
Topic: Sci-Fi BashFest Demo RELEASE! ! ! Come and get it!  (Read 1822 times)

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Sci-Fi BashFest Demo RELEASE! ! ! Come and get it!
« on: June 01, 2004, 03:45:08 pm »
Finally...the long awaited (for me anyway) release of the Sci-Fi Bashfest DEMO MOD! (version 0.5)

This mod contains the following ships:

Included are these ships:

Y-Wing Fighter
X-Wing Fighter
TIE Scimitar
TIE Bomber
TIE Raptor
TIE Phantom V38
TIE Interceptor
TIE Fighter
K-Wing Fighter
A-Wing Fighter
Romulan Shuttle
B-wing Fighter Sideways
Hapan Miy'til class Fighter
Storm - Modified Miy'til
Modified YT-1300 Freighter
Corellian Corvette
Heavy Corellian Corvette
Nebulon-B Escort Frigate
Victory class Star Destroyer Mark-II
Imperial Interdictor Cruiser
Star Destroyer
Star Destroyer Command Refit
Star Destroyer Mark 2
Star Destroyer Mark 2 Command Refit
Imperial Heavy Interdictor Cruiser
Mon Calamari MC80 Star Cruiser
Mon Calamari MC90 Star Cruiser
Star Destroyer RedEye class Command Ship
Home One Mon Calamari Command Ship
Death Star Prototype
Super Star Destroyer Executer-class

Also included are these stations:

Golan 1
Golan 2
Golan 3
Star Destroyer Shipyard
Derilyn Gun Platform

Known bugs:
It will call Star Wars Romulans on the ship selection screen.

Hope I didn't let any bugs slip past me

It's just plain awesome mod...I just managed to keep the SSD from crashing, so there are no more bugs that I know of.

This mod is extremely fun to fly. The Star Wars ships have the advantage in firepower, by a considerable lot. They can slug it out with the Borg ships. The Star Trek ships have the advantage in maneuverability. Ships like the Defiant can be refitted to fly rings around Star Destroyers, and even against a ship that outguns it 3 times, can win easily if flown well. Star Wars ships will move fairly fast, turn relatively slow, and be really, really easy to hit. Star Trek ships are less armed, harder to hit, and turn faster.

This isn't counting fighters, of course. A couple X-wings with torpedoes can chew up the smaller SW ships quite good.

For a demo mod, it's extremely fun. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have.

This version only adds the basic SW side to the game, in place of Romulans (moving them to join the Klingons).
Next version will improve on the Star Wars side, and add a whole load of Star Trek ships to the mix.

Most of these ships are not in any other mod, with the exception of a number being in my previous bashfest mod for SFC OP.

The final version will have over a hundred, approaching 150, Star Wars ships. Perhaps more. In addition to dozens if not hundreds of Trek ships. But that's a long way off.

Download here!



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Re: Sci-Fi BashFest Demo RELEASE! ! ! Come and get it!
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2004, 01:47:36 am »
Is the full version going to have the star wars ships ie rebel/ empire as differnt races?  hope so that would make it better.  if not maybe put the rebel ships with the federation ones.  be playing with the demo ,  it looks af if the big starwars ships are still to manueverable,  it looks starnge to see a star destoyer turning  on its side.  though that should be esy to fix i think.  looking foward to the full version  

