Topic: SFC3 Patch 531  (Read 16300 times)

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Dash Jones

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Re: SFC3 Patch 531
« Reply #60 on: April 25, 2004, 01:22:22 pm »
Wow, thanks.

As a side note, getting some really slow d/l speeds d/ling them.  Any other places which won't slow down greatly, or have faster d/l rates?


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Re: SFC3 Patch 531
« Reply #61 on: April 25, 2004, 01:32:25 pm »
xc or battle clinic for the patch.. listed on main posting or on site HERE
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Pestalence »


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Re: SFC3 Patch 531
« Reply #62 on: April 25, 2004, 01:54:24 pm »
   Pestalence please answer this and check to see if I am right about this and what do you do with the refitted model folder save it to some place else for now.I have made several variations of ship in there and I hopping not to lose them.I have DX9.0b but I will do this when I get that list back from you don't rush it.I did DL 2036 and it is as good as 2552 I burned the 2036 do a disk and will uninstall EAW when I get that list back from you.I guess there is not much you can do because your site is down.Thanks  


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Re: SFC3 Patch 531
« Reply #63 on: April 25, 2004, 05:06:43 pm »
In your Assets/Specs folder...

If you changed your Default Load Out, or Default Core.. then you will need to redo them with the one's listed in the v531.. in other words remake them..

as for saved ships.. you can try and save your ships from the Assets\Specs|Custom

and put them back in after patching.. however the ships may not work correctly...

if you edited the *.gf files.. then you will need to redo the file and the file

also if you changed the file.. this will need to be redone as well.

hope that this helps.


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Re: SFC3 Patch 531
« Reply #64 on: April 26, 2004, 08:57:09 am »
We've all been using this build for a while now in the Dynaverse with mods like Dom Wars.  Despite being told that the GSA players oppinion was vailid we stiil havnt been asked weather we like it need it or want what it does.  We were offered the chance to talk with Taldren but the methods of communication offered to Talderen were never used.

We spent a lot of time talking to players to get the feed back on what they thought would be good for the new patch, and not one of them said they wanted the Klingon disrupters hitting ships at warp.  The whole nature of the skirmish battle has been ruined.  

The tatics of using warp have been negated, the increase to proximity torpedoes makes it impossible for the Klingons to fly with out shields.  In other words, the game feels wrong and imbalanced towards the Federation weapons.

Under Build 500 the Akira was obviously THE ship to fly, 4 torps and 1 phaser.  So far, this "Classic" config is still the best combination for winning battles, the only difference is that now he has to be careful about warping because if he does, a Klingon can shoot him from behind asteroids and planets (Try getting any other projectile weapon to do this and you will encounter the laws of motion!)

I see many fleets not likeing how the game now plays and we are heading towards the situation of having two games played in the same lobby making annoying to find a room using your build, this frustration just makes people think, "Lets play Battle Fields instead".  

On behalf of ELITE and the Game Spy Players who have spent there money on your game please look again at what you have given us, you have taken us backwards not forwards and all it would have taken to avoid this would have been one night in the GSA lobby for SFC3 talking to people.

Thankfully for me I'd already decided to stop playing the game as I was just BORED of the same old ships, X2 is the future folks, now that the game is moddable I can create a whole 3D universe with all the ST sectors, races, ships and planetary systems ready for when the game is realeased for online play.

I hope that all goes well and that one day you get this game right (before a new company gets the liesence for ST games and brings out #4)



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Re: SFC3 Patch 531
« Reply #65 on: April 26, 2004, 10:55:18 am »

In your Assets/Specs folder...

If you changed your Default Load Out, or Default Core.. then you will need to redo them with the one's listed in the v531.. in other words remake them..

as for saved ships.. you can try and save your ships from the Assets\Specs|Custom

and put them back in after patching.. however the ships may not work correctly...

if you edited the *.gf files.. then you will need to redo the file and the file

also if you changed the file.. this will need to be redone as well.

hope that this helps.

Actually, all BUT the file is compatable, you need to add the BorgArmor part to the end of that file.

The LoadOut file IS compatible.

The Core file is ALMOST compatible  - you need to add an extra column, called "ShipSize" - which is the size of the model. There is a command which writes out the Model Sizes for you, I'll explain it when I can.


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Re: SFC3 Patch 531
« Reply #66 on: April 27, 2004, 09:06:05 am »

    We've seen this same kind of whining before.  People learn to compensate for a flaw in the game.  Then when it is fixed they scream foul.  You can learn to change your tactics.    
    As for your opinion.  Feedback is always welcome.  All you had to do was post in this forum.


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Re: SFC3 Patch 531
« Reply #67 on: May 01, 2004, 11:14:23 pm »

1.  De-Borgified 4th race no longer gets free hull repair.
4. only change *should* be the glows being enabled for de-Borgified 4th race.
5.  Banking ships for the Borg Slot.
6.  New .gf setting which allows turning off of Borg regen armor. This is in the file at the bottom listed as:


When this is set to 0, it will essentially turn the Borg into a "normal" race. Their hull will no longer regenerate. Their ships will bank, they will have to pay for repairs and they will have shield glows. This option is for modders who wish to replace the Borg with another race .

Okay, so I have a question regarding the above.  If I replace the Borg with *race of choice* what areas of play within the game can *race of choice* be found? I don't play online, but I would assume that they would not appear in single player campaign, that they would in skirmish, but can you play *as* them in conquest? Also, when you convert them to a new race in the DefaultLoadOut.txt, is POLITICAL BASE column still going to be identified as "Borg"?  If so, can "Cardassian" or "Species8472" be substituted in, seeing they were drawn into one of the original .gf files, or can you make a new one up altogether?   I guess that question applies as well to the ClassName column as well.

Thanks for any assistance in clearing this up.


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Re: SFC3 Patch 531
« Reply #68 on: May 01, 2004, 11:30:12 pm »
It would be best to ask this in the D3 Forums or start a new posting here as this pertains to creating a mod.. also posting in the Mod setion would be advised as well..

the "Other Races" are in place for people to create Mods off of.. it is not part of the stock game content.


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Re: SFC3 Patch 531
« Reply #69 on: May 02, 2004, 01:15:26 pm »
Holy moley.... sure thank you guys for putting this out, awful nice to get new things! Thank you, thak you, thank you, for the genuine effort, all involved... I imagine its been a lot of work!
....and thank you to all who have mirrored the patch, very considerate on your part too!

Now, I had 2 little questions.... if someone could make a guess at this...1) If I make a new map for the single player campaign, or Dynaverse, how will I get the Artifex brand map maker to identify the new Pirate hex colors? I ended up with using the default before, making them the same color as Federation... is Artifex still compatable?

2) If there is a ShipSize column, how will this effect ships I have already resized? I have resized almost half of my ship models (562 of 'em...just for my own usage.. dropped the Defaint a little, enlarged some of the DN's, so on... ) -what, if any, effect will this have?

Thanks to any and all!!!!



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Re: SFC3 Patch 531
« Reply #70 on: May 02, 2004, 01:45:57 pm »
I would suggest you PM Phe Pelican for answers to these questions as he has worked hard to do the things you are asking.


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Re: SFC3 Patch 531
« Reply #71 on: May 02, 2004, 06:45:42 pm »
as have I... will do  


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Re: SFC3 Patch 531
« Reply #72 on: May 25, 2004, 01:14:28 am »
The patch won't install for me. I follow the instuctions. I have WIN98 and 89% thru build 531 I get error 22, invalid spirtes.
I tried 3 times. Same thing. Any suggestions?  


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Re: SFC3 Patch 531
« Reply #73 on: May 25, 2004, 02:16:50 am »
I will make a link available in just a few moments in the first v531 post. and I will make it here at the end of this post and in the D3 Forums.. I have just finished compiling v531 into a single download installer... as for why the previous version was not working on your system, I do not know, it is built for Win 98, ME, NT, 2K, and XP.

you may want to go to Window's Updates and check your machine for updates and Direct X version and also run some spyware removal programs and turn off any Anti-Virus programs.. Anti-Virus programs may cause the patch to corrupt during install.

I hope that this helps..

P.S. at the end of the install, there will be a readme pop up.. please read this file before continuing, it contains troubleshooting steps.

it should be ready in 25 Min.


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Re: SFC3 Patch 531
« Reply #75 on: May 25, 2004, 09:26:29 am »