Topic: A touching and heartwarming story of how an entire forum came together....  (Read 2242 times)

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...and did some good in this world.

It's a long read, but well worth the time.  All about how an eBay scammer get's taken at his own game!

Read all about it  here!  


  • Guest
Absolutely Brilliant!!

I try not to buy anything expensive on eBay for this reason.  One day I saw a Nikon D100 camera and lenses for $1200.  A great price!  Buy you know what they say, "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is."

The sellers account was in North Carolina, and that he accepted PayPal.  But when the "seller" emailed me he gave me some BS story about how he ran a business in Romania selling goods seized by Romanian Customs.  And he wanted a wire transfer.

So it was SEE YA!  


  • Guest
GODS!!  I never laughed so hard in my life!!  My eye's were glued till I finished that PDF.
I will be putting this one on a disk and sharing at my Detachment!  They are going to have a fit of Laughs!
I seen fellow sailors getting scammed several times due to guys like this.
I'm so happy to see that somebody has gotten their just dues!!

A big BZ form this Sailor!!



  • Guest
Ah yes, the P-p-p-PowerBook.  I love that story, saw it on Slashdot the other day

That's what they get for messin' with Mac users


  • Guest
You know. I can very well see this place doing something like that.  


  • Guest
LOL, just read through the whole PDF file. hillarious. I know we have alot of people sending things here and there, But I lost a MB that I had sent and was never recieved Here in the states. I know It wasn't the recievers fault, But It does make us wonder.



  • Guest

...and did some good in this world.

It's a long read, but well worth the time.  All about how an eBay scammer get's taken at his own game!

Read all about it  here!  


  • Guest
Absolutely Brilliant!!

I try not to buy anything expensive on eBay for this reason.  One day I saw a Nikon D100 camera and lenses for $1200.  A great price!  Buy you know what they say, "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is."

The sellers account was in North Carolina, and that he accepted PayPal.  But when the "seller" emailed me he gave me some BS story about how he ran a business in Romania selling goods seized by Romanian Customs.  And he wanted a wire transfer.

So it was SEE YA!  


  • Guest
GODS!!  I never laughed so hard in my life!!  My eye's were glued till I finished that PDF.
I will be putting this one on a disk and sharing at my Detachment!  They are going to have a fit of Laughs!
I seen fellow sailors getting scammed several times due to guys like this.
I'm so happy to see that somebody has gotten their just dues!!

A big BZ form this Sailor!!



  • Guest
Ah yes, the P-p-p-PowerBook.  I love that story, saw it on Slashdot the other day

That's what they get for messin' with Mac users


  • Guest
You know. I can very well see this place doing something like that.  


  • Guest
LOL, just read through the whole PDF file. hillarious. I know we have alot of people sending things here and there, But I lost a MB that I had sent and was never recieved Here in the states. I know It wasn't the recievers fault, But It does make us wonder.



  • Guest

...and did some good in this world.

It's a long read, but well worth the time.  All about how an eBay scammer get's taken at his own game!

Read all about it  here!  


  • Guest
Absolutely Brilliant!!

I try not to buy anything expensive on eBay for this reason.  One day I saw a Nikon D100 camera and lenses for $1200.  A great price!  Buy you know what they say, "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is."

The sellers account was in North Carolina, and that he accepted PayPal.  But when the "seller" emailed me he gave me some BS story about how he ran a business in Romania selling goods seized by Romanian Customs.  And he wanted a wire transfer.

So it was SEE YA!  


  • Guest
GODS!!  I never laughed so hard in my life!!  My eye's were glued till I finished that PDF.
I will be putting this one on a disk and sharing at my Detachment!  They are going to have a fit of Laughs!
I seen fellow sailors getting scammed several times due to guys like this.
I'm so happy to see that somebody has gotten their just dues!!

A big BZ form this Sailor!!



  • Guest
Ah yes, the P-p-p-PowerBook.  I love that story, saw it on Slashdot the other day

That's what they get for messin' with Mac users


  • Guest
You know. I can very well see this place doing something like that.  


  • Guest
LOL, just read through the whole PDF file. hillarious. I know we have alot of people sending things here and there, But I lost a MB that I had sent and was never recieved Here in the states. I know It wasn't the recievers fault, But It does make us wonder.
