Topic: OP+3.2: Announcing its release.  (Read 11445 times)

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Re: OP+3.2: Announcing its release.
« Reply #100 on: February 05, 2004, 04:34:53 pm »
i've recently emailed Steve V. Cole and he confirmed that thousands of people still play SFB.  Makes ya think . . .  


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Re: OP+3.2: Announcing its release.
« Reply #101 on: February 05, 2004, 04:41:10 pm »
Bonk, you have space Dragons!!!  just saw the pics, that is so fricking cool!!!  

Time to download that mod again . . .  


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Re: OP+3.2: Announcing its release.
« Reply #102 on: February 05, 2004, 08:13:06 pm »

Actually, there has been an SFC column in CL since SFC1 came out. Just not much "meat" in it, which I'm planning to fix this time around.

What I'm planning for CL28 is to cover the "third-party add-ons" as best I can; Luc's OP+ will not be the only thing mentioned. Scripts and mission stuff, ship mods, links to some of the download sites, the GAW project, and so forth. General notes on installation for newbies as well. More links.

I've got a couple months to write this article, so I'm willing to listen to suggestions, requests, and attempts at bribery.      


I really don't have any interest in the Karnak missions being published in SFB's Captain's Log.  If you could not consider them for the article, I would appreciate it.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Karnak »


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Re: OP+3.2: Announcing its release.
« Reply #103 on: February 05, 2004, 09:46:42 pm »

Bonk, you have space Dragons!!!  just saw the pics, that is so fricking cool!!!  

Time to download that mod again . . .  

Ya, the space dragon is good nostalgic fun. It should appear in campaign monster missions now and then, or you can add them as BeastRaider AI in skirmish missions. Try the multiplayer Intruder mission for the Juggernaught. Both are flyable on the BeastRaider shiplist too...  

But this is FS's OP+3.2 thread and I don't want to hijack it. I'll get back to work on my mod soon and start a new thread.

I've been downloading every version of OP+ and been playing on it since near the beginning - I think its a dang fine shiplist! Thanks for all the hard work FS, and sorry I don't have any constructive input at the moment...
« Last Edit: February 05, 2004, 10:00:04 pm by Bonk »


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Re: OP+3.2: Announcing its release.
« Reply #104 on: February 05, 2004, 09:54:11 pm »


I really don't have any interest in the Karnak missions being published in SFB's Captain's Log.  If you could not consider them for the article, I would appreciate it.



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Re: OP+3.2: Announcing its release.
« Reply #105 on: February 05, 2004, 10:05:01 pm »

Actually, there has been an SFC column in CL since SFC1 came out. Just not much "meat" in it, which I'm planning to fix this time around.

What I'm planning for CL28 is to cover the "third-party add-ons" as best I can; Luc's OP+ will not be the only thing mentioned. Scripts and mission stuff, ship mods, links to some of the download sites, the GAW project, and so forth. General notes on installation for newbies as well. More links.

I've got a couple months to write this article, so I'm willing to listen to suggestions, requests, and attempts at bribery.      

Firesoul showed me the email when he first received it and was in short, quite amazed at the interest his mod garnered.  Being a long time SFB fan and occasionally gathering a CL here and there, the fact that he was approached was very humbling.

I am glad that the thousands of SFB players that read the CL will get a chance to find out what is going on in the SFC community and possibly be interested in joining the community seeing as it follows the style of play that they love.

From a small project that was to enhance personal play with friends to this, short...quite an accomplishment.

*toasts the players that work hard for the game they love*


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Re: OP+3.2: Announcing its release.
« Reply #106 on: February 06, 2004, 11:57:00 pm »
Karnak: not a problem. I do have to say that I've played them myself and like them!

Everybody: I've gotten a couple of emails, so one thing I should clarify for everone: most of the people here, and on TUN, and partipicating in the other projects, and so forth and so on, all these people know about all these things that have been done (like OP+, the EEK mssions, Chris Jones works, and all the ship models that have been built). Just from posts that I read on the SFC topic within the SFB BBS, I know that there are a lot of people who have no idea whatsoever that there are neat things they can install to "enhance game play". You guys here are all in the category of knowing all about these things already, in most cases in a whole lot more detail than I know. So the article will not be of much interest to you guys.

Speaking for myself, I truly appreciate what you guys have done over the years. I don't know if all the bugs have been worked out of OP -- although David Ferrell is clearly due some kudos -- and quite frankly I don't know how the people working on GAW are going to implement Web weapons within in the game -- which is pretty well essential for the Tholians to be a factor. Anyhow ...

The focus of the article will be to introduce newbies to the idea of going past what Taldren did ... things they can do, add-ons you guys have done, and so forth. While we're able to point out some neat stuff you guys have done, that's about it. It's still Taldren's game, and yours.

Taldren took it as far as they could, and now the fan community (that's YOU) has picked up the ball. All I intend is to put the word out to the SFB players who read CAPTAIN'S LOG and may be unaware of what they're missing.



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Re: OP+3.2: Announcing its release.
« Reply #107 on: February 07, 2004, 01:22:52 am »
One of the things you should encourage newbies to do........Join us online....Player Vs Player is the pinnicle of SFC....

Many of the gaming communties (for other types of games) are huge and unfriendly...looking only for the best players to hang out with...quite litterally shunning new people....

That can be very intimidating for any gaming system...and it can literly kill the love of a game like this...its a hard enough game without dealing with buttheads too...

Well....we are a different lot....we look forward to welcoming new people and helping them "get up to speed" so they can join our community....and many people go out of their way to personaly provide training, tactics, and tricks to bring up a new players skills...want to learn how to fight a fed or klink and live to fight another day?....just ask and a klink or fed, or another racial player will spend time showing you how....I cant think of too many gamer types that will teach you how to defeat themselves....

Many of us have transended the "must win" mentality and now play for the joy of battle alone....

OP may very well be the closest we ever get to the prize(real time SFB).....but for many of us...its close enough

There are only three things one needs to join our community....

A game internet connection....and the will to learn....

Skills we can teach, tech support we got, and fun?....yeah baby we got buckets of fun!  


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Re: OP+3.2: Announcing its release.
« Reply #108 on: February 07, 2004, 08:09:58 am »
Crimmy, what you have said concerning joining on line play speaks to people like myself. My very short on line play experience was discouraged not by the way anyone treated me but by buggy launches. The fight would start and about half the time I was unable to be launched in, leaving whoever I was flying with in a bad situation. Therefor I thought it best to not screw up other peoples fun.

If I, or other people like me, wanted to give it another shot, where is the better places to start again?  


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Re: OP+3.2: Announcing its release.
« Reply #109 on: February 07, 2004, 09:46:03 am »

Crimmy, what you have said concerning joining on line play speaks to people like myself. My very short on line play experience was discouraged not by the way anyone treated me but by buggy launches. The fight would start and about half the time I was unable to be launched in, leaving whoever I was flying with in a bad situation. Therefor I thought it best to not screw up other peoples fun.

If I, or other people like me, wanted to give it another shot, where is the better places to start again?  

Well...the first step is to re-install

Then patch...

Then make sure your vid drivers are all current...

Make sure you have the newest version of DX...DX 9.0b (different versions of DX dont play well together....such as DX9 and DX8)...for some reason..this isnt widely known...and doesnt happen to everyone , all the time...

Dont run ANYTHING else in the backround....regiscan and systray are the only things you need running...

I play on 56k just fine....anything faster should have no problems at all...

Bottom line.....if your game plays ok "offline" should be ok "online".....if are having a problem with interaction to other players....such as a differing DX version...or firewall...or improper ports (cable/DSL)...

Some peeps can run all kinds of stuff and have no problems...I myself cant...but I did find a stable point having all the extra stuff off when playing...

If you still cant get a stable game going...have someone go through your settings with you while on MSN....

Hope this helps.


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Re: OP+3.2: Announcing its release.
« Reply #110 on: February 19, 2004, 12:50:03 am »
Ah, don't forget to throw in a shameless plug for Co-op Ace, a script that Firesoul has graciously assumed most responsibilities for and enhanced a great deal.  And yep, I'm still out here, if only watching. :>


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Re: OP+3.2: Announcing its release.
« Reply #111 on: February 20, 2004, 04:29:36 am »
Hi Crimmy would you like to see improvements to KE3Y Bird of Prey like a power of 25 so you can overload the torps and go to speed 20 while cloaked it would be nice would in it  the same for tinga or K7T it would be nice if that ship cloaked too sounds nice does in it .I would like  to but I do not know how to edit ships I am no computer wizzard.David Farrell told me to do it on excel but it says make a back up I am not sure how to do that.I would like to see Taldren put out shiplist editor and make it userfriendly and easy to edit and make up some of our own.What do you think pass this around to everyone on the forum if I do not get the time please.Bye the way may Klingon alter ego name is Koras and my Fed. is Mike Hanson Comes from a family of norse warriors    
« Last Edit: February 20, 2004, 04:36:26 am by Age »


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Re: OP+3.2: Announcing its release.
« Reply #112 on: March 31, 2004, 11:47:51 pm »
 Once again i can't thank you enough!!!!!  
  You Program with honor!!!  


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Re: OP+3.2: Announcing its release.
« Reply #113 on: March 31, 2004, 11:54:35 pm »

 Once again i can't thank you enough!!!!!  
  You Program with honor!!!  

I do?


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Re: OP+3.2: Announcing its release.
« Reply #114 on: April 01, 2004, 12:01:36 am »


 Once again i can't thank you enough!!!!!  
  You Program with honor!!!  

I do?  

 Don,t belittle your self like that! you sound like a Ferengi or even worse a Human!
QaP` LaH!  


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Re: OP+3.2: Announcing its release.
« Reply #115 on: April 01, 2004, 12:49:42 am »

One of the things you should encourage newbies to do........Join us online....Player Vs Player is the pinnicle of SFC....

Many of the gaming communties (for other types of games) are huge and unfriendly...looking only for the best players to hang out with...quite litterally shunning new people....

That can be very intimidating for any gaming system...and it can literly kill the love of a game like this...its a hard enough game without dealing with buttheads too...

Well....we are a different lot....we look forward to welcoming new people and helping them "get up to speed" so they can join our community....and many people go out of their way to personaly provide training, tactics, and tricks to bring up a new players skills...want to learn how to fight a fed or klink and live to fight another day?....just ask and a klink or fed, or another racial player will spend time showing you how....I cant think of too many gamer types that will teach you how to defeat themselves....

Many of us have transended the "must win" mentality and now play for the joy of battle alone....

OP may very well be the closest we ever get to the prize(real time SFB).....but for many of us...its close enough

There are only three things one needs to join our community....

A game internet connection....and the will to learn....

Skills we can teach, tech support we got, and fun?....yeah baby we got buckets of fun!    

This is what the fleet I'm in is ALLLL about.

It's called Races of Honor, and I have to say, it's excellent. I don't want to threadjack this thread, it rightly belongs to FireSoul, and I can't think of a better person to represent SFC to SFB'ers, I just wanted to let you know your ideal is being realized.


  to FireSoul for the 3.2 OP+ mod, may he either make many more, or......


I hope he picks the one that makes hm happy,



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Re: OP+3.2: Announcing its release.
« Reply #116 on: April 01, 2004, 08:21:39 am »


But I do.. but I do. In fact, lately, I watched the entire FireFly series back-to-back. (in 3-4 nights)

-- Luc


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Re: OP+3.2: Announcing its release.
« Reply #117 on: April 01, 2004, 09:02:59 am »
But I do.. but I do. In fact, lately, I watched the entire FireFly series back-to-back. (in 3-4 nights)

Loved that set...

And the "Companion".....  


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Re: OP+3.2: Announcing its release.
« Reply #118 on: April 05, 2004, 10:32:44 pm »
Nice work - y'all!




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Re: OP+3.2: Announcing its release.
« Reply #119 on: May 19, 2004, 10:03:26 am »
Can a moderator remove the sticky off this thread?