Topic: How the heck do you modify sounds?  (Read 4229 times)

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How the heck do you modify sounds?
« on: May 17, 2004, 09:04:41 pm »
I've been trying (unsuccessfully) for the past hour to add some .mp3 music to the @!$#, overwriting the Romulan_01_main.mp3 and Romulan_02_battle.mp3.

It won't @#!$ play!!!

How the heck do you add new music?  I'm trying to add in Star Wars music for the Rom slot...and I can't seem to get it to run.

I have the music in both .wav (a whopping 64 MB) and .mp3 (5 MB, 64 kbps, while the rest of the SFC3 music is 128 kbps).  I have no way of converting the music to 128 kbps.

What do I do?

I just stumbled across this a short time ago:
But I'm still having trouble.  Help?  


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Re: How the heck do you modify sounds?
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2004, 11:39:52 pm »


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Re: How the heck do you modify sounds?
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2004, 03:38:14 am »
Hello Praxis. First of all it depends on what kind of archiver program you are using for. Best is WinRAR and WinZIP. While adding those sounds please remember to use "NO COMPRESSION" I am using WinRAR and while adding sound I chose in the "Compression Method Settings" => "Store" mode. It works, but I don't remember how it was called in WinZIP
Try always the lowest available compression setting It will work I promise    


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Re: How the heck do you modify sounds?
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2004, 07:34:35 am »
just a thought ...  Nanner , with the help of a couple of guys did some extensive work in that area.  Ya might drop him a PM to see if he can shead any light on it !!

just a thought !


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Re: How the heck do you modify sounds?
« Reply #4 on: May 18, 2004, 08:41:00 am »
I have just been using Explorer in Windows XP- in XP, Windows has the built in ability to open zip files,  and delete and copy stuff into and out of it.

I also tried using WinRar on Store...didn't work.

All the other music would play, but the ones I put in didn't.  I suspect it has to do with the format- iTunes reports that fed_01_main.mp3 is an MPEG-1, Layer 3, 128kbps, 44.100 kHz audio file.

The music file I'm trying to put in is a MPEG-2, Layer 3, 64kbps, 22.050 kHz audio file.

No clue how to change that.


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Re: How the heck do you modify sounds?
« Reply #5 on: May 18, 2004, 03:51:27 pm »
Nanner?  Help!


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Re: How the heck do you modify sounds?
« Reply #6 on: May 18, 2004, 04:17:21 pm »
I need to know this also. I know I will have trouble as I have no way to convert sound files. I want the Hydran voices music from OP in SFC3. OP uses wav.  Do I need these in MP3 or can SFC3 read wav as well?  



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Re: How the heck do you modify sounds?
« Reply #7 on: May 18, 2004, 05:01:39 pm »
The way it worked in SFC 1 and 2 was use zero compression and the same sample rate as the default files. That was all there was to it. Don't know how it changed in three if any.  


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Re: How the heck do you modify sounds?
« Reply #8 on: May 18, 2004, 05:26:46 pm »
I figured that.



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Re: How the heck do you modify sounds?
« Reply #9 on: May 18, 2004, 10:57:01 pm »
Do you use an MP3 player? They sometimes come with software that can selec tthe sample rate. I do not know if they can increase sample rate from a low density file without distortion. But there are a few freeware and shareware progs that might work. However, I suggest searching the web for files at higher or equal sample rates. There were tons when I did this years ago. Alternatively you could ask someone with the proper sampling equipment to get the file for you. I've done that too. (because I do not have the proper equiment.) I posted requests for specific sounds on the mod forums. and bumped and waited; etc. I did eventually get all I needed that way. There is not as much activity on those forums as there used to be but a few of the key players are still here if in different forums. Or people here that know them and kept in contact.

Chris Jones

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Re: How the heck do you modify sounds?
« Reply #10 on: May 19, 2004, 12:04:16 am »
Praxis -

Part of the procedure involves converting your MP3 file to wav format, then back to mp3.

The file must be 44100 16 Bit Stereo at 128 kbps, and have the exact same filename as the file you are replacing.

I tried that just now with an MP3, but it didn't work. The game loaded and played, but no music where it should have been.



I did a mod of SFC3 Music last October and it's on SFC3 Files. But I can't remember the procedure!  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Chris Jones »


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Re: How the heck do you modify sounds?
« Reply #11 on: May 19, 2004, 01:48:38 am »
Wasn't eagle eye, heaven's eagle or someone like that a sound and graphic effects moding wiz? the ones who did the weapons sound revision packs for SFC 1? I've still got lt savik as my red alert battle stations voice. I don't remember who did it though. Sorry.


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Re: How the heck do you modify sounds?
« Reply #12 on: May 19, 2004, 09:13:15 am »
Okay, I have the original WAV files.  I have a batch-converted to convert them into MP3.  But I can't adjust the kbps or Hz...argh


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Re: How the heck do you modify sounds?
« Reply #13 on: May 19, 2004, 10:58:20 am »
You should be able to set the bitrate when you convert from .wav to .mp3 .  Every converter I've ever used had that functionality.  If your proggy doesn't allow you to set the bit rate then I suggest finding another one.  I'll check to see which ones I use when I get home and try to post again.



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Re: How the heck do you modify sounds?
« Reply #14 on: May 21, 2004, 12:06:17 am »


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Re: How the heck do you modify sounds?
« Reply #15 on: May 21, 2004, 12:10:09 am »
I can't beleive that all the ffile modding guys have moved away. Sorry You have not gotten the help you asked for but just keep bumping. And place threads in the mod forum. Also I saw other threads on this concermning sound packs just recently. Perhaps a properly worded search could find older threads on it?


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Re: How the heck do you modify sounds?
« Reply #16 on: May 21, 2004, 01:26:42 am »
There is a fine little music file converter  here, and I think it is free (at least I hope it is, because I don't remember paying anything to use it, or maybe it just has some hidden advanced features that I can't access).  Download the program and then load a file you wish to convert to another format.  It has a nice slider that lets you change the bit rate of the new mp3 file, as well as lots of options to change all the other factors.  I've never had any problems with it, but then I've only ever gone from mp3 to wav.    


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Re: How the heck do you modify sounds?
« Reply #17 on: May 21, 2004, 02:15:47 am »
heres how a friend of mine did his.

rename the file u have to the one u want to replace.  open the file. drag the file u want in click yes to replace and then make sure it is on normal compression, and then click store.

this is for winrar  

thats how he said he did it


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Re: How the heck do you modify sounds?
« Reply #18 on: May 21, 2004, 08:44:50 am »
manitoba- that only works if the music you have is the EXACT same format, EXACT same hz, and EXACT same sample rate.

Johanobesus- thanks, I'll try it out  


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Re: How the heck do you modify sounds?
« Reply #19 on: May 21, 2004, 09:11:45 am »
What aboutthe sound pack thread that is currently causing a stir elsewhere. Apparently they have sucessfully done what you are asking about?