Topic: Hydran Lancer leaving drydock  (Read 1326 times)

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Hydran Lancer leaving drydock
« on: May 20, 2004, 11:57:50 am »
Get it here.

 Lancer d/l and preview

The HMS Lancer was jointly engineered by Federation and Hydran scientists. The main
contribution of the Federation is the 2nd generation Defiant nacels. While the bulk
of the remaining ship is an advanced Hydran weapons platform. It carries a highly trained
but small crew size for a DD class. Its high turning rate combined with CL type fire power,
makes this ship capable of filling both DD and CL roles in the Hydran fleet.

Class: Destroyer (DD)

Hydran designation: H-DWL

Get the 1st 3 ships from the series below.

 Omen battleship

 Stinger battle cruiser

  Defender frigate  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by red_green »


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Re: Hydran Lancer leaving drydock
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2004, 12:37:47 pm »


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Re: Hydran Lancer leaving drydock
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2004, 01:05:50 pm »
Yeah, well those ships suck. They are lousy. Pathetic.

Now of course, if they were available for OP, then they would be stellar. Most excellent. They would rock... Just awesome...

But they only work in sfc3...  ::sniff::


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Re: Hydran Lancer leaving drydock
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2004, 01:55:46 pm »

Yeah, well those ships suck. They are lousy. Pathetic.

Now of course, if they were available for OP, then they would be stellar. Most excellent. They would rock... Just awesome...

But they only work in sfc3...  ::sniff::  

They should work in SFC2.  Give it a try and let me know.  Cause anyship  in SFC3 will work in SFC2, its just that the hardpoints get switched. The heavies become primaries and visa versa.  The extra files from SFC3 just are not used. In the readme I say I don't support it in SFC2. Thats just because I can't test it in game as I don't have it installed. Sometimes a ship that is dead nuts in SFC3, may have a flickering face in SFC2. Thats why I prefer to test in each game before I release to that game version.
 I would convert them(rehard point) only it takes time away from developing new ships and like I say I can't test. My fricking HD is just too small to have both games installed. I created aproximately 300 save files just from developing this 1 ship. With the multiple texture saves I have 71 MB of files for just 1 ship    

One or more of these may be appearing in Chris Jones TNG OP mod. So stay tuned for that.  If all else fails once I complete the entire SFC3 Hydran fleet I will get around to testing them in OP.

Here is my wish list for Hydran TNG ships. Borrowed from Fury's post and added a few leader ships. Ckecking them off as therefinished.

Light Fighter
Heavy Fighter
Gunship (PF)
Frigate DONE
Frigate leader
Destroyer leader  DONE
Light Cruiser
Light Carrier
Heavy Cruiser
Heavy Carrier
Battlecruiser DONE
Dreadnought Carrier
Battleship DONE
Small Freighter
Large Freighter
Listening Post

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by red_green »


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Re: Hydran Lancer leaving drydock
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2004, 02:37:27 pm »

I'm having mucho trouble downloading your ship... or anything from the STCD site, even directly.



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Re: Hydran Lancer leaving drydock
« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2004, 03:03:31 pm »
Hmm. I just checked it.  I got it ok. It might be your browser or the settings.  Let me know if you still cant get it. email me at so I know where to send as I looked at your email and am a bit puzzled     Give me a day or so, cause I would need to break it into 2 files to send. Then you would need to combine them into 1 folder.


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Re: Hydran Lancer leaving drydock
« Reply #6 on: May 20, 2004, 09:02:49 pm »
The D/L worked fine for me.Thanks again Red these ships put the old ones to absolute shame.


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Re: Hydran Lancer leaving drydock
« Reply #7 on: May 21, 2004, 05:38:25 pm »
Hey RedGreen!

Thanks for reminding me to twiddle with the security settings.  I was able to finally get your ships, but only by using MS' IE.  I can't get Mozilla to understand how to download .rars! (You got any ideas??)


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Re: Hydran Lancer leaving drydock
« Reply #8 on: May 22, 2004, 02:43:06 am »
Glad you got em. I have no ideas on the Mozilla software. I remember I once used a d/l utility and I could never d/l stuff that was sent email.  shrug


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Re: Hydran Lancer leaving drydock
« Reply #9 on: May 23, 2004, 04:56:26 pm »

Yeah, well those ships suck. They are lousy. Pathetic.

Now of course, if they were available for OP, then they would be stellar. Most excellent. They would rock... Just awesome...

But they only work in sfc3...  ::sniff::  

Here is prove that they work in SFC2. The easiest way to put them in is just drop them in a Hydran folder. For example, this ship is called the Stinger. I just dropped all the files in the hca folder. Then renamed the mod amd _brk.mod to  hca.

As simple as that. The colors match the Interface pretty well hey?  Just mot the same playing HYdrans in SFC3.  SFC3 lost the cozy feel of the difference between the races, Its all generic and stale somehow.    

 Hydran OP screenie    Fighters away!!