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SFC3: Who uses Transporters?

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I target the warp core till its gone then hit the impulse on any ship if they cant fire they cant fight
and have to run or lose their ship Ill kill any ship over CL class any thing else Ill let go
And Ill hound alt f4'ers till they log off  
Hit and runs depend on ship if its a CL or smaller Ill hit and run but if bigger Ill wait till I have damage it quite a bit first
Nothing like an alfa with your sheilds down    

I use transporters right after a met beam blast to the hull ... other than that not often    

Yep I use transporters after I have taken quite a beating and need to slow down my human apponents ability to fire on me.  

If your shields are down anyway, why not damage some internal components or capture the ship while you're at it?

A klingon level 2 will transport 3 warrior over, and they can take out 1 or 2 internals

And the borg transporter works well and how.

there have been countless times when just having a level 2 or 3 transporter has made all the difference in an otherwise even fight

and Tractors too...I use them rarely, and the mass makes a difference...


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