Just don't put yourself in the position of being humiliated by an animal with 100 times less brain mass than you.
My sister recently purchased a house from a boarder patrol agent who rather disliked the holes a single gopher was putting in the back yard. This was a very industrious gopher...in fact if you need any holes dug, this is the gopher to call. But hidden within this gophers mind was all the evil known to mankind. At first the boarder patrol agent tried poison to kill the gopher, but to no avail---apparently poison isn't very appealing to smart gophers. Then he switched to hiding in the bushes with a cross bow to fire at the gopher. This resulted in him somehow shooting himself in the foot with a cross bow.
Unfased the agent, imitating our friend Elmer fudd, whipped out his single barrel 12ga shotgun and proceeded to blast solid slugs into the ground...we know he did this because his wife was more than willing to share the story to other people in order to punish her husband. Suffice to say when my sister moved in the back yard looked like a WWI battle zone, complete with shell holes, poison gas, and one very very pissed off but wounded boarder patrol agent.
Presented with the problem of gopher holes my sister thought the problem through for about 10 seconds, then brought her large male cat, named dofus, outside and several days later the gopher moved away.
So the moral of the story is...sometimes it takes more than one dofus to solve a problem.
Of course...the gopher could be plotting its revenge with an equally complex scheme that will result in its own tragic death a la wyle E Coyote.
Just remember that most Squirrels are too smart to eat from a pile of nuts placed under a dangling piano....and never EVER purchase any squirrel hunting products from the Acme corporation.