I had a physics teacher that had an interesting idea, and I assume it would work, given his educational background. In some states, M85 (methanol 85%, petroleum 15%) is offered as a fuel alternative for vehicles that can use it. In other states, like here in Minnesota, they prefer E85 (ethanol). Anyway, the suggestion was this: go for the M85, by cultivating plants, like cattails, in swampy areas, and allowing them to breakdown, thus, producing methane. I don't know how easy it is to produce methanol from that, but at the very least you have methane, which would make a good alternative to many types of fossil fuels.
Also, expanding solar, wind and hydro electric power would be an incredible help. Another thing to think about- massive expansion of the public transportation system in the US. Here in minnesota, public transportation is next to non existant, with many ignorant morons trying to abolish it altogether. Things like light trail, high speed rail, improved public bussing, mag rail, subways, l-trains, would allow us to concentrate much of the transportation to far fewer vehicles, thus conserving fossil fule usage. Also, one thing I do appreciate about minneapolis is the skyway system it has. You can get to most of the downtown area without ever stepping outside- a great bonus in the cold cold winter months. While not necessary for comfort reasons in most states, it might help a great deal as far as pedestrain congestion goes in other, warmer states. Increased bikeways may help as well. Encouraging people to build and live within metropolitan areas (big problem in MN) would reduce the need for commuting.
Also, gents, last I heard most of the "prime time" electricity we use is produced from power plants that are fossil fuel powered, since they can be fired up quickly for the surges in power demands. More reason to keep those lights to a minimum in the evening at home. The vast majority of power usage, though, comes from commercial use. Options to make business more energy efficient will help the most.
As someone alreadty said, this is something our society should have been working on over 30 years ago at a feverish pace, but instead we put it off till now, and probably even longer. New cars cost alot of money, something John Q. Public can't afford right now. John Q will put it off as long as possible not out of apathy or selfishness, but because his pocketbook is stressed far too thin as it is. The government need to learn to cut cut unnecessary public programs, stop giving aid to nations that despise us, and do something about the unneccesary overspecialization happening in the econmy. hate to break it to ya fellas, but college degrees, while intrinsically good, should not be jammed down our throats in order to get a job that pays crap and offers little.
i would say that the majority of problems we have stem from the overdependance on capitolism, moral degredation throughout our society, and the "plot" to increase apathy amongst people. If we were smart enough to keep ourselves in check, china would burn itself out trying to increase it's quality of life simply because of their population.
P.S. I like Latinas...
....And apparently Asian ladies as well...