ok a small update on ships for poting over to sfc from armada it looks like ive gone shuttle/ runabout mad and only gotten 6 large ships 1 is klingon (kwudja) and another is dominion (private yacht i thought it would look nice as a destroyer) and all the rest are fed including the opaka class which comes from the ds9 book called millenium, zion, captinas yacht from the ent-e, sigma, the areoshuttle from an intrepid, cousteau, highlander and the warhammer class runabout it looks more like an updated venture speaking of which has anyone got the venture already converted?
i will be working on permission from each of the owners but i dont foresee any problems if i dont recive an answer from the owners i will take it as thay no longer exsist and in the read me credit shall be given to them as is polite and the conversion shall continue as planed so manitoba look out for a few emails from me and clear some room you have 9 new jobs on thier way with in the next 3 days depending on permission