Re: Kitten Puddles...
« Reply #88 on: June 08, 2004, 05:12:07 pm »
Today I picked up my shiny new ktty from the stables and brought it home.  They were anxious for me to pick him up, since yesterday, he dissapearred and they had to spend over an hour scouring the countryside for him.  Apparently, he's been managing to get outside of his little safe room (safe from the horses, dogs, etc.) to explore, since he's a really inquisitive one.His sisters generally just sat back and watched, wondering what he was doing.  Anyway, yesterday, when he went exploring, he followed his mom to a hay shed, and couldn't find his way back, so he dug himself into a bail of hay, and hid there until someone finally came accross him.  The owner of the stables was nt pleased, and wanted him out of tghere quick fast and in a hurry.  As I left, i petted his sisters goodbye and left, my shiny new kitten in my arms.  At first, he was quite excited, but as I left the barn and walked towards my car he became steadily more anxious and outspoken.He cried for a few miles as we drove down the road, and hid underneath my seat in the car.  I felt/feel so terrible for being the first to start the seperation process with those kittens.  I know kittens are generally playful with their brothers and sisters, but these three seemed particularaly close, and I had hoped to be the last to take one home, so as to not be the cause of their kitten angst.
Finally, after about 6 miles or so, he climbed out from under my seat and looked up at me with sad but inquisitive eyes.  I welcomed him to my lap, where he slep until i reached my sisters to pick up his litter box and a carrying kennel.  From there, I decided the kennel wasn't really necessary, so i let him sleep on my lap again as we made our way to target to get kitten supplies, except this time, he decided that as i was petting him, he would lean back farther and farther into my hand, until the only thing keeping him on the car seat was my hand.  So there I sat, one hand on the wheel, and the other, between my legs, holding the kitten.  
Upon arrival to Target, he slipped underneath the driverseat again and fell asleep, awaiting my return.  We went home, him climbing my shirt, looking for yet more attention, and I brought him inside, along with all of his supplies.  I gave him his collar, he gorged himself on food, explored half of the place with incredible care and silence, and slept the rest of the day.  right now, he's sleeping on my lap after I wiped off the back of his neck from the excess flea repellant I spilled on him.  I feel badly that I have to pick him up now so I can go to class.
After much thought, i've decided to stick with the name Saber.  My nieces already know his pictures by that name, and something about it just seems to work for him.  The other name suggestions give to me were excellent, and I'll most likely have other pets, and choose from that list, but this one remains Saber.
Now for the breaking him in phase...


P.S.  I like Latinas...
....And apparently Asian ladies as well...


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Re: Kitten Puddles...
« Reply #89 on: June 08, 2004, 05:22:04 pm »
Congratulations!!  Sounds like you made a great friend!!  


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Re: Kitten Puddles...
« Reply #90 on: June 08, 2004, 06:52:16 pm »
Now just remember dont get mad at it when it jumps up on your keyboard and scares the Hell out of you, and causes you to lose all your work a few times. As you wanted a pet so you got to take the bad with the good.  


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Re: Kitten Puddles...
« Reply #91 on: June 08, 2004, 07:13:09 pm »
Oh yeah almost forgot--get ready to be used as a practice target!  


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Re: Kitten Puddles...
« Reply #92 on: June 08, 2004, 07:17:21 pm »
Just a thought here.

Try not to let the cat get used to being free in your car. If anything godforbid happened, and you had to stomp on the brakes with the cat under there, well you get the point.  I always make sure i keep my little ball of fur in his carry cage while he's in the car.  

J. Carney

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Re: Kitten Puddles...
« Reply #93 on: June 08, 2004, 07:41:48 pm »
Yeah... find some comfortable long pants to wear around the house for a little while... till Saber learns the difference between 'claws in' and 'claws out'. Oh, yeah... and remember, even kittens like to gnaw on soft things (read fingers and toes) when teething.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by J. Carney »


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Re: Kitten Puddles...
« Reply #94 on: June 09, 2004, 03:54:37 am »

 Now for the breaking him in phase...

Yup, his breaking you in.   Congratulations on joining those that are owned by cats.    

Clark Kent

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Re: Kitten Puddles...
« Reply #95 on: June 09, 2004, 10:52:49 am »
Thanks for the replies, I'm starting to get an idea of how kittens break you in.  Here's the latest:
Day 2, the Kitten Chronicles
2:00 AM
So very tired, but can't get to sleep.  I got home alte last night- after 2 am, and went to bed before 3, but that little bastard was stalking me.  I sat down to check ym email, and sure enough I hear a "jingle jingle jingle."  The terror began to rise in the pits of my stomach.  "he's coming,"  I told myself.  Slowly, the creature slinked out from under my bed, where he had been hiding in warmth, and dust, for me to appear so he could begin his reign of terror anew.  I sat in anticipation as the creature emerged, slowly, his sleek ferosity carried so naturally as he made his way to me.  If it hadn't been for the tag I had managed to put on him, I wouldn't even know he was there.  It's patented jingle bell technology setting off distinct air vibrations to alert me to his direction.  
Before I knew it he was standing befoer me, making his way over, all 9 inches and 13 ounces of him.  With great care, i managed to circumvent him as he tried to cut me off from my one route of escape: the bed.  Once tucked inside the covers I thought to myself, "It'sd alright now, I';m safe."  I sat in shear horror as I listened to the malicious jingle on the floor beside me as he made short work of post it notes and computerattachments that had been unfortunate enough to cross his path.  After a short time had passed I realized he had had enough of those tidbits, and was on to the real prey: me.  Through his manipualtion of my mind he forced me to pick him up and set him besideme on the bed.  At first all was well, my arms displayed upwards toward the ehad of the bed he had found a nice nook in my armpit and was making this ungodly noise, almost like a diesel engine.  Then, suddenly, with no warning I felt a sharp pain, like several pins jabbing into my armpit  and then pulling.  The terror had truly begun now, and it would continue throughout the night.
6:00 AM
I managed to get an hour of sleep in between attacks, hoping he was through with me for the night, but with no luck.  I'm woken by the feeling of a sharp blow against my eye.  The meager light shining in the windowfrom the cloud engrossed sky allow me to determine that he's no long on the bed; he's made his way to the top of my headboard and found the small serenity water fountain there and the co9ntinuing sharp blows are rocks he's picked upand dropped onto me.  Oh the horror!  It's time to fight back.  Within minutes I will begin my painstaking safari to locate the little bastard on top of my headboard and trap him in a sturdy containment vessel for transport and holding until I can better handle this situation.


P.S.  i like Latinas...
....And apparently Asian ladies as well...


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Re: Kitten Puddles...
« Reply #96 on: June 09, 2004, 04:38:17 pm »
Sounds remarkably familiar....I recall our current resident cat doing that sort of thing when we brought her home.


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Re: Kitten Puddles...
« Reply #97 on: June 09, 2004, 06:24:36 pm »
Congratulations!  I am sure it will be a learning experience for you both.  I've lived with cats since the day mum and dad brought me home from the hospital so for me I was always aware of them.  I think in a way I will never know it will be more exciting for you!  

Be good to each other and I think everything will work out for the best!



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Re: Kitten Puddles...
« Reply #98 on: June 09, 2004, 10:15:32 pm »
A water gun is your best friend. Squit him when he does something wrong.  


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Re: Kitten Puddles...
« Reply #99 on: June 10, 2004, 02:40:49 am »
A spray bottle is better and doesn't leak as much also if you want that warning to stick in Saber's mind you might want to concider 1 or 2 parts concentrated lemon and 2 or 3 parts water for that spray bottle.  Most cats don't like the taste or smell of citrus so spraying him reinforces the fact he did something wrong.  But don't forget treats when he does something good like use the kitty litter.