to quote:
"Until I open a new page, I will post this here. This is proof that the Battle of AR-558 is infact underground. Some Star Wars Fans believe it not to be. So this rules out the "We Have Mechs" Argumant."
You've obviously never watched that episode!
I've seen your pictures before, they're inconclusive.
The Battle of Ar-558 was fought entirely aboveground, amidst large craggy rocks and small canyons, giving it the appearance of being underground EXCEPT when the camera pointed up at the black sky.
The only thing that was undergroud were the quarters, communications array, and sickbay.
Not only that- it was a DOMINNION outpost, not Federation. They had captured it from the Dominion.
Only a SINGLE JEM HADAR actually made it *inside* the cave (namely, inside the sick bay) to be shot by quark. You conveniently show that picture to make it seem like the whole battle was underground.
Oh yeah- and how does that make Mech's useless?
The canyons were easily wide enough to fit AT-PT's, and in many places AT-ST's, and even AT-AT's in a few places. Not only that, but the Empire would just deploy MT-AT's to climb over the mountains.
And on every other world (including Earth, Vulcan, Bajor, etc), AT-AT's would prove EXTREMELY effective.
BTW Don't copy any information off DITL. He has hidden in his page a little disclaimer that everything in white is his own speculation. Almost everything is in white.
I *hate* that website. It has so many mistakes (almost everything written in white) that it is uncountable.