Topic: Azel .... was this what you had in mind  (Read 1743 times)

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Azel .... was this what you had in mind
« on: March 13, 2004, 09:37:51 pm »
when you you suggested using parts from the secondary hull ..??

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by olbuzzard »


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Re: Azel .... was this what you had in mind
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2004, 10:15:04 pm »
Now all we need is a springfield class
sos we can add the pod  


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Re: Azel .... was this what you had in mind
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2004, 10:26:24 pm »
Go For it !!!

I'm also hoping (provided it looks right)  to add it as an up grade to the Advanced Light Cruiser.  It always did bug me that the deflectors were limited to the smaller one embeded into the top of the saucer on th origonal Miranda.  Hopefully, this will provide a good alternative for the guys who have the model programs.


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Re: Azel .... was this what you had in mind
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2004, 10:44:52 pm »

Now all we need is a springfield class
sos we can add the pod  

Eew. Am I the only one here who thinks the Springfield looks nasty with that pod on? Besides, the ship never had that pod (I know, I know 'it's a variant' - doesn't have to look ugly to be so )

Nice work on the pod BTW


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Re: Azel .... was this what you had in mind
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2004, 07:05:44 am »


Now all we need is a springfield class
sos we can add the pod  

Eew. Am I the only one here who thinks the Springfield looks nasty with that pod on? Besides, the ship never had that pod (I know, I know 'it's a variant' - doesn't have to look ugly to be so )

Nice work on the pod BTW  

Wouldn't it just be easier to add an akira style deflector to the bottom of the Springfields saucer?Or perhaps that pod attached like this:
  Or on the pylons under the Narcells like this:
 Or on top of the narcells like this:
Just a few ideas sirs  
Great concept for a Miranda TNG style weapon pod upgrade Old Buzzard sir !


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Re: Azel .... was this what you had in mind
« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2004, 07:47:34 am »

Wouldn't it just be easier to add an akira style deflector to the bottom of the Springfields saucer?Or perhaps that pod attached like this:
  Or on the pylons under the Narcells like this:
 Or on top of the narcells like this:
Just a few ideas sirs  
Great concept for a Miranda TNG style weapon pod upgrade Old Buzzard sir !

Thanks bud ..

BTW I like  both concepts you have suggested.  Having the entire pod under the saucer seems to be the most "steam-lined" of the two.  Good stuff..  keep the ideas comming.    


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Re: Azel .... was this what you had in mind
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2004, 08:31:28 am »


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Re: Azel .... was this what you had in mind
« Reply #7 on: March 14, 2004, 08:38:16 am »


I have pics of all these ships from all angles  
And plenty of more suggestions as well  
I'm just excited to see what OldBuzzard's next X-CLC looks like


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Re: Azel .... was this what you had in mind
« Reply #8 on: March 14, 2004, 12:38:29 pm »



I have pics of all these ships from all angles  
And plenty of more suggestions as well  
I'm just excited to see what OldBuzzard's next X-CLC looks like


Kinda been cookin' a few things on the back burner.  But ultimately it will be up to the guys who did the first draft  ( they have the programs to do the modeling).  As we continue to discuss some ideas here it will hopefully give way to some ideas that they find useful.

Here is an idea that I came up with personally...  Azel expanded on ( made the suggestion of using the secondary hull of Enterprise E ....BTW .. ....  thanks bud )

I also thought about using something else AZEL came up with too ....  remember those wild warp drives he did from the Enterprise J ???  If I had a good side view sketch ...  hehehehe  (wheels are turning fast here bubba !!)  ...  I'm just not too sure just how far to go ...  Advanced ....  but not over the top.  The first draft was exactly what it needed to be   .  This next one could very well be the last.  I'm also in the process of building plastic models of all 3.

1.  The origonal concept.
2.  The build by DM, Atrahasis, Atheorhaven, and P81 ( I hope we did not exclude anyone)
3.  This upgraded version


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Re: Azel .... was this what you had in mind
« Reply #9 on: March 14, 2004, 01:17:24 pm »


Kinda been cookin' a few things on the back burner. But ultimately it will be up to the guys who did the first draft ( they have the programs to do the modeling). As we continue to discuss some ideas here it will hopefully give way to some ideas that they find useful.

Here is an idea that I came up with personally... Azel expanded on ( made the suggestion of using the secondary hull of Enterprise E ....BTW ..   .... thanks bud )

I also thought about using something else AZEL came up with too .... remember those wild warp drives he did from the Enterprise J ??? If I had a good side view sketch ... hehehehe (wheels are turning fast here bubba !!) ... I'm just not too sure just how far to go ... Advanced .... but not over the top. The first draft was exactly what it needed to be . This next one could very well be the last. I'm also in the process of building plastic models of all 3.

1. The origonal concept.
2. The build by DM, Atrahasis, Atheorhaven, and P81 ( I hope we did not exclude anyone)
3. This upgraded version

Thats a great Idea...I can get that sideveiw up in a few  


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Re: Azel .... was this what you had in mind
« Reply #10 on: March 15, 2004, 07:05:07 pm »



Kinda been cookin' a few things on the back burner. But ultimately it will be up to the guys who did the first draft ( they have the programs to do the modeling). As we continue to discuss some ideas here it will hopefully give way to some ideas that they find useful.

Here is an idea that I came up with personally... Azel expanded on ( made the suggestion of using the secondary hull of Enterprise E ....BTW ..   .... thanks bud )

I also thought about using something else AZEL came up with too .... remember those wild warp drives he did from the Enterprise J ??? If I had a good side view sketch ... hehehehe (wheels are turning fast here bubba !!) ... I'm just not too sure just how far to go ... Advanced .... but not over the top. The first draft was exactly what it needed to be . This next one could very well be the last. I'm also in the process of building plastic models of all 3.

1. The origonal concept.
2. The build by DM, Atrahasis, Atheorhaven, and P81 ( I hope we did not exclude anyone)
3. This upgraded version

Thats a great Idea...I can get that sideveiw up in a few  

AZEL ...  with your permission of course ...  we did a little rough draft for that nacelle you posted on the Enterpriise J ...  I'm not sure how accurate this ..  but, here we go  ( please note all 4 are obviously the same ... just a little different varriant of each ( not sure which style suits you the best.

Also ...  please note we updated the "Roll Bar" with the weapons/ sensor/deflector pod too.




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Re: Azel .... was this what you had in mind
« Reply #11 on: March 15, 2004, 08:32:28 pm »
I'm diggin' that weapons pod sir.  


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Re: Azel .... was this what you had in mind
« Reply #12 on: May 23, 2004, 02:05:49 pm »
WOW  ...  I dug this up looking for something else..  I really do need to get this done..  kinda haveing "writters ...  er ahh  designers ..  block right now though.  I'll see if I can dig up the last up-date I've got on record.


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Re: Azel .... was this what you had in mind
« Reply #13 on: May 23, 2004, 02:15:55 pm »
count me in if this gets released i know loads about the springfeild and i would love to help make up background info on any vareints even if there is an advanced version that counts as a new ship let me at it i love writing up histories (yes i know its sad but a guy has to have somesort of talent)


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Re: Azel .... was this what you had in mind
« Reply #14 on: May 24, 2004, 09:20:46 am »
what exactly are you 2 trying to build  anyways?


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Re: Azel .... was this what you had in mind
« Reply #15 on: May 24, 2004, 09:49:22 am »
ACTUALLY  ..  this goes back to me do a refit for the X-CLC  Sea Wolf class Advanced Light Cruiser.  I think I have a pict at home we can post tonight.  The biggest problem was making the new roll bar  "flow " correctly  to the pylons...  to the warp nacelles.  And the nacelles themselves will be more than likely updated too...  

At any rate..  i kinda have an idea in mind what we want ...  just cant get the details right !!!  OY  ..  this can be a bit frustrating   !!    

I would really like to put this one to bed before Nanner gets his new mod ready  !!


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Re: Azel .... was this what you had in mind
« Reply #16 on: May 25, 2004, 07:41:40 am »
Have you tried mating them up ( narcelle to pylon/roll bar) like in those example pics that were posted sir?