Topic: Has anyone thought of these designs Please Sticky for Brainstorming sessions  (Read 17466 times)

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Ive just been thinking and i know most of the moddrs on this forum do there own little things but i feel there are a few gaps in ship constrution.
A shuttlepod from enterprise
A fighter from same era

High detailed versions of the other 3 NX ships since NX-01 and NX-02 (which means a simple retexture job to replace enterprise with columbia) are the same design but the other 3 are supposed to be diffrent,
Ive done NX-05 as a carrier od sorts im still waiting for a way to release it. (i know Jeff Wallace has done some low detail versions of them which look good but need updating in my opinion)
Xindi ships, sulibon ships and the Helix
The freighter from the episode Horizon.

Maybe even the other 3 klingon ships that were seen these would be the old bird of prey seen in the last episode of season 2 possiblay even the klingon warp sled which ive dubbed the "R6" (R because of the fact that is has a Manta Ray feel to it) which was carrying Archer to Qu'Nos.
Also the altanate version of the enterprise as seen in E2
(note at this point i decided that perhaps it was time to make a mod for enterprise era)
There are also a few other ships from enterprise but they arnt memerable.

TOS doesnt need any new ideas there are already so many great ideas for that era and more are been thought of everyday same with TMP.

TNG could have a few things like perhaps a crystaline entiy, jellyfish thing fromm encounter at farpoint, Gumtu (Tin Man) for use as Space monsters

DS9 could have a few freigters starships featured at and for Dominion ships like the freighter used by the race that was the Gamma quatrents answer to the Ferengi. Upto date romulan designs like fighters and perhaps a ship that is the concept ship that eventraly became the Norexum class (valdore) the klingons dont need any new ones as the Vor'cha is a perfect go between for the Negh'Var

Voyager needs Vidian ships and even that Warship Voyager, and a nice new version of the Armoured Voyager from Endgame. (perhaps a marrage of the two would look great a highly armoured and kitted out Intrepid for all those die hard Intepid fans out there) a model of the Unimatrix or transwarp hub to replace the out of date Stock Borg starbase. An updated version of the Borg Cube with Sphere bay door in.
And perhaps some nice new planets and asteroids and even a nicer looking nebula instead of having the rather poor attempt of clounds of multicoloured lights from SFC3 stock nebulas

Then of course there are ships from other Sci-Fi shows like Farscape, New Battlestar Galactica, Andromida Babylon5 ect. Then you have Movie ships from the likes of Aliens and Predator,Predator ships can be seen in Pred 1 and Pred 2 and the Ships from the Alien Legacy. These would be the Nostomo (the ore processing plant and the hauler)
The Boneship (dealict ship with all the eggs in)
Nassacus shuttle from end of first and begining of second films.
From Aliens you have the Gateway Station, Sulaco, (marine transport) Dropship (with weapon pods extended and retracted could count as 2 diffrent classes)
Alien3 you have the EEV which is a small Emergency Escape Shuttle and the science ship sent by the company (happens to be a modified version of the sulaco)
Alien ressurection you have the Betty, the Arigura and Escape Pods

With all the other Sci-Fi shows the list is endless and im sure everyone would like to make some sugestions of their own.

So lets see what ideas we can come up with so post your ideas and possibaly a few nice models might come out of it for your gaming pleasure.


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i have been looking around for alot of those other scifi ships. i will keep posted on what i find.


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I drew up a hammer ship called mjolnir. (and a few others) mjolnir had a cylinder for a forward hull and tracked plasma/warp power wave guide upon which were stationed several mobile firing points per track. essentially many of the fire points could move 360 around the cylinder. thus the ship could apply massive fire power towards any one direction or allocate them around the perimeter. It also had an axial weapon and missle tubes. The ends of the cylinder were massive shuttle and fighter bays. there was a boom section and drive section. The drive section had six huge impulse engines. It had no noticeable warp nacelles but those could be added. It was not developed for SFC and so had hyperspace engines instead. These were colocated with the impulse engines. It most closely resembles gorn designs from the sfc series, though.

I also drew up a trimaran cruiser, a fighter and a couple of others around somewhere.

One ship I'd like to see is the romulan scout that is featured in the fan magazines, and the micromachine collection. It looks like a fixed wing BOP with a romulan type forward hull. It is flatter than most romulan designs and it has a flat beak; not the hooked one that is more common.  
« Last Edit: May 22, 2004, 05:33:12 pm by Stormbringer »


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erm; on the hammership, there are multiple plasma waveguide  weapons tracks. Not just the one.  reading through  my description I realised that wasn't exactly clear from the original post.  


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One ship I'd like to see is the romulan scout that is featured in the fan magazines, and the micromachine collection. It looks like a fixed wing BOP with a romulan type forward hull. It is flatter than most romulan designs and it has a flat beak; not the hooked one that is more common.

I have that ship and a few others from TNG ie the science vessal and the scout with a weapons pod if you want if you have msn messenger i can send it you in a file transfer

manitoba i remember you saying that you had an Ares Class Cruiser for Feds even if it isnt fully done is it possible you could send it me as ive been after it for about a year and if you have time could you post a small list of the ships that you have on your site so that a reference may be kept for anyone looking for models and isnt aware of what you have on your site i would appreciate this from all modde4rs who have time spare to do a quick post, i for one would like to know where to find ships and what sites have them without having to spend 2 or 3 days looking and giving up.


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 NX-O1 Shuttlepod

And you can find some other really awesome ships here................



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 NX-O1 Shuttlepod

And you can find some other really awesome ships here................


Groovy thanx dude that means my Enterprise era mod is well on its way now

goodie a whole new site to download and play with my day has just been made thanx again MP
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Fallen_Warrior »


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I've only used MSN messenger a couple a weeks and I do not know how to do a file transfer yet. I am Dark_blade002 on msn. I'm up now.


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Sorted if anyone needs anything just ask


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One ship I'd like to see is the romulan scout that is featured in the fan magazines, and the micromachine collection. It looks like a fixed wing BOP with a romulan type forward hull. It is flatter than most romulan designs and it has a flat beak; not the hooked one that is more common.

I have that ship and a few others from TNG ie the science vessal and the scout with a weapons pod if you want if you have msn messenger i can send it you in a file transfer

manitoba i remember you saying that you had an Ares Class Cruiser for Feds even if it isnt fully done is it possible you could send it me as ive been after it for about a year and if you have time could you post a small list of the ships that you have on your site so that a reference may be kept for anyone looking for models and isnt aware of what you have on your site i would appreciate this from all modde4rs who have time spare to do a quick post, i for one would like to know where to find ships and what sites have them without having to spend 2 or 3 days looking and giving up.  

I don't use MSN but I would love those ships ie the RomBop and the Fed  

And ask away I have quite a large library of ships. I may have a few others you may want,or I may know where to find them.Glad I could help with the shuttle.


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 I don't use MSN but I would love those ships ie the RomBop and the Fed  

And ask away I have quite a large library of ships. I may have a few others you may want,or I may know where to find them.Glad I could help with the shuttle.

which Romulan Bop do you mean as there are a few with differing designs and which fed ship do you mean becaus you just say fed

i suppose i could open up an aol account i find them tedeoius myself i do use yahoo once in a blue moon though
BTW that shuttle looks great it will need a little bit of texture work to get it up to scratch but it looks great in game

and the ships im after for the feds that are high on my list right now would be the Insignia class, Ares class both of which are near to late-post TNG


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Sorry I was referring to the Rombop Stormbringer mentioned and you said you had,As well as the Fed ship you mentioned in that same response. As for the Ares,I have it.If you could post a pic of the ships you are refering to It would help me alot in determining if I have them. I in turn will do the same if I'm looking for a ship.When you finish with Skinmans site I have another one you may want to check out............



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It's a scout. It looks sort of like a bop but the wings don't move and the bridge section is a flat nosed rom design. It's a cool ship perhaps a pol or maaaaaybe a frigate but it's supposed to be tiny. smaller than a frigate. think milenium falcon sized.


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ok Mp if you could find a way of getting the ares to me i would appreciate it as for posting pics i wish i could whenever i go to make a site and i wait for the comfermation email i never get it and ive tried a few so i guess i will have to give you links the pics of the ships i know of. first off the ingignia which is at
i will look for other ship pics online and sort them out at a later date but the only place i know where to get high detaled pics is off the before mentioned site so if you have those just say which ones using the class name off the site and i will know which ones you are on about (i do use aswell but not that often
anyway its 5:30 am here i think ive burnt up a bit too much midnight oil for now som im off to bed thanx again for your feedback im sure this is helping other people than just those who have posted on it for now

Ps that link you gave in your last post had Gumtu and the jellyfish alien thing in which look good so anyother sites you have that work will be super


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I sent the file to your aol account. rar format.


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As usual a has anybody thought of doing starts off with a bunch of Fed ship requests, Yawn. I see you mention quite a few non-trek ships-cool. MY thought is we need more Hydrans.  


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As usual a has anybody thought of doing starts off with a bunch of Fed ship requests, Yawn. I see you mention quite a few non-trek ships-cool. MY thought is we need more Hydrans.    

the reason why i asked that this post be stickied is that everyone can make their requests for models and as a forum we can join our collections and archives and exchange as nessercary which is what i think the web is all about sharing infomationa so it benifets others i do have a handfull of hydran ships i mean i have a collection of about 5 gigs of ships ranginf from standard races i.e fed, klingon, romulan, borg, hydran, mirak, ISC, tholian, andomidans ect ect from all eras this collection also includes ships from diffrent shows but even my collection hasnt got everything which is why im willing to spend my nights when most americans are online i myself am british and hate summer, (so i dont mind losing a few hours sleep i can always make up for it during the day) swapping files or helping people out who want the stuff i have.
So like i said before post your requests and lets see what our collective archives has so we can all be happy with the models we want  


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Heck my ships aren't even trek but they are inspired by them. The hammership was requested by a GM for WEG's starwars roleplaying game nearly two decades ago. In exchange I got to build a trek tech ship to rampage around in his world. and equip it with corsair fighters. I also designed a rom ship that could lock wings with another of it's class and double up shields, point defence and fire power.


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It may be a while before a moderator or admin pokes thier nose in here. Normally a quite forum not requiring much attention from them. You would probably get faster results pming one. There is one on line now.


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um ok u sure u want me to list what ships i have.  did i say also   , no just kidding it will take awhile to make a list of them all, i do believe u seen my post in the gaming forums awhile ago i believe, remember i have around 700 ships give or take a few. so just to let u know i am working on that list.


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um ok u sure u want me to list what ships i have.  did i say also   , no just kidding it will take awhile to make a list of them all, i do believe u seen my post in the gaming forums awhile ago i believe, remember i have around 700 ships give or take a few. so just to let u know i am working on that list.  

well im prepairing a list of my own which is probaly about the same size as yours and then when i get the chance i want to weed out all the duplicate files and the low quality ones in favor of the better quality ones so everyone has a simple list and locations (be it either the person or persons or sites) of said ships i know its a huge job but there is alot of problems with sites with rare ships going down and never coming back up along with the normal hard drive crashes and losses of data.


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heres my done list so far,

andorian battleship,andorian destroyer,andoriandreadnaught,achillies,aegis,aeon,akira2(mymodified),akula,akula(tos)alexandria,amnesty
andorianbattlecruiser,andromeda,anomie,apollo,aquino,aquinox,argo(starblazers),arizona,arkroyal,armada,armoured voyager,assimilated voyager,atmossphericshuttle(bab5)

these r done ships,



  • Guest
ok i have most of those and the ones from your site i also have most of the files from SFC3files and models from dominion wars(all the way to 4.6 single download) unity 2 a third age also generations at war for sfc3 and a few other mods including babylon5 .06 beta and a hand full of others that i cant remember and everything else is so old i cant even remember where i got it from  but lets just say from adding up what i have on my hardrive ATM i dont have any doubles of the same ship unless its retextured or played around with by myself all in all i think i have over 1000 ships im compiling the list and i will be able to post something by tomorrow possibly later today depending on how tired i feel
also after reading your list again you have a wider varity of ships than me which is cool hopefully i will be getting some webspace soon and posting my retextures and mini mods i will also ad a list of who has what model and what site it can be found at so all in all we have a nice start already
anyway back to my list
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Fallen_Warrior »


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« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by manitoba »


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thank you very much I cant seam to fix the texture problem with the whoel left side been in darkness other than that im drooling
on the other hand my list is only half way complete ive already spent an hour on just my trek stuff so i will keep you all updated
thanx again for the model
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Fallen_Warrior »


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i have done the NX-05 but never got an answer on my e-mail for premission to release



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i have done the NX-05 but never got an answer on my e-mail for premission to release


thats funny because im waiting for the release of my NX-05 aswell i just wish i could post pics of it

yours looks great althought the secondary hull hanging down doesnt work it looks like another connie kitbash in my opinion but its still worthy of been added to my collection


  • Guest
well heres what i have so far my head is hurting too much to finish off the list for a few hours i know it isnt that detailed but these are the ships i have installed at the moment on my game these are all ready for the latest patch and can be zipped up at a moments notice i havent got round to doing my other stuf as it isnt on my pc and i wont be able to get it on till ive had my hard drive fixed
so heres the taster list:

Achillies (retextured)
8472 starbase
8472 behemoth
8472 bioship
bird of death
klingon bird of prey wings up, standard and up
borg assult
borg assimilator
borg cube
borg cylinder
borg pyramid
borg scout
borg probe
borg shpere
borg stardock
borg tactical cube
borg troopship
breen ship
breen cruiser
breen battle crusier
breen light crusier
breen drednought
breen destroyer
breen heavy cruiser
breen frigate
breen corvette
car hybrid
car defence platform
car repair ship
tekok nor
car ship yard
car freighter
8472 light crusier
danube with and without weapons pod
death talon
8472 destroyer
defiant bory retexture
delta flyer
diamond star
dominion shuttle
dominion base
dom bb
dom hc
dom hcp
enterprise class
fearless nx-05 mine
several fed bases
several klin bases
several rom bases
sevral freighters and fighters from all main races
feringi ship 6 varients unsure of names
furious tmp retexture
galaxy x
several gorn bases, freighters and fighters
green death
heavy galor
hirogen hunter
hyd apollo
hyd atlas
hyd erebus
hyd hades
hyd hermes
hyd frieghter
hyd zeus
intrepid with nacells up and down
armoured intrepid
assimilated intrepid mine
isc intimidator
dom bug ship
dom battle ship
several jem hadar fighters destroyers and light crusiers
king cobra
king condor
komodo dragon
8472 fighter
light keldon
8472 magma
marquis raider
new orleans
rhoad island
various orion ships and stations all from previous version of sfc
car quantum base
reman heavy battleship
8472 rogbattleship
all romulan ships from SFC2 converted to SFC3
valdore green and brown version
romulan bop tmp
8472 scout
sona scout
sona battleship
soulwolf tmp
soulwolf tng
soulwolf future
tholian light crusier
tholian frigate
tholian destroyer
titan WZ version
ds9 transport
type 9 shuttle
vorcha carrier
advanced weapons platform
hyd darkwing
ark royale
vertical warbird
32nd centry warbird
enerprise a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,z
nx shuttlepod
tmp klingon carrier
jw torpedo runner
jw klingonlight cruiser
jw kxca
firestorm tos
fed fast destroyer
kvortcha dark version
rouge borg battle ship
jellyfish alien
edo probe
hospital ship
intepid prototype 2 versions 1 is mine
4 workbees

thats it for now i hope this helps out im working on setting up an aol messenger acount and i have yahoo up and running im under

Klingon Fanatic

  • Guest
Here's an OLD request:

a high poly, uber accurate, Mealk Warbird from the ST: New Worlds intro movie, LOL

We need more sexy uber cool adversaries...



  • Guest
i will see what i can do


  • Guest
well ive posted it on
just do a search for Nx-05 Fearless and it will come up i apolergise for not been able to post pics on here so you all can see it before you download it but there is a pic on the page with the download page
Oh any feedback on this is welcome but remember it is my first release so be nice


  • Guest
if ur talking about seeing it that way with the mod viewer, its ok. blackspot dont show up in game.


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if ur talking about seeing it that way with the mod viewer, its ok. blackspot dont show up in game.  

yeah i know it doesnt show up in game which im glad of i couldnt find a way of sorting it out using the modveiwer im glad how it came out


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Dam why sticky the thread when you can just bump it every 2 seconds    


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Dam why sticky the thread when you can just bump it every 2 seconds      

Well i hate posting so many in one day but it just shows how popular the thread is the aim of the thread is to have a list that can be downloaded of where the files are with the links of where they come from or if they arent downloadable anymore who has them so they may be passed on. Well thats the plan its kinda got side tracked with my new release, but myself and manitoba have been working on the list in small parts and ive spoken to Klingon Fanatic and he will sorting his list out which should get posted soon then we can get back on track

Also on a post you did red you mentioned something about wanting more hydran ships if you were to get a list of what you know of and get it on this tread it can be added and you get your wish of seeing more hydrans


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IIRC, the Melak is a cursed bird. Everytime some one tries it something bad happens. That was said in a couple of old threads i read dedicated to the melak.


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the only Melak i have is the old Azel one im not even going to bother trying to retexture it as it doesnt have the whole "cursed" look about it as it is a problem ship


  • Guest

IIRC, the Melak is a cursed bird. Everytime some one tries it something bad happens. That was said in a couple of old threads i read dedicated to the melak.  

Its not cursed at all. It has been done more than once. Its just people have too high expectations for it. Either its done and they don't like how it looks or The modeler gets tired of the nit picking and either gives up or doesn't release.

Franlky I get tired of hearing it requested because it has been done and I really think people are  spoiled with all the models that come out. You guys are model junkies or something -never have enough    Now I look at the Melak as a casual observer since TMP/ TNG rommies I'm not big on. But looking at it, it looks so similar to the Warbird. Only smaller and with a W in back. Even the engines to me look very close. Yet if you were to start to model one. You quickly find out how picky people are about that ship and every detail down to the micron. Yet they can't offer 1 single pic that isn't blurry. So where they get the idea that it has to look a certain way is beyond me, when there is no diffinitive schematics on it.

Anyway, that why I belive its a hands off ship cause people know its a no win prospect and only grieve will come from it.

Heres another rant. Even if someone started a Melak.  I bet it would'nt get 1'3 of the attention of this thread. I mean peeople release stuff and it goes to page 7 in 2 days, yet a thread where we need this model and that model stays on page 1.

Oh 1 more rant-I hate model requestrs who say they need this and that but we alreadty have too many TOS ships. Says who,  Fallen Warrior? The forum tends to go in cycles, there have been times when hardly a TOS ship comes out, then there are 12 at once. I tried to get a TOS mod going for SFC3 but had the last 5 posts in it. So to me at times there seams no interest in it. Maybe its more of lack of interest in SFC3 really.  


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I think for now most of the experienced modellers are sfc-OP oriented. After a while modelers will spring up who were introduced to SFC from SFC III and prefer modelling for that. Personally, I prefer OP but SFC III has it's good points. Most of these were additions to the SFC engine rather than deletions. For example tactical warp is good IMO. deleting fighters and special shuttles was bad. limiting the races was bad. removing t bombs was bad. Summary:  adding things=good, removing things=bad. [just in case developers are looking]
« Last Edit: May 23, 2004, 10:08:55 pm by Stormbringer »


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galactica and B-5 ships are out there.

EDIT:  Speaking of galactica, a ship that has not been done is the colonial destroyer, and it would be a simple kitbash of the existing galactica model. Nor have the battlestars with other names like atalantia and pegasus. Again simple bash work.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2004, 10:22:43 pm by Stormbringer »


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Oh 1 more rant-I hate model requestrs who say they need this and that but we alreadty have too many TOS ships. Says who,  Fallen Warrior? The forum tends to go in cycles, there have been times when hardly a TOS ship comes out, then there are 12 at once. I tried to get a TOS mod going for SFC3 but had the last 5 posts in it. So to me at times there seams no interest in it. Maybe its more of lack of interest in SFC3 really.  

for one i havent said anything about needing models so please dont attack me or use my name to prove points,
firstly i started this thread so people could post ships that i either dont know of there releases or havent been made and would make a nice addition to mods,
secondly if everyone posts links for models or make there collections avaliable everyone would know where what model is i mean do you know where a pink borg cube would be (using it as an example only) Most people who have recently joinded the world of sfc have no idea where to get some models i myself didnt find out about a gumtu model and a fair few others untill MP gave me a link and klingon fanatic wouldnt have gotten an answer about the ships he wanted because his small post would have been forgotten very quickly.
yes of course a new ship post can be forgotten very quickly after been released because all the main users of the board will have downloaded it and forgotten about it and when a newbie comes in they reas all the great stuff about this fabu;lous new ship and cant find it. because the site has been forgotten or the file is no longer there thats why im building up a list of who has what and if some one wants it they can find it quick and simple.

YOU stated yourself YOU want more Hydrans released and you make your own but what if someone has made some that look great and something YOU want but havent heard about because it got forgotten how woulf YOU get it if no one you know has it (its a rhetorical question) but heres the answer if anyone has any models no one else has they  mention what it is and it gets added to the list so everyone has acces to it i belive thats why the internet was first created to send infomation and to be accessed by the people who want it.

this tread doesnt just benifet me it benifets everyone, In the last 3 days there has been at least 5 posts asking where a model is and since ive found out where some stuff is ive helped 3 people getting what they want. just though this Thread Hence why it has been bumped so many times.

and on your point of the Melak what if someone made 3 diffrent versions and 10 people had a choice of which one they would go for personaly i would go for the one with the nicest lighting and hardpoint placement and someone else would go with a more canon feel whle someoue else would choose none of them because it doesnt have what they are looking for, for their game.
you have the benifet of been able to make your own ships and your lucky i saluet you for it infact if i could make my own models i would and i would release them and i know that everything i make is to their liking we each have out own opinions and fair play i mean is that why we have our own thoughts and veiws thats what makes the HUMAN race such an intresting race the ideas that people have are as unique as they are.

you have come in to this thread twice to in my opinion bad mouth it and im not here to make ripples i just want to be able to find ships that i would like to see in my own modified game and if i cant find something i would like to know where i could get it just as you would like to know and every other person on and off the forum, it took me 3 months before i even heard about SFC3 Files after i had started to play the game and it got boring now i know of sfc3 files i found ships i liked then from them i found this place and about 100 diffrent sites that helped me in getting a nice happy game and one day i hope to add to this varied world of ships. but untill then i think i will work on a way of finding out a way so everyone new or old to the sfc world.

i hope klingon fanatic doesnt mind me mentioning this but we both had a love for Magic the Gathering as most of you might know its an expencive collecting card game and some cards can sell for over $50 so it gets hard to keep up if you need that winning combo in your deck, then we found SFC and we chose that over our cards because looking at a new model gives you the smae feeling of opening a booster pack you can trade a ship for a ship without worrying if its rare or common ot an ultra rare because everythig about the ships are free to deal with apart the software which is starting to drop in price but not by much, so i think everyone who hasnt got the sftware can make requests to the modders it doesnt mean they have to get made everyone had there dream cards they want and it goes no diffrently for ships (you know this yourself thats why you make the ships yourself) so kindly stop trying to make it out like im some sort of bad person i have a damn good idea and it deserves a chance to be tried out so dont come and squat on it before its given a chance.

im sorry for making this such a hostile thread but i dont like people squating on me and making out im a boogie man for TOS in my first post i said the ideas that flow for the TOS and TMP didnt need to listed because good ideas come out of this everyday for instance wicked zombies avenger class (which i am still drooling over because its so good) is a good example of this and Klingon Fanatics idea for a FASA mod for SFC is sheer genious combining loads of Movie period ships and giving SFC3 a more Empires at war feel is just what the game needs so im not saying no more TOS or TMP infact im saying the oppersite "if you know of any i dont know about tell me so everyone else can know and we can all get what we want.

second apolergy for poor spelling im dyslexic and i have a mild form of autism which is why i like things organised and why im so hot headed, but its a huge benifet when i come to mods because they get sorted and it gets done faster than leaving a simple post to gather dust for a year after only 3 posts.
thats all im saying so remember red_green im not your enimie but from now on im not your freind either just dont bad mouth or critersise me anymore unless its completly valid (been valid isnt something that you belive in its when you hear other stuff about an injustice been made and they have the same veiws on)
consider yourself told because im not bothering with you again.


  • Guest

galactica and B-5 ships are out there.

EDIT:  Speaking of galactica, a ship that has not been done is the colonial destroyer, and it would be a simple kitbash of the existing galactica model. Nor have the battlestars with other names like atalantia and pegasus. Again simple bash work.

im digging out my list of BSG ships (and if i remember correctly the colonial destroyer you metioned is called the tiger class) tomorrow and im working on my list for B5 stuff im also looking for any other show or movie ships that might be of intrest to anyone for all versions of the game be it sfc, sfc2/op or sfc3 so please keep your eyes open


  • Guest
Yep. the tiger class and there is a good picture avaialble on the battlestar pegasus web site. It is a slightly smaller ship than a battle star and is minus the fighter bay out riggers. resizing a galactica and cropping off the bays and the secondary hull section should produce a serviceable model.


  • Guest

Yep. the tiger class and there is a good picture avaialble on the battlestar pegasus web site. It is a slightly smaller ship than a battle star and is minus the fighter bay out riggers. resizing a galactica and cropping off the bays and the secondary hull section should produce a serviceable model.  

hell if you find a modder who wants to do it and can export it into Mod format with verybasic textures i will gladly retexture it BSG is my true first Sci-Fi love


  • Guest
don't let one dissenting opinion throw you. In any group there will always be differing opinions. Drive on.


  • Guest
I'll post a request thread but all the modelers are busy. However there was one beginner who was looking for ideas and this may be as simple as I think it is.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2004, 11:21:06 pm by Stormbringer »


  • Guest

I'll post a request thread but all the modelers are busy. However there was one beginner who was looking for ideas and this may be as simple as I think it is.  

well consider yourself in charge of that project (Colonial Tiger Destroyer or CTD for short) and when the textures are needed just ask.

Also thank you for your kind words on your previous post


  • Guest
hehe guess who,

well tigershark(ie colonial destroyer) will be ready for u to texture in a few days, maybe tomorrow.  
then as is i am still working on a few more monster ships too, (the SLIVERS) ,  cause u cant beat a sliver mob. however i might get back to my old ships list and remake my blue and white fleet.( ) the 4 vesuvian clone ships, the 4 stasis ships, the 4 serra angels ships, the 4 doppelganger ships, matbe a few savanah lion ships, possible a few others too from that fleet of 52 ships.


but yeah i should have the mesh for that bsg ship done soon hopefully. just have to make the outriggers.  


  • Guest

hehe guess who,

well tigershark(ie colonial destroyer) will be ready for u to texture in a few days, maybe tomorrow.  
then as is i am still working on a few more monster ships too, (the SLIVERS) ,  cause u cant beat a sliver mob. however i might get back to my old ships list and remake my blue and white fleet.( ) the 4 vesuvian clone ships, the 4 stasis ships, the 4 serra angels ships, the 4 doppelganger ships, matbe a few savanah lion ships, possible a few others too from that fleet of 52 ships.


but yeah i should have the mesh for that bsg ship done soon hopefully. just have to make the outriggers.  

your a saint if you could post some stuff on Storms thread about the Tiger im sure he would love to deal with it as he is the idea man when it comes to it could you also give me a bit more feedback on my Nx-05 Fearless as your last one was lets say a little small as a modder and texturer i would like a professional opinion on my first offical job
thanx again


  • Guest

don't let one dissenting opinion throw you. In any group there will always be differing opinions. Drive on.  

Yea pay me no mind. Every once in a while I spend to much time on this game and get all cranky. Fallen Warrior I didn't read all that last post. But just judgeing my the length of it, maybe I PO you a bit. I might have been too abrasive man. Oh well.
I do feal strongly that the Melaks expectations are way out of wack. I think only maybe 3 people in the forum could do it well enough to pull it off. The bar has been set that high for it.  I'd give it a go myself. But I would have to spend 50 hours on it and right after I release it, people would request a better version. So thats why I feel that ship is hands off. Unless you can deal with frustration better than me or are one of the undisclosed 3, maybe 4 modelers  

Drive on. Kepp your stick on the ice. I'm pulling for you. Though at times its hard to tell    


  • Guest


don't let one dissenting opinion throw you. In any group there will always be differing opinions. Drive on.  

Yea pay me no mind. Every once in a while I spend to much time on this game and get all cranky. Fallen Warrior I didn't read all that last post. But just judgeing my the length of it, maybe I PO you a bit. I might have been too abrasive man. Oh well.
I do feal strongly that the Melaks expectations are way out of wack. I think only maybe 3 people in the forum could do it well enough to pull it off. The bar has been set that high for it.  I'd give it a go myself. But I would have to spend 50 hours on it and right after I release it, people would request a better version. So thats why I feel that ship is hands off. Unless you can deal with frustration better than me or are one of the undisclosed 3, maybe 4 modelers  

Drive on. Kepp your stick on the ice. I'm pulling for you. Though at times its hard to tell      

thanx i couldnt have eased off the trigger betting myself. and im not a modder im just a magic texture maker if somemakes a melak which looks the part i will give it the clothes for the job you just need to nail the detail of the fward section then ad on this with some cunning shades here and there and you have it

im just wainting for that ship to skin

anyway since there are no hard feelings ( i dont hold grudges) how about you post a list of your ships that you have and we can get a nice happy system working here because i found out this moring that with my cable connection cam 30MB of webspace with myname on it so i will turning that into the source page with links and email addresses of those who wish to be a part of my idea which is to distribute any ship for sfc, sfc2/op, sfc3 free of charge


  • Guest
My list of ships is kinda small. I been so busy making meshes that I never have time to get all the cool ones that come out. Plus I have dial up so d/l is slow     . To make matters worse. My HD is small and when I work on a ship sometimes. I run out of room to save files and quick delete some ships I had down loded to make room, figuring I probably won't get around to adding them in game anyway. But alas, I am taking a break from modeling to update my game a bit. So I can check out all the othr goodies people are releasing  


  • Guest

My list of ships is kinda small. I been so busy making meshes that I never have time to get all the cool ones that come out. Plus I have dial up so d/l is slow     . To make matters worse. My HD is small and when I work on a ship sometimes. I run out of room to save files and quick delete some ships I had down loded to make room, figuring I probably won't get around to adding them in game anyway. But alas, I am taking a break from modeling to update my game a bit. So I can check out all the othr goodies people are releasing    

well if there is anything you are curious about on my list just ask and i will send you some small files with basic pics

if you want i have enough hard drive space and back up discs to hold your entire collection so you dont have to delete them so offen


  • Guest
hey F_W,

  whats ur email  i have ship for u to texture up.  u might like it.


  • Guest

hey F_W,

  whats ur email  i have ship for u to texture up.  u might like it.  

its and send away dude
oh is this the tiger that we mentioned earlyer?

BTW im gone for one night and the board is completly full i need to drink more coffee
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Fallen_Warrior »


  • Guest
not the tiger yet still have to refine her some more,  this is going to be just 2 mod files if u can slap some rommy skins on them for me. thanxs


  • Guest
Just thought of about the ship from Staship Troopers? At the very least it would make a good freighter.  


  • Guest
cool so long as they have some sort of skin that i can play with and add to but i cant apply whole new texture sheets as i need max for it and the the last post about ships from starship troopers woulf be a cool idea get a list of names of calsses and pics and make a request someone may take it up


  • Guest

hey F_W,

  whats ur email  i have ship for u to texture up.  u might like it.  

ive cheaked my mail and nothings there could you send them again


  • Guest
ok i got them and ive sent you a mail you forgot to add the blank sheets so i can make the texture up on them so i can see if what im doing is right


  • Guest
there where no textures or anything else for them.  just say use maybe the warbirds textures or similar would be fine.  cause i wouldnt know where to begin


  • Guest

there where no textures or anything else for them.  just say use maybe the warbirds textures or similar would be fine.  cause i wouldnt know where to begin  

if you put 2 texture sheets on them with only 6 diffrent coloured lines on and add another other each one i with the same matching dots so they are completly over the top and match up i can use the dots to work out what part of the texture would go where and add the lighting using the same dots its that simple so 4 textures at about 1024 pixels squared with 6 differnt coloured dots that match up to there counter parts i can do the rest i just need the pages attached to the mod with the dots showing and i can do the rest i sent you roughly the same thing in an return email but just to keep a back up for my own info


  • Guest


there where no textures or anything else for them.  just say use maybe the warbirds textures or similar would be fine.  cause i wouldnt know where to begin  

if you put 2 texture sheets on them with only 6 diffrent coloured lines on and add another other each one i with the same matching dots so they are completly over the top and match up i can use the dots to work out what part of the texture would go where and add the lighting using the same dots its that simple so 4 textures at about 1024 pixels squared with 6 differnt coloured dots that match up to there counter parts i can do the rest i just need the pages attached to the mod with the dots showing and i can do the rest i sent you roughly the same thing in an return email but just to keep a back up for my own info  

i misunderstood the post before that, i am going to try, its not that simple for me, never done that.    before. but i will do it


  • Guest
well do what you can think of it this way if you have a texture for lighting and the main texture that go in the smae places using dots in certain places so when shown in the mod veiwer you can see the dots clearly i can then use those dots to possition the textures and lights in the right places
7 dots is normaly the best 1 in each corner well about 10 pixels in from the corner and 3 in a centre line across the page with one in the centre and diffrent coloured dots allow me to work out where the textures will be applied to im sorry i cant it any more clearer its not exactly that simple  


  • Guest
still no luck yet sorry


  • Guest
its cool if you cant get the dot thing just wrap the ship up in a plain skin of hoever many pagrs you want and i will work from there


  • Guest
Anyone ever port these ships over from BC ?

 Falcon Class

And these from KA

 v33 D'vas
 Pretty much this whole page 'cept the pirate ship.It's been done

I think they would be pretty cool to have in SFC



  • Guest
i havent seen any of those before all of them look fantastic if anyone wants to do them it would be a welcome edition to anyones fleet
also to those who i havent spoke to ive started a new tread for the archive list because this thread seams to be about requesting models now


  • Guest
oh MP do you know who made that armada version of the ingignia so i can contact them i have been to busy to read the read me since Real Life has been keeping me away from my pc and my work and ive gotta burn the midnight oil again to catch up with lost work


  • Guest
i am working on the Vdas33 one  


  • Guest

oh MP do you know who made that armada version of the ingignia so i can contact them i have been to busy to read the read me since Real Life has been keeping me away from my pc and my work and ive gotta burn the midnight oil again to catch up with lost work  

Like I said in the PM I got ya covered on that Fallen_Warrior.Hey when your have the time I have a couple of ladies that need some clothing.In the style we were talking about,unless you look at them and see something else. Great to hear about the v33 Manitoba sir,that rules !! Can't wait till ya have her ready.


  • Guest
she's what im working on next MP


  • Guest

she's what im working on next MP  



  • Guest

Hey when your have the time I have a couple of ladies that need some clothing.In the style we were talking about,unless you look at them and see something else. Great

well im always glad to be working with the ladies i just hope my fiancee doesnt get jealous but if you can get them in some underwear ie a plain texture in 1024x1024 pixels i can do the rest, if they happen to be clothed i can give them a new look


  • Guest
LOL yup fret not they're all wrapped up in their " Tighty Whitey's " I send them after the latest email I'm sending you finishes uploading.  


  • Guest
ok a small update on ships for poting over to sfc from armada it looks like ive gone shuttle/ runabout mad and only gotten 6 large ships 1 is klingon (kwudja) and another is dominion (private yacht i thought it would look nice as a destroyer) and all the rest are fed including the opaka class which comes from the ds9 book called millenium, zion, captinas yacht from the ent-e, sigma, the areoshuttle from an intrepid, cousteau, highlander and the warhammer class runabout it looks more like an updated venture speaking of which has anyone got the venture already converted?

i will be working on permission from each of the owners but i dont foresee any problems if i dont recive an answer from the owners i will take it as thay no longer exsist and in the read me credit shall be given to them as is polite and the conversion shall continue as planed so manitoba look out for a few emails from me and clear some room you have 9 new jobs on thier way with in the next 3 days depending on permission


  • Guest
ok. the vdas33 is in .mod format with no textures, still havent figured out how toget that done for u F_W . maybe i am just doing it wrong or something i dont know.

but the vdas33 is ready for textures


  • Guest
Yeah he needs them like that but he needs one mapped 1024x1024 blank texture to start off with he told me.  


  • Guest
well thanx to Mp ive got milkshape i just need to set it all up and i can have a go at everything so send them my way and i will give them another go


  • Guest
is this close. still doing a little work on it

look in the bloodhawk section


  • Guest
yeah it looks good


  • Guest
It would really help me out if you could make some Early Years ships(Module Y1 for SFB players).

Also, extra Andromedan ships are always nice .



  • Guest

It would really help me out if you could make some Early Years ships(Module Y1 for SFB players).

Also, extra Andromedan ships are always nice .


i will see what i have in my collection


  • Guest

is this close. still doing a little work on it

look in the bloodhawk section  

WOW ,that is an incredible Tos rendering I love it !!!!. I like the utilization of the Tos BOP in there.

For a TMP version here's and idea for an updated look. Think Thu11's style textures on it...
I'm sure with you talent you'll wow us with the TNG varient as well man.Great work !!!


  • Guest


is this close. still doing a little work on it

look in the bloodhawk section  

WOW ,that is an incredible Tos rendering I love it !!!!. I like the utilization of the Tos BOP in there.

For a TMP version here's and idea for an updated look. Think Thu11's style textures on it...
I'm sure with you talent you'll wow us with the TNG varient as well man.Great work !!!

ok why dont i have that ship? and Mani its looking great when do you want me to texture it


  • Guest
Fallen Warrior: Thank you very much! This is for SFC OP just so we are clear.

Be at peace,



  • Guest
its almost done. still have some tweaking on it.


  • Guest
any updates so far on any of your projects manitoba?
also KF thanx for that site you gave me im still trying to get though them
anyway since manitobas sod converter has been damaged or something nasty like that would anyone else have the ability to port over a few ships ive got permission and everything thay are zipped up and ready to a holiday ready for their make overs


  • Guest
will be sending them tonight


  • Guest
kick a$$ ive emptied my account at for them i have 6MB ready to reciving


  • Guest
that email addy didnt work. send me an email from it so i can reply to it and send those files


  • Guest
PS F_W did i see correctly that u didnt have sfc3 somewhere?  i hope thats not true. if u do have it when u email me i'll send something else for u to chk out.

its not a ship. a small preview of where i am at on my all wars mod


  • Guest
ok the addy that im using for models is
and i havent got it but im using my freinds untill i get another copy of it but what was this other thing that you speak of?


  • Guest
i dont remember if u said anything like this, but did u get any models from other games for sfc.  i got a few from like homeworld mods also.    so if u guys have those i can convert from them too. am looking into more games also to convert from . let me know. i m currently looking through homeworld mods again.  

P.S.   F_W  

hows those textures coming, having any luck, cause i sure the heck aint. yet


  • Guest
The ones from this site can be converted.Permission has been granted so can ya convert the V-33 D'Vas Class Heavy Battlecruiser  


  • Guest

i dont remember if u said anything like this, but did u get any models from other games for sfc.  i got a few from like homeworld mods also.    so if u guys have those i can convert from them too. am looking into more games also to convert from . let me know. i m currently looking through homeworld mods again.  

P.S.   F_W  

hows those textures coming, having any luck, cause i sure the heck aint. yet  

well first things first im starting to texture one of them for some reason a couple of them will crash my milkshape but one of the rommies is coming along great i will keep you posted.
second if you want i can send some screen shots od the torqua which i have been texturing so you can show them off on your site.
and lastly i will be the first to ask to start porting ships from homeworld 1 and 2 im also going though my games to see which other ships would be worthy of porting. i have about 15 mods for homeworlds 1 and 2 including farscape, B5 and some very strange ships that..... well they look strange.

PS Mani how is the porting of the armada ships or is your exported still messing up? also could you send me the ms3ds files of the ships if you can or atleast something that milkshape can read thank you

oh Mp i will be working on the D'Vas once ive finished the one im working on now


  • Guest
um the V-Das 33 is ready to be textured. i will try to get the other ships to milkshake for u soon. well i am waiting for a return email for new plugins for Armada and Armada 2  importer from some guys on Armada files


  • Guest
yeah im half way though the torqua but there is a slight problem with the pod under the wings i will email you a pic with the problem and a big circle around it later tonight and also you can give me a few ideas about how you want me to texture it i was thinking it was a TMP ship you know a ship that was made to keep the fleet going while the D'Deidex was been built so it has the typical light green and brown feathers on it any way you will see what i mean in the pics


  • Guest
shameless bump here for any more ideas


  • Guest
hey i am sending u a preety pix

hope u like. lol


  • Guest
i do like