This is a section of the of quoted Captains Log history:
The Hydrans attacked the Lyran border in October Y169 with their Home and Second Fleets. The limited operation was intended to recover disputed territory and to show good faith toward the Kzintis (under their mutual defense pact). Their attack was a carefully planned "time on target" strike, with selected Lyran ships targeted for quick destruction. One Hydran force attempted to slip through LDR space to outflank the Lyran defenses, but the LDR forced the Hydrans back to the border. This incident, the first combat action of the Hydran assault, gave the Lyrans enough advanced warning to avoid the disaster that could have resulted.
The Hydrans made a strategic mistake, however, in sending their Expeditionary Fleet into Klingon territory in a somewhat curious effort to reach the Federation. This involved the Klingons (who would just as soon have concentrated on capturing the Kzinti capital) in the war against the Hydrans and diverted power away from the Lyrans.
Had the Hydrans sent the Expeditionary Fleet against the Lyrans instead, they very likely would have conquered most of the Enemy's Blood Duchy while the Klingons simply guarded their own border and watched. (At least until the Kzinti capital fell, at which point the Klingons would doubtless have helped the Lyrans recover their own territory in exchange for a share of Hydran space.)
In the event, the Expeditionary Fleet was destroyed before it reached Federation space, and the Klingons turned their attention toward the Hydrans. Strategically, the Hydran error may have unwittingly saved the Kzinti capital, and the diversion of Coalition resources to attack the Hydrans may have been one of the first of many small decisions that would ultimately cost the Coalition their long-sought victory.
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