Hadn't thought of the spray bottle. He's still learning that night is for sleep. Last night wasn't bad, by now he's learned what the bed is for, so he spent most of the night curled up under my armpit. Don't know why he likes it there. However, the slightest sign of daylight and he was upi and running around, dropping things on me to wake me up. I got pretty angry, but I think I'll meet him halfway and go to bed a little earlier so he doesn't have to wai as long till I'm ready to get up in the morning. Just the same, though, he needs to learn that when I lay down, I'm staying down until I feel like getting up, not when he feels like it.
Apparently he has never had treats before either. It's taken a couple days for him to figure out that these little things in the jar I shake are yummy. He's starting to figure it out though, everytime I shake the jar he perks up and now is starting to understand soemthing good is coming. He also relally likes to be on my lap while on the computer. He just climbed up my leg and next thing I knew I was looking down at these little green eyes peering up at me from my crotch. When he learned there wasn't enough room to climb up from underneathh, he managed to climb up from behind the slide out keyboard.
P.S. I like Latinas...
....And apparently Asian ladies as well...