Topic: Has anyone thought of these designs Please Sticky for Brainstorming sessions  (Read 17607 times)

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there where no textures or anything else for them.  just say use maybe the warbirds textures or similar would be fine.  cause i wouldnt know where to begin


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there where no textures or anything else for them.  just say use maybe the warbirds textures or similar would be fine.  cause i wouldnt know where to begin  

if you put 2 texture sheets on them with only 6 diffrent coloured lines on and add another other each one i with the same matching dots so they are completly over the top and match up i can use the dots to work out what part of the texture would go where and add the lighting using the same dots its that simple so 4 textures at about 1024 pixels squared with 6 differnt coloured dots that match up to there counter parts i can do the rest i just need the pages attached to the mod with the dots showing and i can do the rest i sent you roughly the same thing in an return email but just to keep a back up for my own info


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there where no textures or anything else for them.  just say use maybe the warbirds textures or similar would be fine.  cause i wouldnt know where to begin  

if you put 2 texture sheets on them with only 6 diffrent coloured lines on and add another other each one i with the same matching dots so they are completly over the top and match up i can use the dots to work out what part of the texture would go where and add the lighting using the same dots its that simple so 4 textures at about 1024 pixels squared with 6 differnt coloured dots that match up to there counter parts i can do the rest i just need the pages attached to the mod with the dots showing and i can do the rest i sent you roughly the same thing in an return email but just to keep a back up for my own info  

i misunderstood the post before that, i am going to try, its not that simple for me, never done that.    before. but i will do it


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well do what you can think of it this way if you have a texture for lighting and the main texture that go in the smae places using dots in certain places so when shown in the mod veiwer you can see the dots clearly i can then use those dots to possition the textures and lights in the right places
7 dots is normaly the best 1 in each corner well about 10 pixels in from the corner and 3 in a centre line across the page with one in the centre and diffrent coloured dots allow me to work out where the textures will be applied to im sorry i cant it any more clearer its not exactly that simple  


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still no luck yet sorry


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its cool if you cant get the dot thing just wrap the ship up in a plain skin of hoever many pagrs you want and i will work from there


  • Guest
Anyone ever port these ships over from BC ?

 Falcon Class

And these from KA

 v33 D'vas
 Pretty much this whole page 'cept the pirate ship.It's been done

I think they would be pretty cool to have in SFC



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i havent seen any of those before all of them look fantastic if anyone wants to do them it would be a welcome edition to anyones fleet
also to those who i havent spoke to ive started a new tread for the archive list because this thread seams to be about requesting models now


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oh MP do you know who made that armada version of the ingignia so i can contact them i have been to busy to read the read me since Real Life has been keeping me away from my pc and my work and ive gotta burn the midnight oil again to catch up with lost work


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i am working on the Vdas33 one  


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oh MP do you know who made that armada version of the ingignia so i can contact them i have been to busy to read the read me since Real Life has been keeping me away from my pc and my work and ive gotta burn the midnight oil again to catch up with lost work  

Like I said in the PM I got ya covered on that Fallen_Warrior.Hey when your have the time I have a couple of ladies that need some clothing.In the style we were talking about,unless you look at them and see something else. Great to hear about the v33 Manitoba sir,that rules !! Can't wait till ya have her ready.


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she's what im working on next MP


  • Guest

she's what im working on next MP  



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Hey when your have the time I have a couple of ladies that need some clothing.In the style we were talking about,unless you look at them and see something else. Great

well im always glad to be working with the ladies i just hope my fiancee doesnt get jealous but if you can get them in some underwear ie a plain texture in 1024x1024 pixels i can do the rest, if they happen to be clothed i can give them a new look


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LOL yup fret not they're all wrapped up in their " Tighty Whitey's " I send them after the latest email I'm sending you finishes uploading.  


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ok a small update on ships for poting over to sfc from armada it looks like ive gone shuttle/ runabout mad and only gotten 6 large ships 1 is klingon (kwudja) and another is dominion (private yacht i thought it would look nice as a destroyer) and all the rest are fed including the opaka class which comes from the ds9 book called millenium, zion, captinas yacht from the ent-e, sigma, the areoshuttle from an intrepid, cousteau, highlander and the warhammer class runabout it looks more like an updated venture speaking of which has anyone got the venture already converted?

i will be working on permission from each of the owners but i dont foresee any problems if i dont recive an answer from the owners i will take it as thay no longer exsist and in the read me credit shall be given to them as is polite and the conversion shall continue as planed so manitoba look out for a few emails from me and clear some room you have 9 new jobs on thier way with in the next 3 days depending on permission


  • Guest
ok. the vdas33 is in .mod format with no textures, still havent figured out how toget that done for u F_W . maybe i am just doing it wrong or something i dont know.

but the vdas33 is ready for textures


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Yeah he needs them like that but he needs one mapped 1024x1024 blank texture to start off with he told me.  


  • Guest
well thanx to Mp ive got milkshape i just need to set it all up and i can have a go at everything so send them my way and i will give them another go


  • Guest
is this close. still doing a little work on it

look in the bloodhawk section