Topic: SFC3: Who uses Transporters?  (Read 6811 times)

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SFC3: Who uses Transporters?
« on: January 20, 2003, 10:42:56 am »
I never put more than a level 1 Transporter on my ship.  It takes up extra mass, and slows the ship slightly.  Plus, I never use the transporter.  You can't capture ships in D3, and who wants to actually lower the shield facing a human opponent?  The only race that could get any effective use out of transporters, in my opinion, would be the Borg, since lowering a shield for transport is not a problem for them
So, simple poll:

Do you use the transporter?



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Re: SFC3: Who uses Transporters?
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2003, 10:53:03 am »
H&R's become more viable after your shields get reduced to near-nothing. With only 4 shields, and the way reinforcement works, it happens more often than not.

You can also time it to launch right after he's alphaed, or while you're turning (as in SFC2).  


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Re: SFC3: Who uses Transporters?
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2003, 11:22:08 am »
I do use transporters, though i often use them only as a last resort, when my shields are down. There is really no point in getting unnecessary hull damage while you activate transporters. Can be nice against cubes though, when they just fired all their weapons (and preferably missed you), to make H&R's and damage their warpcore (yes i know, some are opposed to targeting warpcores, but how else do you even want to survive against such an über-ship?).



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Re: SFC3: Who uses Transporters?
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2003, 12:44:13 pm »
I target the warp core till its gone then hit the impulse on any ship if they cant fire they cant fight
and have to run or lose their ship Ill kill any ship over CL class any thing else Ill let go
And Ill hound alt f4'ers till they log off  
Hit and runs depend on ship if its a CL or smaller Ill hit and run but if bigger Ill wait till I have damage it quite a bit first
Nothing like an alfa with your sheilds down    


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Re: SFC3: Who uses Transporters?
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2003, 06:46:48 pm »
I use transporters right after a met beam blast to the hull ... other than that not often    


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Re: SFC3: Who uses Transporters?
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2003, 07:29:11 pm »
Yep I use transporters after I have taken quite a beating and need to slow down my human apponents ability to fire on me.  


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Re: SFC3: Who uses Transporters?
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2003, 08:32:45 pm »
If your shields are down anyway, why not damage some internal components or capture the ship while you're at it?

A klingon level 2 will transport 3 warrior over, and they can take out 1 or 2 internals

And the borg transporter works well and how.

there have been countless times when just having a level 2 or 3 transporter has made all the difference in an otherwise even fight


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I want to be able to remove them
« Reply #7 on: January 21, 2003, 01:19:03 am »
and Tractors too...I use them rarely, and the mass makes a difference...

[OMF] R.A. RobRay

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Re: I want to be able to remove them
« Reply #8 on: January 21, 2003, 09:44:19 am »
Yep, Tractors and transporters seem to have less value than other subsystems. Personally, like many others, I prefer to spend the ship mass on more important things such as computers,  armor, and cloak (for kling/rom). Plus, regarding tractors, we've all seen repeated debates surrounding the topic of the tractor pull technique. In my experience, I've rarely seen anyone in an equal or lesser ship class than my own who tried to attempt this maneuver against me. In every case, I've been subjected to this tactic by a larger, more powerful ship. Therefore, what good is spending money on a good tractor when your ship's mass restrictions still wont allow you to repel a full powered tractor from a greater ship.  From an offensive standpoint, I only employ the tractor-pull maneuver with exstremely lesser classed ships who are more of a nuissance than a challenge, therefore eliminating  the need once again to waste mass on the best available tractor for my ship.

However regarding transporters, I read in one of the other threads that you get PP bonus for using marines to do H & R's . Has anyone confirmed this as a fact? Depending on the value, that could make me adjust my strategy somewhat.  


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Re: I want to be able to remove them
« Reply #9 on: January 21, 2003, 10:55:42 am »
So long as there are tractors, I will have a lvl 5 on whatever I can fit it on. Nothing like having a stupid ai neghvar put a lvl 5 trac on your raptor and having it blow the hell out of you until you burn thru a shield and knock out its tractor enough to escape.

Transporters, no thanks. I only go higher than lvl 1 if there is room after I max out armor, trac, comp and cloak.

But I never used H+R in SFB/SFC either. I do NOT like to give a free shot on my bare hull. In SFB/SFC I always kept the probe ready as a weapon, so I could get a free "photon" hit in on someone who saw me fire then thought it was safe to H+R me.

Sure, once shields are down, you can launch H+R to damage him, but that means you have to be close to an enemy who may have the upper hand and is most likely going to H+R YOUR warp core or impulse. Id rather have my marines to defend my ship, then send them to attack his ship. As his number of marines dwilndles (faster than yours do) his H+R defense will get weaker and weaker, and once he is out of marines, if you are stil in the battle THEN you can consider the H+R on HIM that he will be unable to defend against.

If they had a button that let you send the H+R MANUALY, as opposed to it being automatic whenever it has the chance, I might reconsider. But dropping my reinforced shield that is facing a neghvar with a full weapons load just because I knocked his front shield down is NOT something I would like to happen.

Have a nice day!    


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Re: I want to be able to remove them
« Reply #10 on: January 21, 2003, 05:48:54 pm »

If they had a button that let you send the H+R MANUALY, as opposed to it being automatic whenever it has the chance, I might reconsider. But dropping my reinforced shield that is facing a neghvar with a full weapons load just because I knocked his front shield down is NOT something I would like to happen.

What about the little pause button on the transporter MFD?  


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Re: I want to be able to remove them
« Reply #11 on: January 21, 2003, 07:29:35 pm »
The Klingon transporters are relatively high-capacity, low-mass units. Its pretty effective when you can toss 6 hit & runs at once. In scenarios that allow capture, this can be a very effective way to shorten the battle once the enemy marines drop to 3-4.



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SFC3: Who uses Transporters?
« Reply #12 on: January 20, 2003, 10:42:56 am »
I never put more than a level 1 Transporter on my ship.  It takes up extra mass, and slows the ship slightly.  Plus, I never use the transporter.  You can't capture ships in D3, and who wants to actually lower the shield facing a human opponent?  The only race that could get any effective use out of transporters, in my opinion, would be the Borg, since lowering a shield for transport is not a problem for them
So, simple poll:

Do you use the transporter?



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Re: SFC3: Who uses Transporters?
« Reply #13 on: January 20, 2003, 10:53:03 am »
H&R's become more viable after your shields get reduced to near-nothing. With only 4 shields, and the way reinforcement works, it happens more often than not.

You can also time it to launch right after he's alphaed, or while you're turning (as in SFC2).  


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Re: SFC3: Who uses Transporters?
« Reply #14 on: January 20, 2003, 11:22:08 am »
I do use transporters, though i often use them only as a last resort, when my shields are down. There is really no point in getting unnecessary hull damage while you activate transporters. Can be nice against cubes though, when they just fired all their weapons (and preferably missed you), to make H&R's and damage their warpcore (yes i know, some are opposed to targeting warpcores, but how else do you even want to survive against such an über-ship?).



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Re: SFC3: Who uses Transporters?
« Reply #15 on: January 20, 2003, 12:44:13 pm »
I target the warp core till its gone then hit the impulse on any ship if they cant fire they cant fight
and have to run or lose their ship Ill kill any ship over CL class any thing else Ill let go
And Ill hound alt f4'ers till they log off  
Hit and runs depend on ship if its a CL or smaller Ill hit and run but if bigger Ill wait till I have damage it quite a bit first
Nothing like an alfa with your sheilds down    


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Re: SFC3: Who uses Transporters?
« Reply #16 on: January 20, 2003, 06:46:48 pm »
I use transporters right after a met beam blast to the hull ... other than that not often    


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Re: SFC3: Who uses Transporters?
« Reply #17 on: January 20, 2003, 07:29:11 pm »
Yep I use transporters after I have taken quite a beating and need to slow down my human apponents ability to fire on me.  


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Re: SFC3: Who uses Transporters?
« Reply #18 on: January 20, 2003, 08:32:45 pm »
If your shields are down anyway, why not damage some internal components or capture the ship while you're at it?

A klingon level 2 will transport 3 warrior over, and they can take out 1 or 2 internals

And the borg transporter works well and how.

there have been countless times when just having a level 2 or 3 transporter has made all the difference in an otherwise even fight


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I want to be able to remove them
« Reply #19 on: January 21, 2003, 01:19:03 am »
and Tractors too...I use them rarely, and the mass makes a difference...