Domicillary, it is a very nice building behind the hospital in Temple and other select locations. They have 3 programs (usually a waiting list), SATP (substance abuse treatment program but you must be mentally stable), voc rehab (they drive you to different places to apply for work and you stay at the dom and save money until you reach your savings goal with the counselor involved then they help you find housing so that you can start your life over), and last is health maint. (people that have health problems and need to be near the hospital while they recuperate). 2 man rooms, nice bed and lockers and desk (just imagine the modern barracks in the military and you get the idea). you do a morning chore (very easy) and they have civil service cooks that cook you 3 hots a day (very nice mess hall complete with salad bar and everything), movies, PX in the building (more like a shopette), full medical services including physicals and they even have their own sick call that is in the building. Civilians would die to have such a service, and there are some vets that need to quit sucking tit and leave to make space for other vets in need, but they will not and play the medical and political game. Please inquire your local VA about the nearest dom. You will need to apply, and they will interview you, but YOU will get squared away. Yes, they have telephones in each room (is how I used dial up to get online).
Waco has a dom as well (they had it before, then got rid of it, then started another one because of the empty buildings that got renovated with millions of taxpayer dollars and were sitting empty and we had many vets in need). I liked Waco as well as Temple when I was there for major depression (Waco has the psych ward) because they have a library with computer lab, so I could communicate with Vicky, you guys and gals, and my ex (I need her whenever I'm in the area because we all need support and supplies).
Like I said, if things get too rough, inquire at the VA about getting into the dom, at least you will be near your own kind. I just got out of the civvie rehab and I hated it, the noise, the BS, and the crappy facilities. I'm going to e-mail Sen Hutchison and tell her the El Paso VA system needs an overhaul as there are many vets in need yet since few facilities they contract out, the money would be better spent and saved by building a dom facility in the El Paso area.
I can try to get you more info if your VA cannot help. If worse comes to worse, finish your semester and I will fly you to Austin and Leda can take you to Temple and Waco and you can look at the facilities and decide if you like (like I said, central Texas VA spends money on their vets and facilities) and we can try to get you squared away, ok? If you do decide, let me know in advance so that I can make an advance purchase on airfare, I'm ok on money, but I'm not wealthy by any means.