Topic: Fire George Lucas that would be blasphemy  (Read 12292 times)

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Fire George Lucas that would be blasphemy
« on: May 20, 2004, 02:21:29 am »
Well wouldnt it. and here I thought the last movie was allready out.  


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Re: Fire George Lucas that would be blasphemy
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2004, 06:48:57 am »
That is cant fire the creator from his creation


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Re: Fire George Lucas that would be blasphemy
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2004, 09:34:06 am »

Aren't these MSN people the same guy who had an article yesterday about how to "fire your boss"?


TPM might have had a bad storyline, but AOTC wasn't actually all that bad.  With the exception of bad acting on the part of Anakin and Padme.


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Re: Fire George Lucas that would be blasphemy
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2004, 10:05:00 am »


Aren't these MSN people the same guy who had an article yesterday about how to "fire your boss"?


TPM might have had a bad storyline, but AOTC wasn't actually all that bad.  With the exception of bad acting on the part of Anakin and Padme.  

Part of the fun WAS the bad acting.


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Re: Fire George Lucas that would be blasphemy
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2004, 12:22:05 pm »


Aren't these MSN people the same guy who had an article yesterday about how to "fire your boss"?


TPM might have had a bad storyline, but AOTC wasn't actually all that bad.  With the exception of bad acting on the part of Anakin and Padme.  

I didn't think TPM had a bad story line at all.  It clearly showed the beginings of Sidious manipulating the Republic to his eventual control.  The only thing bad about AOTC was the bad acting but at least that was entertaining.

Although goofy, I actually thought Jar Jar was entertaining and funny in TPM.  Way better than a bunch of teddie bears attacking storm troopers in episode 6.

I think the final movie of the first trilogy is going to be a blast and I can't wait.


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Re: Fire George Lucas that would be blasphemy
« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2004, 01:13:10 pm »
Well, I might have used the wrong words.

TPM was actually pretty good (in my opinion), but at some points got boring, which was frustrating.  It didn't have as much action as it should have, with the exception of a sudden (completely unexpected) and short lightsaber duel in the middle, and the normal "big ending battle".  Oh, and a race in the middle.  The actors at least weren't that bad, though Jar-Jar was a nightmare.

AOTC though...good action (not too much, but enough that it keeps you watching), good storyline.  The Anakin-Padme love scenes looked choreographed, though, lol.


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Re: Fire George Lucas that would be blasphemy
« Reply #6 on: May 20, 2004, 01:19:36 pm »
The dialogue in AOTC was horrid and the "romance" between Padme and Annakin looked painfully contrived.  I know Natalie Portman is a very good actress and Hayden Christiansen is no who is responsible for that increidbly horrid acting?



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Re: Fire George Lucas that would be blasphemy
« Reply #7 on: May 20, 2004, 01:32:36 pm »

The dialogue in AOTC was horrid and the "romance" between Padme and Annakin looked painfully contrived.  I know Natalie Portman is a very good actress and Hayden Christiansen is no who is responsible for that increidbly horrid acting?


Her acting in The Professional was more Believable then In either of the SW movies IMHO.



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Re: Fire George Lucas that would be blasphemy
« Reply #8 on: May 20, 2004, 02:04:27 pm »
Quote: who is responsible for that increidbly horrid acting?

Why the director of course, but you can't tell King George that I'm sure.  

To be fair, I thoguht Natalie did fairly well with some horrid lines. It sounded like a highschool play to me in parts.


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Re: Fire George Lucas that would be blasphemy
« Reply #9 on: May 20, 2004, 03:37:36 pm »
Lucas can turn Sam Jackson into a bad actor.   That takes skill.


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Re: Fire George Lucas that would be blasphemy
« Reply #10 on: May 20, 2004, 05:33:34 pm »

Quote: who is responsible for that increidbly horrid acting?

Why the director of course, but you can't tell King George that I'm sure.  

To be fair, I thoguht Natalie did fairly well with some horrid lines. It sounded like a highschool play to me in parts.  

It almost seemed like Natalie cringed while saying some of her dialogue.  I think she did a fine job in both the latest SW flicks, it's just that she didn't have much to work with.  I agree with did sound very high-school play-ish.  Ugh...

TPM wasn't as bad as AOTC in this particular department.  The way they portrayed the Gungans was a bit annoying and Jar-Jar was the biggest thing I wish wasn't in the movie, but other than that, I enjoyed it.  Paid to see it 9 times.  Only paid to see AOTC twice (once in theaters and once when I bought the DVD).


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Re: Fire George Lucas that would be blasphemy
« Reply #11 on: May 20, 2004, 05:33:55 pm »

Lucas can turn Sam Jackson into a bad actor.   That takes skill.  



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Re: Fire George Lucas that would be blasphemy
« Reply #12 on: May 21, 2004, 11:48:00 am »

Well, I might have used the wrong words.

TPM was actually pretty good (in my opinion), but at some points got boring, which was frustrating.  It didn't have as much action as it should have, with the exception of a sudden (completely unexpected) and short lightsaber duel in the middle, and the normal "big ending battle".  Oh, and a race in the middle.  The actors at least weren't that bad, though Jar-Jar was a nightmare.

AOTC though...good action (not too much, but enough that it keeps you watching), good storyline.  The Anakin-Padme love scenes looked choreographed, though, lol.  

The one thing I thought was lacking in both movies was dramatic light saber duels.  They were over way too quick.   The one cool thing in the final movie is that it will be full of light saber duels.  And the final DUEL we all expect is touted as being the longest duel ever in a movie.

J. Carney

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Re: Fire George Lucas that would be blasphemy
« Reply #13 on: May 21, 2004, 12:11:48 pm »
The lightsaber duels were the ONLY redeeming features in the two movies, IMHO- either the acting is really bad, or my suspension of disbelief is truely begining to suffer from those two most terrible diseases... age and maturity. For some reason, Han Solo was a more believeable character than that cat they have playing Anikin is in REAL LIFE. I've met lots of free-wheeling scoundrels... I've never met a walking maniquin.

As for TalonClaw's claim that the lightsaber duels needed to go on longer- those things take work and TREMENDOUS amounts of physical exertion. Those guys dance around for WEEKS to give you a five minuet fight scene. And you know that anything longer would be hard to believe. Swordfights (and I'm therefore assuming lightsaber fights) seldom last more than a few minutes... mostly they are measured in seconds. Even a really well-paired fencing duel is often over before you can really tell who scored a touch.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by J. Carney »


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Re: Fire George Lucas that would be blasphemy
« Reply #14 on: May 21, 2004, 12:13:49 pm »

The one thing I thought was lacking in both movies was dramatic light saber duels.  They were over way too quick.   The one cool thing in the final movie is that it will be full of light saber duels.  And the final DUEL we all expect is touted as being the longest duel ever in a movie.  

The Darth Maul duel (especially the finale with Obi-Wan) was awesome. The Dooku duel was lame - I guess he was supposed to be too good for either Anakin or Obi-Wan to compete with. The Yoda bit was just silly, and the horrible writing only made it worse.


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Re: Fire George Lucas that would be blasphemy
« Reply #15 on: May 21, 2004, 12:34:35 pm »
One thing's for sure, Ep3 is gonna have some awesome battles.

What will we have?

Anakin vs Obi-wan
Someone vs General Grevious
Someone vs Dooku

Someone is going to kill Mace Windu at some point, and most of the Jedi are going to die.  There will be a big opening battle, and the final battle of the clone wars, and the takeover of Emperor Palpatine.


BTW you guys really should watch the Clone Wars cartoons.  Grevious is AWESOME.


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Re: Fire George Lucas that would be blasphemy
« Reply #16 on: May 21, 2004, 12:34:59 pm »
remember in that millue fights are different because the force augments thier endurance, strength, agility, reactions, even allowing precognition, annd abeyance of phisics and physiology to a degree. Thier fights do not have to follow the normal course of a mundane sword duel. If it did it would be pretty boring.

Dash Jones

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Re: Fire George Lucas that would be blasphemy
« Reply #17 on: May 21, 2004, 12:40:04 pm »


The one thing I thought was lacking in both movies was dramatic light saber duels.  They were over way too quick.   The one cool thing in the final movie is that it will be full of light saber duels.  And the final DUEL we all expect is touted as being the longest duel ever in a movie.  

The Darth Maul duel (especially the finale with Obi-Wan) was awesome. The Dooku duel was lame - I guess he was supposed to be too good for either Anakin or Obi-Wan to compete with. The Yoda bit was just silly, and the horrible writing only made it worse.  

And the most ironic thing...

The duel in the Original Star Wars was FAR more accurate of what sword fighting (at least from what I've learned in fencing these past few years) really is like...heck, Empire Strikes Back is more accurate (Wide strikes, and a few circles, but most of the moves don't have a 3/4 circular movement to them, which unless used for power, is suicide typically, and a lot of Obi Wan's moves would weren't for power...but were suicidal...Darth Maul had some moves, but moved better, and should have taken them both out in a matter of seconds looking at stance, movement, and sword attacks/defends).

It's amazing that Obi Wan, or one of the others in the TPM movie wasn't cut in half in their first circle swing when all the other bad guy had to do was extend their arm and cut them in half, or stab them through!


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Re: Fire George Lucas that would be blasphemy
« Reply #18 on: May 21, 2004, 12:44:05 pm »
Don't forget the force.

A Jedi can read the mind of an opponent, and know where he is going to strike before he actually strikes.  That is why the Jedi can lightsaber duel for such a long time- they know where every strike is going to hit, and thus, can block every strike, until they tire and slip up once, and in that moment they get stabbed through the chest.


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Re: Fire George Lucas that would be blasphemy
« Reply #19 on: May 21, 2004, 12:51:03 pm »
I do think the Jedi can be quite silly at times.

If I were Obi-wan or Qui-gon, when they were on the TradeFed ship at the start of TPM and the 3 shielded Droidekas attacked, I would have destroyed them.

How, you ask?  When they have shields and were firing so rapidly?

Force push.  Bam, they're all down.  Shields can't stop the Force, you know.  Just reach out with the force, find their computer core, and rip it out of it's sockets.

Fighting people?  Use the force to smash their brain flat.

Fighting an army with AT-AT's?  AT-ST's?  Use the Force to knock them over, then use the force to send the downed vehicles sliding into the armies around them.

Fighting a spaceship?  Mind trick the bridge crew to activate self destruct.  Or if the self destruct sequence is complicated, mind trick them to drop the shields to their docking bay (make them think fighters are exiting), then fire torpedoes inside.