- I don't care who was wearing what at any event. Even moreso, I don't care about the opinions of anyone who has decided to rate that sort of thing.
- I don't care about what celebrity has decided to have a PR inspired 'marriage' to any other celebrity. Even moreso, I don't care when they 'break up' to get on a few more magazine covers.
- I don't care how many points one group of atheletes got against another group of athletes unless I happen to be sitting there live watching the competition.
- I don't care who a politician slept with. I do care very much when a politician in office is stupid enough to lie about it and be caught --not that I care that the politician slept with someone, but I don't want to see my elected officials exhibit this much idiocy.
- I don't care how many people were murdered last night, as shown daily on the local news of any big city. The local news is generally "weather, a human interest story, and who was murdered last night" and so I rarely watch it.
- I don't care about carbohydrates. I like carbohydrates. I eat them every day and I've still lost 25 pounds in the last two years. The secret to weight loss: eat less and exercise more.
- I don't care if two women or two men want to get married. It does not make my marriage any more or any less valid if two people who I don't even know decide to get married somewhere.
- I don't care if Janet Jackson exposed herself on TV with a misguided PR stunt. I do care that the FCC has overreacted to this and is clamping down on radio talk shows because of it.
- I don't care if Iraqi prisoners were humiliated. I'd have cared if they were physically harmed. If the lives of any US soldier ot innocent Iraqi civilian were saved because of info gained after a terrorist asshat in jail was made to stand on his head naked in front of a woman, then I'm thrilled. My only hope is that any captured US persons are only humiliated and not killed or mutilated.
- I don't care if a food is "all natural". Goat urine is "all natural" but I'd rather drink a soda with sodium benzoate and yellow die #5 than tha aforementioned "all natural" liquid.
I could go on and on and on....